im experiencing a weird problem when i try write a game review. after all is set and im about to publish it, a red text comes out saying i need to own the game in order to write a review, but i do have that game. i tried with other games and the same message shows up. tried to close and reopen steam but its the same.

what is going on?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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As of today, the recent and overall review scores we show at the top of a product page will no longer include reviews written by customers that activated the game through a Steam product key.
Customers that received the game from a source outside of Steam (e.g. via a giveaway site, purchased from another digital or retail store, or received for testing purposes from the developer) will still be able to write a review of the game on Steam to share their experience. These reviews will still be visible on the store page, but they will no longer contribute to the score.

8 years ago

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damn, had no idea :/

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago*

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They will, they will just not count in the statistics.

Edit: Scratch that, Valve fucked it up and people who added a game with keys apparently really can't write reviews.

8 years ago*

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Valve fucked it up

Well, of course.

8 years ago

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Yeah, that was given, but we thought they fucked it up at the principle, not at the implementation as well. Usually it is one or the other.

8 years ago

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Usually it is one or the other.

Valve likes encouraging high expectations out of us. A pity about the specifics.

8 years ago

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It shows they're getting better at half-assing half-assed things.
Because when you go ahead with a bad idea anyway, why bother checking that it actually works the way you think it should ?

8 years ago

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This sounds a lot like how a few software developer companies work… =)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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the uPlay client is alright by now, since the last big overhaul

8 years ago*

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Oh, wow. Okay, so, I checked-

  1. I can't write reviews on any games I got through keys (Getting the error "You must own this product to review it.")
  2. I can't write reviews on any games I got through Steam (Getting the error "Developers are not allowed to write reviews for their own products.")

I can still edit reviews for both formats, but that's it, I'm locked out of making new reviews under any circumstances. :P
(Looking at comments below, I guess I'm not alone in having a full lock-out. :X)

8 years ago

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Hmm, I just checked it on both types and got the "You must own this product to review it." message for both.
Interestingly enough, there are 16 reviews for the recently released RIVE, 2 for store purchase and 14 keys - so between then and now, yeah, Valve fucked it up. lol

8 years ago

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"Developers are not allowed to write reviews for their own products."

Sou you are a dev, busted! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

8 years ago

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I tried writing review for a game I bought through steam and I got the same error message. It seems to me that writing reviews is broken in general at the moment.

8 years ago

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pinches nose
Sometimes I really question myself why didn't I migrate to GOG…
sigh Okay, so we wait for Valve to fix their own garbage code. Again.

But hey, today I got a REALLY nice gift form someone on Steam, so even this can't put a dent to my good mood. =) (Hopefully.)

8 years ago

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Sometimes I really question myself why didn't I migrate to GOG…

Being able to trade and better yet sell your cards and what not is why I'm on steam. As someone who doesn't have credit card, paypal or well money in general being able to get good games that get bundled for cards is really great.

However even if I did have money I wouldn't buy games on GOG. Valve has an issue of allowing pretty much anything to get on steam, there's no quality control but GOG on the other hand has an issue of being too picky.

There are so many good little indie games that got rejected by GOG simply because they're not very popular. Siralim for example got rejected because it's "too niche". It seems to me that GOG only cares about games they know they can sell lots of copies of and points a middle finger at everything else. Not the kinda of guys I would want to support.

Anyway on steam you can just ignore the trash you're not interested in and still have access to those little gems that GOG doesn't allow on their store. On the other hand on GOG there's no trash games but you can't get lots of good ones either.

8 years ago

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GOG on the other hand has an issue of being too picky.

GOG is like Valve 5 years ago.

got rejected because it's "too niche"

Valve used exactly that reasoning too back then.

GOG is also mostly missing new big titles that don't 'risk' being DRM-free. And no (outside) bundles.

8 years ago

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a REALLY nice gift

ohh, what is it? ^^

8 years ago

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Resident Evil 1 and 0 HD remakes. =)

8 years ago

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Which game are we talking about?

8 years ago

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its galaxy on fire 2 hd, won it here. but i have the same problem even with other games all activated with keys

8 years ago

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Then yes, Valve fucked it up.

