They will be more focused on the PC version after they release I reckon
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Nope. THey've been developing on a PC in the first place. It's just their console milking strategy.
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so... is not a console -> pc porting ? but viceversa ?
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Well i'm a developer but my english is broken, so let me try to explain what i mean:
For e.g.
Pc game are written in java and ps4 game are in C
I wonder if GtaV is been written in java and than converted to C or viceversa :O
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But the thing is: they can! Now at least (with nextgen x86 consoles).
Look at the news - there were few cases on last e3/gdc there it turned out that the console-exclusive game was in fact running on high-end PC (games crashed/tabbed to win7 desktop).
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Yep. One example was Ryse: Son of Rome and look what happened - It's now on Steam!
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If the PC port is terrible after this, I'm not even going to bother with R* any more.
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I think it will depend on the price. It can be low and sell good, but I doubt that. They probably will ask their historic bakers (PC gamers !) 50$ or 60$ for a port of a game released one year and an half ago on consoles, not sure that people will massively go for it...
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Kitty!!! Theres a kitty cat right there oh my gosh :D !!! i sooo baddly want a cat pet if i ever play GTA V!!! i love cats! Great many new features! Dissapointed about the realy late release and no increase with pedestrians on street... happy as fuck about the increased multiplayer player count though! Super!
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You are going to set the cat on fire, don't lie lol
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In GTA V of course lol,
I played it on PS3 and I used to bring the dog companion to a highway and played fetch with him, It is Very Entertaining!
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I know in GTA V, that was what i was refering to, where else??? Oh.. you did? Well... i wont deny it, can be fun to have some sort of animal violence maybe.. mess around like you did... but ive seen cows being run over and that duisgusted me... horrible sadists play this game..
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You said you have pet cats so I assumed you were referring to real life, well of course this game will be played by sadists, you murder people lol
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I don't understand why people are surprised that PC comes last. It's the gaming system with the higher rates of piracy so the company wants to recoup as much money as possible before releasing it on riskier systems.
I know that's not the fault of many people here, but as PC gamers, we've gotten through harder times than a 1 year wait.
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I'm not sure about that, but without proof, I'll accept it ass an argument. Piracy may soar for the PC version because of the late release, but if they were released simultaneously, I'm willing to bet that a good portion (and not just a few percent) of those purchases on console would have been lost to the ease of PC piracy for the many that game on both systems.
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Unlikely, not that many console owners have a PC capable of running GTA V. And the one's that do have both most likely have enough money to buy it and not resort to piracy.
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And you're further compounding the issue if you pirate it.
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Pretty sure, sad really, and this has happened with many games, a bit from Ubisoft also, I remember pirates playing Far Cry 3 perfectly fine while buyers had to wait days...for the servers to react correctly. Some even lost saves...
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Not really, if anything its showing that releasing a game way late on PC comes at a high cost.
Most people I know get mad at this kinda stuff and pirate on purpose, where as if it launched on time they would have bought it, and no I don't have proof, this is based on what I noticed with people I know both IRL and online.
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If I didn't promise my friend years ago that I would play with him when it came to PC there is no way in hell I would buy it after this shameful display they've been putting on.
And yeah I bet they're going to act shocked and try to say that pirates ruined everything and the loss of sales had nothing to due with their marketing tactics.
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Im sure that all of the used game sales on consoles are really helping the devs make money too. /s
A lot of game publishers that release their game for consoles, often release on console first because they are paid too. You have some that claim its due to piracy, but often its due to cost to remake/port their game to PC, which is no longer a valid option, or as an excuse for their shitty game's sales figures. "We didnt sell a copy to every male gamer this year, clearly they are all pirating it instead."
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Maybe if they did the following:
1) Have the balls to release goddamn demos so that the only option to preview or try before you waste money is to pirate.
2) Not have shitty bloated DRM that pirated copies of games actually work better than non pirated copies of games! (I am looking at you EA and Ubisoft!).
Don't talk claptrap, piracy increases when companies start taking the piss out of consumers. Itunes success can be attributed to music piracy, due to consumers not wanting to be taken for mugs.
Bottom line is they either release the product at a price people are willing to pay or don't get money at all.
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A random site made that up to get click-bait money.
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It's all about money, not that they hate PC.
There are people willing to buy it for both consoles to get it earler and later (not preorder) for PC, for mods etc. That's why they do it.
They even give you extras if you get both console & PC-version or old gen + new gen console versions.
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Ohh you hear that sweet sound? The desperate cries of the console fags
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Its his problem if he gets offended. But just check every web and every forum where they talk about GTA V being on console and not on PC and every idiot making fun of that. Guess the tables have turned, your shitty console version will stop receiving support because that poor old useless hardware can't get the new updates.
Now Rockstar will put their best effort into making the best out of One and PS4 (still outdated crap), and more importantly on PC.
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I don't like consoles, never owned one. And I think world would be 10 times a better place without 'em, because everybody would try to get most out of PCs, and competition would be huge. But well.. consoles are here. And calling someone fag just because he owns console is retarded, unless of course he's one of those retards who's claiming consoles are better than PCs.
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I didn't say that console users are fags. But it's a statement that MOST of them really are, because they are butthurt kids.
Just check the forums and webs, it's not that hard to understand.
And yea, I hate consoles, I will never waste my money on one unless I get it at an extreme sale price.
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Will be released about as far between Steam sales as possible. So get ready to wait 6 months if you want so much as a 10% discount on it.
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Huh? Why compare it to that? Its old, Max Payne 3 was one of the best ports I ever played, thats more recent from them...
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