I've got finals til early September and would love some new music to listen to while I study. Any recommendations?
All genres welcome, but bonus points if it's instrumental :)

1 month ago

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Do you prefer to listen to music while working/studying or do you prefer a quiet environment?

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Sure, it helps me focus and keeps me motivated.
No music for me, it's more distracting than anything else.
1 month ago

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...You know, I'm not an ornithologist, but I don't think that's quite what a woodpecker sounds like.
I'm not sophisticated enough to really understand music like that but I did enjoy it :) Thanks for your recommendation!

1 month ago

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When I was at university i'd never listen to music while studying.
If I'm paying attention to the song then I'm not focused on studying.
And if I'm focused on studying I filter out the song in my head anyway.

If you want instrumental then perhaps music from CUSCO, here's one example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFa0MV4RGAQ

1 month ago

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Very relaxing, thank you!

1 month ago

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Good luck! Yiruma's "River Flows in You" (one hour version) was always my go-to song!

1 month ago

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Ah, a classic. Thanks for your well wishes and the song :)

1 month ago

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I figured you already knew it, but just in case :) great idea for a thread!

1 month ago

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I have a playlist of soundtracks from games and a few other random instrumentals you might like :) Most of them are nice and relaxing!

1 month ago

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These are all excellent! Cattails OST always gets my attention - easily my favorite lifesim. Will likely check out Sun Haven eventually too.
Thanks for your recommendations!

1 month ago

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They're both adorable! Sun Haven has so many cool features, it's amazing! You're welcome :)

1 month ago

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Everything from Cicada.

1 month ago

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Very soothing. Feels like I could fall asleep to some of their tracks. Thanks!

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Good stuff. Thanks!

1 month ago

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I've always used videogame OSTs, or musicals I've seen beforehand. Since you prefer without lyrics, I'll offer my favorite study ost: Bastion!

1 month ago

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Haven't heard Bastion music in a while. The Sole Regret is still a favorite. Thanks for reminding me about it :)

1 month ago

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Anything from Two Steps from Hell

1 month ago

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Nothing quite like blasting Two Steps from Hell while racing to meet a deadline. Unfortunately now whenever I hear their stuff I think of videos like this which makes their music seem just a tiny bit less majestic.
Thanks for your rec!

1 month ago

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Sometimes what I like to do is I will just listen to a song on repeat. I tune it out after a while, but it does get annoying after a certain point, so I have to change the song.

1 month ago

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Yeah, I've got caught on a song and had it on repeat for hours... then completely ignored it for months.

1 month ago

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Not as familiar with gabber and other hardcore subgenres as I probably should be, to be honest. Thanks for introducing me to Nasenbluten, though I think this song of theirs is more my style.

1 month ago*

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Not easy to recommend study songs to people, because I am in this image:

View attached image.
1 month ago

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Amazing, I've never met a sentient bucket before. How do you type? :)
Metal's one of my favorite genres so one of my go-to study playlists is just the Doom OST with some Trepang and Dusk tossed in for good measure. Would love to hear your recommendations if you'd like to share, instrumental or not.

1 month ago

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Doom OST with some Trepang and Dusk tossed in

You did NOT just say Doom, Trepang and Dusk in ONE SENTENCE


1 month ago

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Studying efficiency goes up by 700% when you feel like you could rip a demon apart with your bare hands.

4 weeks ago

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I'm big on power metal, the last week I've particularly listened a lot to Alestorm while programming my project. Problem is that all their songs are especially singable so you go something like "hmm... how to solve this... UZBEKISTAN IS A PIRATE LAND!!!"

I don't even really know what music is particularly good for studying, I just listen to what I always listen to I guess! As long as I like it then it's good while I study too.

1 month ago

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I usually listen to Sabaton or Powerwolf when I'm in the mood for power metal, but Alestorm's great too. Pirate power metal? Gotta respect it.
I usually stick with instrumentals, but sometimes I've got so stuck on a song I've played it nonstop regardless of whether it has lyrics or not.
Thanks for your rec!

4 weeks ago

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