non offensive please

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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And I can happily say that I haven't been scammed!


10 years ago

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Never... That you know of. ...... O.o

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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You've used a Modern Family gif and now I'm way to happy about it xD

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10 years ago

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I had no idea :S

I don't watch TV :/

10 years ago

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But... It's Modern family... :(

10 years ago

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You're a nice person.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I don't care what people want to think about their god(s). Sorry, I can't help you.

10 years ago

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Just wondering... Was this an inspiration for making the thread?

However, the only question should be: "Are you forcing your religion towards other people?"
"no" – Ok, bye.
"yes" – Fuck you.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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This is not a good topic for discussion. It doesn't matter what you say, it'll only cause problems I'm afraid.

The first comment is a good example of striking the match.

10 years ago

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+1 no matter what it always happens. anywhere on the internet. I won't even bother going down the comments any further after looking a few farther down.

10 years ago

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First ask yourself what reasons you have before you ask someone about their religion. Then think about who that person is and how they might react.

If you still think you should ask that person questions about their religion, write down the questions that you think are reasonable.

10 years ago

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I concur with this. Why are you asking the person? To learn more about their beliefs and views? Or do you have ulterior motives, such as attempting to convert them to your own religion or dissuade them from religion altogether?

If you intend on proselytizing, then state as much at the forefront and save your interlocutor the time he or she might have otherwise wasted assuming you actually cared.

10 years ago

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+1 Agree with this.

10 years ago

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In line with what these folks are saying. Your motive important, the reaction of the person your asking important. For me the most important should be your reaction. Can you handle what they tell you? You don't have to agree or disagree. Can you just listen and accept what they say as their own truth?
If so then you are golden ask away.

10 years ago

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Prepare popcorn! Flame war starts in 3 ... 2 ... 1

10 years ago

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WAR is going to start in 10 seconds.

10 years ago

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Question to ask someone about their religion:

"What is your religion?"


10 years ago

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Are you happy?
if so, excellent. if not, why?

10 years ago

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What things aren't you allowed to eat, and how often do you eat them.

10 years ago

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You know there's no God rite?

10 years ago

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What about Gaben?!

10 years ago

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Have you heard the Good News? Lord Gaben gave his blood for us and created Steam. Today he is absent, but the hopeful still believe that one day HL3 will be confirmed and Lord Gaben will return to lead us all to the Promised Land.

10 years ago

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I get that, sometime in their life, nearly everybody has the need to believe in SOMETHING, be it a God or something else, but I think the best question I can think of for a religious person would probably, be, "So, how does it feel believing in something as blatantly fucking ridiculous as a God"?

But non-offensive? It depends on the religion

10 years ago

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Everyone has something they worship above and beyond anything else. For most people, it is obvious what their god is. For some, it is a part of themselves which they do not acknowledge (for whatever reason). Regardless, not everyone is able to talk about they believe without getting emotional about it.

10 years ago

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Nope. No need to worship anything if you just have trust in yourself. If you feel insecure or lack control of your life, you need something to help or guide you through life. Religion is a crutch for the weak.The only real rule one needs in life is to treat others like you would like them to treat you.

10 years ago

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Believe it or not, you just proved my point.

10 years ago

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Holy shit! That's my signature on torrent trackers, well, almost. Mine goes:

"Treat others how you would like to be treated yourself".....What are the odds of THAT??

10 years ago

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"M8, tell me your religion." It works

10 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago*

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"Why are you so afraid of your magic sky daddy?"

10 years ago

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-What do you believe in?
-What are your favourite parts of your religion?
-Has your religion changed your life?
-Were you born into your religion, or did you get into it further in life?
-What do you feel are the biggest points in you religion? (Most important parts)
-Are there certain things you need to do as part of your religion? And if so why?
-Does you religion come with a long history?
-Do you have a particular literature that your religion is based off of? (Quran, tora, bible, etc)

10 years ago

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At least someone (else) is objective and neutral in this thread. These are also good questions to ask, aside from my own.

10 years ago

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Exactly how idiotic do you have to be to believe that a cosmic Jewish zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree... ?