8 years ago

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then no more game review on steam for me. sucks to be a poor pleb :u

8 years ago

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We'll see. This is not what they said yesterday, this seems more like an unintended fuckup.
But if it is the case, then it is not just you who pretty much has to end their review operation on Steam.

8 years ago

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hope so

8 years ago

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Did a quick test with a random game I activated via key, same result. Should be fixed soon I guess, as that never was part of Steam's plan.

8 years ago

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I think you can leave a review for a game that you got as a key, but you must have played it previously. That's what I noticed in my account, at least.

8 years ago

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nah, got 30 hours of playtime with that game

8 years ago

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Maybe it's a matter of activating it before the change?

8 years ago

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Hmm, maybe that? I'm not sure. :P

8 years ago

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No, it ain't. I just tried to make review of game I got from months, playtime like 44 hours - didn't work at all.

8 years ago

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People are having trouble reviewing steam bought games as well; so, yeah, it's all broken...

8 years ago

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Hail Gaben or something...

8 years ago

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I just tried posting a test review for a couple of games I activated via key and I got the same message. I then tried writing a test review for a game I bought on steam and I got the same message. It seems that writing reviews is broken in general now, regardless of how you obtained the game you wanted to write a review about.

8 years ago

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so... steam screws up review system, developers revoke keys, upset revoked party members do not get to post review about the shadyness of dev... WTG VALVE =(

8 years ago

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Sounds like a normal day of using Steam.

Besides, Valve has made it pretty damn clear they not only don't care about shady devs, but that they seem to be outright encouraging them. For the very, very small number of games that have been removed, Valve has explicitly allowed known crapware developers like Digital Homocide to remain on Steam [DH, is, by the way, still continuing to operate their products on Steam under aliases..].

8 years ago

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even when they fix review posting it looks like they disabled reviewing for games that are no longer owned (regardless of time spent in game). so more and more games could be getting revoked soon i fear.

8 years ago

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I'm not sure I follow the logic between those two points. :X

8 years ago

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neither do i. but developers+logic=nonexistant

8 years ago

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under aliases

can you name some?

8 years ago

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I know just a few days ago they were still listing games under misleading presentations of their individual personal names- which may mean they've been prohibited from continued outright obsfucation, so they've been forced to utilize variations of names they actually have a right to.

My memory isn't good enough to say what those names are, however. In any case, it's clear they're still actively trying to scam people, regardless of their 'right' to the mechanism involved.

8 years ago

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I really hope they will fix this somehow...

8 years ago

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Valve has royally fucked this up. Divinity: Original Sin 2 releases tomorrow and if nothing changes no backers will be able to post reviews. Great job by Steam pissing off legit devs like Larian Studios or inXile while barely doing anything about the actual problem.
How about banning those few devs that abused the review system and finally adding some quality control to Greenlight? But that obviously would cost Valve some money and this shitty solution was probably done by some intern.

8 years ago

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Yeah this is how it should be from the start.

8 years ago

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Why do you need to have reviews anyway.. It's all in the game's description! Problem solved.

8 years ago

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Because devs would never bend the truth or outright lie in game descriptions....

8 years ago

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That's preposterous, it never happened, never..evah.. stop the lies..
ok..maybe once!

8 years ago

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It's quite shocking to see that the vast, vast majority of games are bought on Steam itself, not keys. They must be making mad dosh :/
Not counting some fringe cases where it's 100 Russian key positives and 2 negatives from Steam.

8 years ago

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As I have surmised in another thread, I suspect that reviews that were posted before November 2015 would count as store purchases, even if they were written using keys. Which means that for pretty much a lot of the games there are more reviews flagged as store purchases than there actually should be.

8 years ago

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vast, vast majority of games are bought on Steam itself

don't confuse writing reviews/playing with owning/buying. Most "key people" buy bundles and have huge lib sizes, don't get to play many.
While those who buy directly at higher prices are way more likely to play & review that specific game.

8 years ago

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Just out of curiosity, do you guys back up your reviews after posting them? And if not, do you think now would be a good time to do it?... Just in case. You never know how much they might mess this up.

8 years ago

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Game developers can not reviewing their own products. I have something like this on free game on steam store.

8 years ago

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Slowly, but surely, Valve is digging its own grave.

8 years ago

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