+1, has trading cards, and only 2 gleam tasks? I'll be damned

10 months ago

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Nice intention, thanks, but Gleam links are forbidden here. Beware.

"Third party giveaways that require or reward users for performing profitable actions. For example, linking to a giveaway on another service that requires or incentivizes users to click a referral link, like a Facebook page, follow a Twitter account, join a Steam group, complete a survey, sign-up for a newsletter, or make a donation."

10 months ago

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some random person is getting an email

10 months ago

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10 months ago

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Not free on steam.

10 months ago

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you need to fill out two of the things listed on the gleam link

10 months ago

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I know, but the title says it's free on steam, which is not true.

10 months ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

10 months ago

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From the gleam page:

"After getting your key, you can redeem it on Steam."

I've only ever seen [PLATFORM] used to signify the platform association of a freebie, not the specific retail location (eg, Steam client). In support of that, searching through the forums yields a robust range of platform association tags, including [Origin], [Uplay], [GOG], and [Non Steam], with every single one of the [Steam] threads that pulled up that I saw (and which weren't inherently spam/miscategorized threads to begin with) using the designation to refer to the platform, not the client.

The closest I could find to a confusing overlap was event threads for Steam sales, such as the recent "[Steam] "FPS Fest" FREE avatar, sticker and avatar frame" thread or the "[Steam] Daily stickers" thread from last month; Either one works just fine in the context of specifying steam content, without neccessitating a client association, even though one happens to exist for them.

Since the key is listed as being for Steam on the giveaway page, and there's no precedence- or at least, no non-obscure precedence- for any other usage, there doesn't seem to be any issue with the OP's presentation.

10 months ago

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where are those giveaways coming from?

That's a correct viewpoint. [ ] is standard tag designation, and in standard formatting each tag should be individual (there's even a few [steam store] tags you can pull up in search, though most people include it in the following title text instead, since it's largely considered not important enough to warrant a specific tag).

That said, it's extremely rare a gleam giveaway isn't against site rules (this one is also against site rules), so you'd be hard pressed to find a consistent usage of that tag. :P Likewise, tags are always, without exception, on any site, additive, not compounding. That is to say, not including [gleam] simply means omitting information, it doesn't change the meaning of the [Steam] tag in any way.

Further, given the laidback nature of the forums, there's not really any pressure to put in ANY tags, nevermind a complete list of tags. Instead, the generally agreed upon element of concern is the misuse of tags (and with that in mind, it could be understandable that people don't want to risk overdoing uncertain tags). As such, it's hard to say the omission of [gleam] is any kind of issue in itself, even if, strictly speaking, it doesn't fit to proper formal structure.

In that sense, it's like any giphy image or coub video or similar- theoretically noone's going to fuss if someone didn't include a specific tag, and those are sites where tags are far more relevant to finding what you're looking for. Simply put, it's hard to expect users to commit to that kind of consistency, when they're working unpaid and often with very little time.

Moreover, you'll notice that Shakti omits the [Steam] tag for her bundles, simply because it's unnecessary visual clutter that doesn't offer any real benefit to her threads, and that's a pretty high-level resistence to the idea of tags being a necessity.

Basically, this thread isn't misleading because it suggest the content might be on Steam store, but it could be considered misleading because it suggests the content will be easily accessible, when it requires both a specific account (usually you'd include stuff like that in a dedicated thread- eg, a Lootboy dedciated thread or Amazon Prime Gaming dedicated thread; In the case of Gleam giveaways, they've sort of become associated with the where are those giveaways coming from? thread, given that thread's effective partial exception to the adlinking rule) and special task completion (which, again, is against site rules. Technically, there's two newsletter tasks here, and precedence is that newsletters don't count, but the rule applies to any link that "encourages" publicity or monetization tasks, so even just having a single "wishlist this game" or similar task is enough to negate the validity of a link, even if it's not actually necessary for claiming the free game in question).

10 months ago*

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well the steam version is free, nobody told the stem shop version is free.

10 months ago

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Very easy, thanks. 👍🏼

10 months ago*

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Worked, thanks.

10 months ago

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ty <3

10 months ago

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10 months ago

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10 months ago

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10 months ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

10 months ago

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DXE9L-VDPBG-4LMKR for someone who don't want to use gleam ;)

10 months ago

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thank you ^^

10 months ago

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10 months ago

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You can use the "Wishlist on Steam" and "Join Reddit group" options and get a key, without giving access to any of your account details.
After that you can simply remove the join and wishlist additions. I didn't even need to wishlist.

You get some extra inventory items if you add this FORCED license.
You can add it by temporarily removing your previous license on steam, then adding the new one and then add back the previously removed license. Yes you can have multiple licenses for the same game.

10 months ago

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10 months ago

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As noted above, gleam links aren’t allowed. Please close this thread. Thanks.

10 months ago

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Closed 10 months ago by Cjcomplex.