10 years ago

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Would be funny if it weren't so old. Attempt at humor failed xD

10 years ago

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The old ones are the best ones. Attempt at humour partly succeeded because if there weren't old jokes, then there'd be no new jokes around, either :P

10 years ago

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Attempt at logic failed. Not everything must come from something. +1 for Christians xD xD xD

10 years ago

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You're really trying to bring Creationism into this?

10 years ago

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Hahahha, I'm gonna go with the old and good one. It worked in primary school so why not on the webz...
You started it!

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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A husband and wife are in church. The preacher notices that the husband has fallen asleep and says to the wife, “Wake your husband up!” The wife answers, “You're the one who made him fall asleep, you wake him up!”

10 years ago

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Just imagine me as a happy dog for a sec xD

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10 years ago

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Probably best not to get into it at all, but if you must Trustnoone gave some very good examples.
The main thing is to be very delicate about the subject as people can be very sensitive about their beliefs, especially if they have recently gone through/are going through tough times.

10 years ago

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do you believe in god because it's written in the bible?
well, i believe in unicorns because there are books that say they are real.

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10 years ago

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I prefer bicorns.

10 years ago

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do you have any books?

10 years ago

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about religion?

10 years ago

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no, important stuff, like bicorns.

10 years ago

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why can't they be part of religion though?

10 years ago

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hmm ok, we could for a cult for 'corns.

10 years ago

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Except for unicorns. Let's make it strictly a polycorn cult.

10 years ago

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Is telling someone "they're wrong" to believe in something any worse than them telling you "you're wrong" for NOT believing in it? I don't want anyone preaching to me from either side. What's the difference between that and some zealot telling you you're going to hell? Why is one side okay but the other so bad? I'm not religious, but I also don't care whether someone is or not - I live in the free world, after all.

Aaaaaaand back on-topic:
Maybe the best question would be "does it piss you off that so many people won't just let you believe what you want to believe?"

10 years ago

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preach it my @#$$%!!

10 years ago

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"Have you heard the good news ?"

10 years ago

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Yes, many times.

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10 years ago

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Starting this discussion is like starting the fire

10 years ago

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Ain't that the truth lol.

10 years ago

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But it was always burning, since the worlds been turning.

10 years ago

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So much empitness in you people. Cheers :)

10 years ago

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I wouldn't ask someone about their religion, and if you are curious about in what other people believes he will eventually say it to you on their daily talking ;) ... just dont judge other people because religion plox ... is like judging someone because they are vegetarian ...

10 years ago

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thanks for not judging me fuchs. :-*

10 years ago

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But really what is the difference between a religious person and a vegetarian? I mean, one of those groups will happily tell everyone they meet about their crazy beliefs, that has no scientific basis whatsoever, try to convince you to join their cult; they'll try to get laws changed to suit their ideology, and attack anyone who dares question their pseudo-science that they try to force down your throat, because their friends, families or celebrities have indoctrinated them with their mystical mumbo-jumbo and belief in a higher power; all the while feeling superior and self-righteous because they happen to follow some arbitrary set of rituals. And the other group is religious.

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10 years ago*

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heh. that was actually kinda funny

10 years ago

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I wish the Greek mythology gods were real. :P

10 years ago

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They are.

10 years ago

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greedy, jealous, vengeful, and almost all of them (well, at least all male ones, afaik) are sex predators... Looks like a really good example of high moral ;P

10 years ago

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Only zeus made sex with his sister

10 years ago

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Considering that most greek gods were kids of Chronos... If not brother/sister than first cousins or even uncle/aunts and nephews - that still incestuous. And beside that - Aphrodite traded sexual favors with gods and men alike - and cursed women who she perceived to be more beautiful , Zeus fathered so many kids (including Aphrodite herself) that you could build an army of those, and even Hera according to some legends wasn't completely faithful to her husband.

