Why not find out?

A group of mixed Western and Eastern developers and artists who worked on those games (and many others) are now cooperating to make a JRPG strategy game hybrid, and it's on Kickstarter! Go check it out.

11 years ago*

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They are video games.

11 years ago

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This ^

11 years ago

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They have names

11 years ago

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They have many installments

11 years ago

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They have characters that have legs. Legs are important.

11 years ago

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Yes, everybody knows what's between them, more important!

11 years ago

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Legs aren't much good if you have arrows sticking out of the knees.

11 years ago

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They have people in them

11 years ago

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Three Dog!!!

11 years ago

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None of them hold any interest for me. That's what they have in common. Now, what do I win?

11 years ago

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A hug! A sour puss like you really needs one!

11 years ago

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Yay! Hugs! :D

And I'm not really a sour puss. I lost interest in the FF franchise after 6 and I've never really seen the appeal of the Elder Scrolls franchise. I played some of the earlier Halos, but I haven't been too interested in the more recent ones. I liked Diablo 2, but I haven't really wanted to play ARPG's at all since. I'm not interested in the Crysis franchise, and I've never even heard of that other one, I don't think. It's just an odd coincidence that this assortment of games was all franchises I fell out of love with or never became interested in.

*Edited for minor punctuation and phrasing changes

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Dude, it has Nobuo Uematsu as the composer. AS THE COMPOSER!.

In a world where PC needs more JRPG games, this is the correct fit for that.

11 years ago

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Great, now maybe you can put that reply where it belongs, since it's utterly irrelevant to my post.

11 years ago

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No, it isn't.

11 years ago

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Yes, it is. The fact I have no interest in any of the games listed in the OP has absolutely nothing to do with anything he said. I wouldn't expect you to be able to understand that, though, given the complete lack of simple reasoning and critical thinking skills I've seen you display everywhere else in the forum. Not having these things in your skillset makes it difficult to recognize where logical connections do and do not exist.

11 years ago

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They all have orchestral music?

11 years ago

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They're all part of a series of games

11 years ago

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They're all better than COD?

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 years ago

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They ignore grammar

11 years ago

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Talking seriously now, Valkyria is the only one 'less overrated', but even deserving most of its praise its still more overrated then it should.

All that backlog of the team means in practice:

1-They know how to work on big teams at high profile projects:
wich are quite different then the obstacles they will face as a small indie team. Some of the experience will help, there will be some less traps they may fall, some few traps they may fall because of that and some garanteed good art and presentation; By no means that garantees a good game. First and foremost on big AAA teams each person gets a too small part on the project, so having been one of the level, art or game designers(amongst many on those teams) don't deserve the bragging rights to weave around saying you know to design sucessfull highly sold games.

2- They know how to better market and appeal:
And thats all nice and good, im confident they will come with a flavourous product that will grow on the eyes of the greater part of the player base they're aiming at. THIS is the strongest thing on this team, as its needed more vision and overall tought to put together something with appeal and self substance then simply copy pasting trends, and thats more granted the the risky 'lets try and see if it works' kind of risks indies take.

But we can only pray and see, after all, many seasoned and experienced teams comes now and them(much more often then they should) with bland concepts when they try to appeal and loose earning a focus or 'soul' of their all.

One thing im not expecting from this project is inovation. They already start flying all around the 'jrpg' banner and this sort of thing is NEVER good. Seeing a project first of all trought a genre is a bad start already, when you start from a genre and keep that as a aim you're asking for something derivative. Worse still they barely say anything about the project; Being a jrpg 'AT KICKSTARTER!' seens enought for the fanbase and themselves... im sure they will deliver what they're promising wich is another jrpg. Right, good... another one, another one of the many that comes out every year.

Im not saying genre-games are bad, i love a bunch of those, but in game design theres this mastery curve(i prefer to call that then learning curve)- once your mind grasps all the ins and outs of a game and you feel youve seen everything the magic fads away. When games stay too close within the stapples of a genre you're already starting with a too familiar setup and there will be much less for our brains to crunch on or the game to live long on our memories.

