Steam's official mobile app's been busted for me for a bit now- Steam Guard's still working on it, but market authentication isn't. (Valve Quality™)

Steam Desktop Authenticator is listing as unsupported/no longer updating as of 2024, but all the other services appear to have gone under a decade or so ago. Is SDA still a working/the best option for PC authentication? Or is there a safe, more recent fork to consider? Or some other alternative? An alternative other than kidnapping Gaben and forcing him to make Valve complete a single Steam feature to fully working/full QoL condition or complete a single game series or even just complete hiring a basic support team, I mean. Though, here's a little something fun related to that topic.

1 month ago

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What's the best option to go with?

View Results
Steam Desktop Authenticator
Other authenticator, that'll be mentioned in a comment (Older ones like SteamAuth, WinAuth)
Other authenticator, that'll be mentioned in a comment (Something newer)
Being patient until the market at some point inevitably lets the items get posted anyway
Using a bot-run card selling service instead
Pelting Gaben with potatoes. And possibly also with combustible lemons.

WinAuth's function for confirming trades/market listing has stopped working. I'm using ASF (Archi's Steam Farm). I'm not sure about the best option, but this seems to work.

1 month ago

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Oh, I forgot ASF had that function. Looks like it's still being updated, as well.
Would be the only release file I'd need to download, then?
And any advice on the initial configuration process for me to keep in mind?

1 month ago

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You will also need to install one of the .NET frameworks and Visual C++ Redistributable (see third link below).

As for advice on initial config process, Archi made a Wiki on the GitHub that explains everything.

1 month ago

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Aren't the .NET frameworks and Visual C++ Redistributable installed by default in a Windows 10? I don't remember having to install them, maybe they were included alongside some game installations on Steam.

1 month ago

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Yes, that's the only file you'd need to download.
It's a bit complicated at the start to set it up, I had help from someone and it still took me 1 hour to set it up. There is a whole page to help with that . This is the tool that helps for a fast setup .

1 month ago

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Seems you can import from SDA.
I'm also still using SDA, haven't tried ASF for auth.

1 month ago

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I haven't found a reliable alternative to SDA yet either.
steamguard-cli has been proposed several times, but it looks much more complicated to use.

1 month ago

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Fo my main account I use joint authenticator

I can get codes from both offical steam app, SDA and ASF. Usually confirm stuff from ASF and use mobile when I want to login to steam from outside my home.

1 month ago

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On PC, I use ASF and steamctl, while on mobile, I use Aegis Authenticator. Trade confirmation is done with ASF. No Steam app on my phone.

1 month ago

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Hey, I'm curious, what is the advantage of using a mobile app authenticator when the Steam app exists?

1 month ago

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No particular advantage. It's just personal preference.
I don't have any friends who're also using Steam, so I don't chat. I don't need its mobile notification, nor do trade on mobile. Furthermore, I can't play Steam games on mobile.
I've already had a mobile app authenticator (Aegis) for my other 2FA needs, so why not use it? What could the Steam app offer me?

1 month ago

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Fair enough.

1 month ago

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