10 years ago

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They are more "human", sort off
they make mistakes like we do while in other religions the gods are kind of alien to us

10 years ago

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Why???? They were cruel, petty and envious of humanity...for some reason. A bunch of vengeful pricks who got their kicks from using their powers to cause pain and suffering to lesser beings. I mean...Zeus - serial rapist and drowner of humanity, Poseidon - guess who helped Zeus with his little water apocalypse, Hera - tormentor of young maidens, Dionisos(not Bacchus) - made people drink themselves to death, Eris - started the Trojan war, Ares - god of war...enough said, Apollo - shining god of light that puts arrows though the chest of anyone that annoyed him or because someone could play a musical instrument better than him(oh right, let's not forget, he's the one that actually killed Greece's greatest hero, Achilles), Athena - turned a girl into a spider for weaving better than her, Artemis - same thing as her brother, but much more often. Even the more "benevolent" ones, like Aphrodite and her son, Eros(NOT Cupid), were a pair of twats that made the wrong people fall in love with magic, so they could witness their love stories become tragedies, in which almost everybody died. Hell, Demeter was willing to let the entire world starve according to one myth, just because Hades kidnapped her daughter and took her to the Underworld(BTW, nice way to romance a woman, right? Kidnap and then rape her, works every time, he probably took lessons from the Zeus school of picking up chicks). Hermes was possibly the worst one of all, playing pranks on humans, just for laughs, all the time, cause he was too afraid of doing it to his fellow gods(pranks that very often led to people dying).

There were probably just about 4 Gods in their entire fucking mythology that weren't total douche-bags: Prometheus, Heracles(NOT Hercules), Hephaystos and the lesser known Hestia(goddess of fire). So let me get this straight, you want THOSE GUYS to be real??? Did you even read the fucking myths, or did you get all your information from watching Hercules - The legendary Journeys and Xena - Warrior Princess and playing God of War? Although, to be fair, that game does portray them pretty accurately(easier for players to enjoy slaughtering them if they're total dicks). Except for Hercules, whom Kratos had no fucking reason to kill.

10 years ago

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Prometheus is Titan, not god. Heracles is son of god (Zeus), but still mortal, Hephaestus took revenge on his mother for dejecting him (though somewhat justified, so yes - he is more or less "good"). Which lives only Hestia - but even here there are some discrepancies as to her place on Olympus.

10 years ago

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  1. Prometheus - son of one of Chronos' brothers, Japhet, so a third generation god from Gaya's bloodline. Sometimes referred to as a titan, but not a true one, as the true titans, were just the 12 children of the third litter, born of Gaya and Uranus. And all the 6 male titans were imprisoned in Tartarus after the Olympians took power. Plus, titans are gods themselves(they''re just a special breed of gods), just like the cyclops, Typhon and the giants and those 100 arm monstrosities, whose name I can't actually spell in English(I think it's hecatonchyres or something like that). Also, Prometheus, like his brothers( ex Epimetheus) and cousins(ex: Methis, Helios, Selene) was granted amnesty and received on Olympus as one of the gods. That is, before his high treason of stealing fire and the ensuing punishment of being chained up to a mountain and having his liver eaten by Zeus' vulture(Zeus really was a monumental dick). So he counts.

  2. Heracles was granted immortality and became an Olympian himself(the God of Heroism) after his untimely death caused by the shirt that his wife Deianeira made with the poisonous blood of his arch-rival, the dead centaur, Nessus. So he counts too.

  3. Hephaestus(thanks for reminding me how his name is spelled) was only a dick to his bitch mother(Hera), his idiot brother(Ares) and his cheating whore wife(Aphrodite). And they all more than deserved it. So he counts too.

  4. Hestia isn't a douche just because there aren't any myths about her. If we were to take some other gods of which not many ballads have been sung, we could find some others which aren't dicks, on in this instance cunts. Like Selene, for example.

10 years ago

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Potato, potatoe... ;P
Ok, ok, semantics aside - you are right about those. But as for main 12 Olympians - I think we both agree that they are not what you would look up to for protection and guidance. And what else gods are needed for, hmm?

10 years ago

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Yup, no doubt about it, total douche-bags.

10 years ago

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Hail Eris!

10 years ago

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