With such a talented team they could get the jrpg as a start, but keeping that as a inspiration to build upon wich clearly is not the case. Even if it will please the already devoted fanbase(of this genre) i can't stop being disapointed at the waste of such talents and money; I mean, the same team with a different pitch would get backed and with a different more worthy perspective could bring something really interesting to wait for, not another derivative game you know?

11 years ago

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VC is overrated? I don't think so, in fact, it is underrated.

11 years ago

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Its less know then it should; Anyone who played or reviewed it know its value (if not overrating). Unknow=/=underrated, its only that many underrated works are underrated for being unknow, not this case.

I call overrated because as many other things, fans start being too atached and over-praise it, to the point ive found many overlooking anything wrong; I mean, its a great game but not 'best game ever!' as ive found people saying in so many places.

11 years ago

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Well, Skyrim is surely not overrated. Thanks to Bethesda, the community can work on the game and expand it... People will be able to play the game with new stuff forever... Diablo 3 was surely underrated. Crysis 3 wasn't. Halo 4... Haven't played it yet, but a friend of mines will buy it next month, so I will get the chance to play it soon.

11 years ago

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They are all well known games from successful franchises.

11 years ago

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They are all expensive? :D

11 years ago

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They all had better games earlier in the series? B)

11 years ago

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Looked at site and......

Nobuo Uematsu! AMG! If you gotta get someone for your lead music composer and you want JRPG, he's the GO TO GUY. Awesome that he's in on it. Such a legend!

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Yeah I really love Uematsus work - looking forward to the project.

11 years ago

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He's one of the reasons why I'm so excited for this game.

11 years ago

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a number and/or a y

11 years ago

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And here I thought the thing they had in common was that I don't own any of them. Bet the game they're working together to make will be cool though.

11 years ago

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Sounds like a good game. From the description, it sounds like a Final Fantasy Tactics style game(not sure if it's active time or turn-based). I don't mind that though, Final Fantasy Tactics is one of my favorite games.

11 years ago

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did kickstarter actually did anything useful until now, other than decreasing some peoples wallet size?
well, if it really has nobuo uematsu as the composer in it, that might change.

11 years ago

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A bunch of ok-to-good Kickstarter games have already been released: FTL, Chivalry, Expeditions Conquistador, Shadowrun etc. Even more of them already available as a playable alpha or beta.

None of the really big ones have come out yet though. Wasteland 2 will probably be the first of those to get finished.

11 years ago

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They all were funded by a company or publisher instead of Kickstarter who 1) takes a percentage of the total and 2) does not charge the givers until the amount has been met so the total is usually much lower as people might not have the money on the given account?

11 years ago

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They are all bad

11 years ago

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it was nice to meet you.

11 years ago

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Says the guy that named themselves after one of the most boring films I've ever seen.

11 years ago

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they all have leveling systems based on experience?

11 years ago

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looks dope, their goal was pretty low, unlike some other kickstarters.
id be in for a good jrpg!

11 years ago

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They answered that question in their "Isn’t $100,000 too low to be making a title of this caliber?" section.

11 years ago

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They all got great MC with some weird issues, all have great music style, and of course they do get atention by the design and history of the game.

11 years ago

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sounds interesting, sadly my wallet is a little light, so I don't know if I will pledge more than $1(I want to spend $35, since JRPG's are generally my favorites)

11 years ago

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A woman that doesn't know english writes the storyline? Really?

11 years ago

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Since when does English have anything to do with a good storyline?

11 years ago

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If they don't write the thories in Englith then how are we going thoo underthand them? Duh. So thoopid. Like I'm going thoo go out of my way to learn Thapanese thoo play a cool game. TThhhhhhh..... :|

11 years ago

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The game will be released in Japanese and English. There's such a thing as translation, you know?

Or do you think only English people can write good stories?

11 years ago

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you can find porn about all those? well, it is something in common..

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Nayenezgani.