Are you getting annoyed with all the Pokemon Go hype?
I played it on and off for about a week, but now I'm seriously over it >_>
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I played it a little over the period of 2 days. I'll admit I did kinda think it was neat at first, but then I quickly realized how shallow of a game it is. Really repetitive and lacks depth.
Massively Overrated.
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It's a really trendy mobile game that I think is shit.
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Walking around with a GPS thing on your phone and catching Virtual Japanese monsters called Pokemon. It's all the rage these days.
I am surprised you haven't heard about Pokemon at least. It's been pretty popular since the 90's.
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Nope never heard of pokemon. So you catch monsters with your phone. Sounds kind of boring.
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Hype is almost always trash. But I would have played it either way.
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i never liked pokemon.they never die(lame) and the tv series where almost the same thing every episode,going for a walk>team rocket apears>team rocket tries to catch pikachu with some stupid trap>team rocket loses and pikachu thows them to the sky with a bolt of lightning>repeat.
as for pokemon go i'm waiting until some stupid moron gets seriously injured or causing some accident by paying attention only to his/her phone and then we'll see how fun it really is.
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Well it is targeted towards children which is probably why no one dies in the Pokemon world. I did love it as a little kid in the 90's and up until my teen years but I did end up getting burned out with it.
I'm sure that's already happened a lot. I live in a smaller town and I have already seen folks on my Facebook complaining about kids running into the street.
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Well, I think it's pretty good by what I've been reading thou.. Alot of my friends been playing it for a while. But I didn't try it personally. This kinda game waste so much battery life and I can't take that. I used to play Ingress and it's fun enough for me, it's good to walk around your neighborhood for once and awhile rather than just sit there in your house having your ME TIME. Also I'm kinda Digimon guy rather than Pokemon. So.. yeah. It's still a good game I guessed.
For God sake, it's also a Finding Dead Body Simulator.. Just count how many dead bodies did Pokemon Go players while playing. LOL
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After looking at the 180+ comments already on this thread I'm assuming I'm late to the party but I would MOST DEFINITELY agree. This Pokémon Go app has been annoying since day one. I love Pokémon as much as someone who has played Pokémon since Yellow but this app just isn't the same. I spent an hour on it when it came out and was absolute garbage in my opinion.
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Pokemon Apocalypse has begins.
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I have it on my phone but don't "play" it often, I did last week when I was on holidays with friends...caught Pokemon when we drove around but now I don't...I'd rather go out and train my body, not some Pokemon :P
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My friends are all over this, we drove around all night catching pokemon. I'm going to stay at home the next few weeks till this gimmick ends.
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it is actually good to steal the mobile phone from suckers
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I prefer to be reminded of the spectacle of late advanced capitalism in its twilight hours as little as possible. This Pokémon Go is just the latest manifestation of it, and a dismal one at that. It's nothing more than a rehashed nostalgia trip for old fans paired with an "innovative" means of introducing people to the franchise. It's devoid of originality or productivity, as it expected at this stage of socioeconomic development. It's simply yet another distraction to help people like you and me escape material reality for a moment and stop thinking about the scary fact that capitalism is dying and it's taking our entire planet with it.
It'll entertain those who enjoy partaking in such frivolous endeavors. For the rest of us, we'll have to find other ways of coping.
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I'm not sick of the game, but I am sick of some people that play it. They don't look what they're doing, causing accidents, there have even been deaths because of it (I think at least). My friends that play it are pretty quite about it, so I don't mind, but the people that are now constantly in their phones (which already happened way too often before) are super annoying. Luckily I live in a lightly populated area, so I don't have to deal with it that much, but it's still annoying.
I see a lot of people say it gets people outside and social, but I don't see anything good about it. People only stare at their phones even more. I rarely see them talking and when someone says something to them, they only get annoyed because they're distracted from the game.
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It really depends on where you live. If I didn't live in a city with such a dense map and active community, I likely wouldn't be as enthused about the game.
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I can't play the game because I have no mobile internet. I played ALL pokémon games and I think its an interesting change from the repeated game model. Some people may hate it - for whatever reasons - but that's okay. They don't have to play it. However I am annoyed of people who are talking non stop about this game they hate! Let everyone play what they want, why do you have to make such a fuss about it? For me, CoD is a boring and stupid game BUT I don't mind millions of people playing it.
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I actually enjoy it. Then again, I'm not addicted, can go days without playing, and I don't do stupid shit like walk into traffic or trespass.
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It's all everyone is talking about these days. It's starting to get annoying. Personally, I think Pokemon is kinda lame... I did like it a lot when I was younger. I got tired of it though.
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