Is it a good change?
remember steamgifters: winners dont use dru.. I mean autojoin scripts.
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If OP is right (and I doubt he is tbh), then I wonder on what criteria those bans are assigned - definitely they can't be based purely on the fact if user opened window with the giveaway or not, as you can send POST with giveaway to enter based purely on giveawayID. It's not mentioned that such activity is illegal. You can't use script that will do that for you, but you could as well send such request yourself with browser.
ArchiBoT uses that quite heavily for various testing purposes (although I got official blessing from cg so I'm not scared).
I've seen brand new SG autojoiner on some Russian board not that long ago, so...
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Yeah, it was even paid subscription-based crap that supports many different giveaway sites and automatically joins everything.
I can't even understand why somebody would pay for that, considering it's not worth it money-wise, but... I'll never understand humans.
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I think cg post (ss) explains it all - from what I've understood it is based on traffic it generates. So basically you're probably safe if there aren't too much wishlisted by you giveaways (if you are using wl only bot) until there's a popular bundle on HB :P
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I see, this is actually a fucked up shitty script, proper one would firstly get number of points, then join giveaways one-by-one as long as points allow, not blindly join over 300 giveaways in 7 seconds. This looks more like trying to abuse the exploit I reported to CG a few months ago, which was patched since long time.
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Are you insane?
Life long ban and their relatives too!
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"attempted to join"
It doesn't say it succesfully joined.
300 entries in 7 seconds works out at around 23ms per attempted entry. That's faster than the site responds on an average day, so the script may not see in time that it's user ran out of points already, and just makes more submissions that are doomed to fail.
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Site responds much faster if you're using optimized way of accessing it and not the way designed for humans.
18/05/2016 13:52:03 [*] INFO: ParseRecentGroupGiveaways() Parsing giveaways!
18/05/2016 13:52:15 [*] INFO: ParseRecentGroupGiveaways() Total giveaways: 239
18/05/2016 13:52:51 [*] INFO: ParseRecentGroupGiveaways() Done!
That's 239 giveaways parsed in 36 seconds - each giveaway consists of several requests - main page, groups page, winners page (if available), bundled page, entries pages, resolving of each group to steamID and resolving of each user to steamID. 4 + A + X + Y + Z + 1, where A is number of entries pages, X is equal to unique entries, Y equal to groups included, and Z number of winners. Can be even more if there are more winners pages than 1 etc. And that's per one giveaway.
That's worst case, and that would be over 2000 requests if I didn't know what I'm doing. But because I do know and I use cache aggressively to limit the traffic to SG as much as possible, above should be no more than ~500 requests - main pages, group pages (only if 2+ groups), bundled pages (only for unbundled games checked less than 30 minutes ago, and only for unique games from all parsed giveaways), winners (only on ended giveaways) and entries (average of 1 page as it's for my group only). This way ArchiBoT can parse over 10 giveaways per second.
I also use several other things such as asking for compressed content, HTTP/2 etc which makes it even faster.
So yeah, SG can respond fast if you know how to talk with it properly.
If those requests would not ask for data (GET) and instead would send data (POST) like giveaway entry requests, I bet ArchiBoT would be able to send one every 5-10ms, but I don't want to test that for obvious reasons.
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At the very least it's a good Incitement to do so! :-)
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Great, my initial comment disappeared :/
24 hours for 300 entries in 7 seconds is too lenient. Should be 7 days at least to make them think again about doing stuff like that.
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I think they probably arent banned for the use of autojoining add-ons, but are probably blocked from accessing the server because the system thought they were DDOS-ing (i.e high amounts of unwanted traffic with the thought of denying the service for others).
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No, unwanted traffic is traffic that doesn't make any sense and is made purely to cause load on the server, such as querying SG archive massive amount of times, causing heavy load and pressure on the server.
That guy was just just using shitty scripted behaviour of joining giveaways. That's abuse, not DoS.
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I mean the system might have thought it was DDOS (it isnt DDOS, but was thought to be an attempt at DDOS by the system), from the high amounts of traffic from a single source, and so blocked the source from sending requests.
But you might be right. (about the shitty scripting behaviour causing it.)
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300 SG point maximum. How to join 300 GA in 7 second?
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Screenshots are answers from discussion on Steam about being unexpectedly banned. Before you ask - yes there are people who were banned for auto-joining only wishlisted gibs.
EDIT 1: I'd like to request to not have any kind of sexual intercourse with other users especially with auto-joiners in this thread :P
EDIT 2: I know I'm posting it a little too late but please discuss with respect or I will close the thread. It wasn't meant to spread hate towards some users so don't do it, pretty please. And don't blacklist too many people :P There are some nice users who use auto-join too. And they even don't have a chance to discuss cos they are simply afraid of you. And hate and fear always cause the worst things that are happening to mankind. Think about it.
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