Notice: From now on, making multiple join request posts will (temporarily) cause your request to be denied, as they slow down my ability to process requests and can lead to errors in processing.
If you can access my giveaways (and thus aren't blacklisted) and I've left a response to the requests following yours, but skipped yours, then you may freely make a new join request.
Otherwise, please be patient, I'll get to requests as soon as I'm capable of doing so!

Positive Thoughts

This group is really just a way for me to avoid having to toss keys out into the general public (which constantly disappoints me) or having to make elaborate private giveaways [which I'm totally still going to do anyway, though :P].

As such, the only time you'll receive announcements is when a giveaway is posted;
There'll be no other obligations or spam or anything of the sort, other than members of the group needing to adhere to basic respectfulness toward others.

Requirements to join are as follows

  • Contribution level 4+ and at least a 1:1 sent-won ratio.
    Contribution level 2+ and at least a 2:1 sent-won ratio.

  • No history of regifting

  • No SteamRep issues

  • Respectful attitude

  • You must be known for dancing on rainbows
    Don't know how to start? See here! and here!


Free time is always hard to come by- I'll get to your applications in the order they're posted: Stay patient! :)

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8 years ago*

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Rain on bows makes me dancing!
Can I join? :)

8 years ago

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Have been busy for a few days, left my laptop in mom's place so can't do much as I don't have access to gmail in my current location without VPN.

Login today, found out that I was kicked, didn't know what happened. Last day I made GA to this group was 2 days ago. I know I have won some GA in the last two days but I didn't have time to activate, make more GA etc. Was going to make a few GA today when I have access to my laptop today but too late now. Such a pity.

Also, in your post in the positive mind group: You accusation to me 'they knew they were going to get booted, and rather than fix it, they tried to get as much out of it as possible before they got booted' is completely wrong, please make more communication before you draw your conclusion. For me gifting and winning is all about fun, making it such a drama is too overwhelmed for me.

Good luck everyone in PT, thanks for all the time and gifts these days and hope you have a nice holiday.

8 years ago

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I think it was more about Positive Winter Thoughts where it was stated that it is holiday event and due to this we're having soft rule "no more than 3 wins, let's give more people chance to win something". And you have won far more than 3 times and keep entering into new GAs.

8 years ago

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I don't think it's about the 'no more than 3 wins rule' (even a rule I have never heard about) because I got kicked from both non-event group and event group. I suppose the main reason is 'I won too much' because of the RNG and people starting to think I cheat.
For the ratio I checked a few days ago it was still fine. Didn't keep an eye on it and it was my mistake. I just don't like the fact that if so many people notice it (which I didn't because I was too occupied) why not just give me a msg and I will simply fix it.

8 years ago

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You were messaged, and you told me 'thanks for letting me know' -.-
Your ratio hasn't been fine for quite some time.
And, as noted several times in the group, the ratio is a hard line, and you're not supposed to reach it in the first place. Abusing generosity and leniency in that regard, only worsens your character, not validates your perspective.

8 years ago*

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What kotor said. Also, winning games from the group while on suspension is strictly against rules. Either wait to activate while fixing your ratio, or ask for a reroll. Anything else is disrespectful.
Moreover, the 3-day ejection warning is a *courtesy. According to rules, you should have been booted from both groups as soon as you went over. I extend the courtesy out of trust and respect, and you betrayed that.
Your motivations and circumstances are entirely irrelevant- we have no means to reliably determine what those are, and so we can only base conclusions on visible behavior.
And, 'log in and make a few more today'? How would that be possible, when you were given a 3-day ejection warning on the 23rd? I told you I'd boot you start of the 26th if your ratio didn't improve, that you went through to the 28th hoarding wins is extremely disreputable. You're still 15 games over ratio, don't even pretend you had any inclination of fixing that.
From abusing trust, to not taking any sort of responsibility for your own actions, to making absurd claims trying to validate those actions, to bot use, to..
You're definitely not the kind of person we want in PosTho, and that's true even if everything you claimed was accurate.

Nevertheless, best wishes to you during the holidays.
Please reflect on your actions and grow as a person this upcoming year- as we all hopefully will.

8 years ago

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Nah, I am not here for argument, especially not worth it for anything related to a gifting website, not even mention if your accusation is wrong either in terms of morality or manners (not to mentioned if you have proof or not), it's not what an educated person would do. More importantly, I don't have time to do this.

Whatever what this drama is, I just wanna state, straight after you messaged me I created some GAs (and of course I thought I fixed the ratio). Note that you don't have to make the paragraph above in spoiler. It doesn't make you look a much better being but a hypocrite -- A positive mind group where its supposed to deliver positive mind, to gift each other (in a friendly atmosphere) while the admin likes to backstab, is completely against the original purpose, and thus not a group deserved to stay. And of course, I have already admitted it's my mistake for not checking the ratio often enough, though this can't seem to stop you from being a PHD in moral education.

Lastly, just a little tips. It's not uncommon to see people online now say whatever they like, probably because they don't have to be responsible for what they said. But I believe everything comes at a cost and even if not, mood-control is still something we should all learn.

But anyway, that's not my point, I simply reply to appreciate people in the group who has talked to me and gifted me, and again, reporting your wrong accusation.

8 years ago*

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positive thinking is important but i don't have a 1:1 sent-won ratio yet :E keep up with the positivity anyway :)

8 years ago

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Yet! :D
Poke us when you get there :)

8 years ago

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I believe that I come. I will be happy for the invitation.

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8 years ago*

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Positive thinking is indeed more than necessary for this life. It helps tremendously and affects all around us including ourselves. :)

I'd be happy to join such a group, if acceptable. I seem to fulfill the minimal conditions, and as for dancing I do love disco (oldschool I know) and a bit less but still much, latin dancing. Too shy to dance in front of total strangers though, quite mood dependent. :P:P

8 years ago

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May I join ? or not? I'm lvl 3 now with much more than 2:1 sent-won ratio fyi. :)

8 years ago

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And just made it to lvl 4. (quite fast hehe). With good enough ratio. xD Let me know if still recruiting. :)

8 years ago

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Oh, this is the famous Positive Thinking Group. Can I join? level 7, CV Ratio over 2(maybe), clean history.
Happy New Year!

8 years ago

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Can i?

8 years ago

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Consider this my application.

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8 years ago

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Do you like me? Can i join your group? Pretty please :D

8 years ago

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Can I join? Lvl 8, Ratio is over 2 and I do have a clean history..

8 years ago

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those rainbows are elusive I try to get on top every time I see one, haven't had the chance to dance on one yet :)

8 years ago

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Last time I tried dancing on rainbows it didn't go so well. But I'll try again, I swear!
Can I join?

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8 years ago

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I want to rejoin :)
Make me faboulous :)

8 years ago

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I'd like to join. I have a 5:1 ratio and about to become level 4.

8 years ago

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I would like to join!

8 years ago

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May I join?

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8 years ago

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I fell off the last rainbow I danced on, will you invite me so I have the courage to dance again?

8 years ago

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Can i join?

8 years ago

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I want to join to group
I have many games for GA :) and wand to sending it for close group members

8 years ago

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Could I have an invite please? Not too many rainbows here, but we do have plenty of unicorn poo.......... Would dancing around that count?

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8 years ago

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I'd like to join, my profile is clean and I can dance or at least do something that resembles dancing xd

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8 years ago

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i wanna join i have all the requiments and i dance pretty goood!

8 years ago

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can i have chance?

8 years ago

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Rainbows Rainbows everywhereeee!!! :D

8 years ago

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Hey I'm looking to join private groups and I believe I meet your requirements :) Let me know if there's any issues.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Sooth.