Price errors are price errors.
If you count them as a "sale", then gamersgate is the king of sales and completely destroyed steam.
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In that case, Facebook was the best store! They were selling all those Metro 2033 games for free!
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Are you daft? GG gave refunds and also honored the orders.
And even if they didn't (which they did) how exactly would they not be reliable? Because some people wouldn't have been able to take advantage of a pricing error? You must be really really young.
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Please, explain how losing purchased products over the internet on a mass scale, and some people not getting refunds, isn't unreliable, because I don't see how so.
You saying that I'm young doesn't justify what you typed in. I'm leaving. I don't feel like spending my time trying to convince some half-assed idiot that his recollection of events is wrong. Go crawl back into whatever ditch you came out of.
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Why are you complaining about this? Steam gives a lot of 75% discounts and you wish them to have less customers? Sure you can get games elsewhere for 1 dollar less. But steam still gives you a lot more options like friends joining, workshop, insert 50 good things here.
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Except you can find steam keys cheaper. So you still get the friends, workshop, and all things on steam ever.
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So you don't want to give back to steam for the things they do for you and rip them off by getting games elsewhere. Nice
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What you're not considering, is that those games activate on Steam. The Steam store is extra cash in their pockets!
1.) I can name several games that were cheaper on the Steam store or even exclusively on the Steam store.....
2.) The Steam store still sold more games than Gamersgate this season, think about it.
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I'm not arguing whether or not Steamworks games bring money to their pockets. I couldn't care less about that... their pockets =/= my pockets.
I'm arguing that since the Summer Sale Steam became the 3rd, maybe 4th option when it comes to buying games. Their Holiday Sales are shit. That is my point.
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Are you kidding? Seriously, are you kidding. You want me to compare the price of a game that isn't on sale now, with its price during the Winter Sale? Well, yeah i guess if you put it like this it was a great winter sale :))
Seriously now, you have to be kidding. You don't find that comparing the price of a game that is on sale now (spec ops the line) to the same game's price while it was on sale during the winter Sale is fair? Lol, ok then...
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Valve only sets price for their own games, would you like if you made a game and every shop where you sell the game set their own price for your game? No you wouldn't. Each developer sets their own price for games so why are you blaming Steam for it?
Plus sites like GamersGate use STEAM keys, and where do you think they get it from? Oooh I think they craft it!
When they buy the keys then can set whatever price they want, they know that if they set lower price than Steam then they'll generate more purchases but at the start they still bought it from Steam.
With all this Steambox stuff I don't really think you're going to change anything
It's actually quite funny to hear such words from someone who owns 180+ games on Steam
P.S: Yes you are complaining
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No i'm not complaining. Yes, i do own 180+ games on steam. Yes i am pointing their recent big sale sucked. It's not even an opinion, it's a fact, especially when every other store had cheaper games during said sale. Just pointing that competitors are beating Valve at its game. Deal with it ;)
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First of all, yes you are complaining about the prices during Steam sale and yes it is an opinion, not sure of your definitions of fact and opinion but you have not proved anything worthy of it being a fact apart from saying "I've brought it from Amazon and I blame steam for having higher price".
Great, you've brought it from Amazon, guess what? It's a Steam key!
Find me a cheaper copy of THEIR OWN game (valvE) somewhere else instead of Steam then start blaming valvE, we've tried to sink into your head that own publishers set their own price for these sales. Sites like Amazon and GamersGate buy the Steam keys and they can sell it at any price they want. It's like buying a disc for a game and then selling it at any price you want because it's YOUR disc.
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"A monopoly wasn't good anyway" but you still activated the games on Steam? I see no sense in that sentence.
Steam still gets money from the keys and you still support Steam with it.
I would like to be able to buy games on Amazon but I can't :(
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GG is basically Paradox which is a pretty big company. You shouldn't worry, they're not going to have many problems.
And yeah, GG was better than Steam in sales (at least this last sale). Not counting pricing errors, they still had many great deals like Fallout 3 GOTY and Fallout New Vegas each for $2.5.
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I don't understand why you make such a fuss out of it. No one is making you buy anything. Some people prefer to directly support the platform that offers you all the games you activate the keys on, friends, ability to take screenshots and share and all other features Steam has. Stop being such a kid and just buy if you want from anywhere you want. Complaining here about a game being cheaper now than it was before then insulting what Steam means altogether is like you insult a president then flame the country just because he is a part of it.
Nu mai fi asa roman, ne faci de ras.
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Exactly. I support steam because I want them all on one platform. An example: I was given a pc copy of AC3 for christmas. I had to return it to best buy for store credit then buy a steam gift card then buy it on steam (yay it went on sale that same day!) just because I wanted a steam copy. Could I have just played the straight uplay one? Sure, but I like steam.
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I'm just pointing an observation and a truism: the Steam Winter Sale was behind what other stores offered.
This isn't about sup[porting your platform of choice, it's about a game being cheaper than it was on the big Holiday Sale, only a week after that big sale ended.
edit: you can support your platform of choice, but don't be a disillusioned fanboy that refuses to admit things, even when they are clear.
Also, your president analogy is pout of place.
Te faci singur de ras ;)
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You did this :
Spec Ops is cheaper than a week ago, this means Valve sucks, go to the other places where they sell game keys and activate it on Valve-made Game Platform. Kid, a game will always be cheaper as time goes on, it won't get more expensive, the same thing goes for sales also. The amount of time between doesn't matter. My analogy is actually right, think deeper. I don't refuse to admit anything, i know there are cheaper places, i know that steam sometimes sells a bit more expensive than others but you can't deny the facts that Steam has the most sales per year, more than 365 sales per year ( Counting every day sale, midweek, weekend, winter, autumn, summer, black friday, some other random sales and so friggin on ). But that's what competition means, a run between the place who have the most cheapest price of the same game. I don't always buy from Steam, i don't care about 1-2 euro difference since i have a job and i can always count on friends from other countries to help me buy even cheaper due to regional prices differences.
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Am 20 taica :) Am spus ca am job :) Am spus de asemenea ca timpul nu conteaza intre oferte, odata ce timpul avanseaza exista probabilitatea tot mai mare ca produsul sa devina mai ieftin. Daca dev-ul/publisher-ul permite sale-ul atunci ei il vand, nu cred ca Valve vinde fara permisiunea respectiva. Nicaieri nu spune "Big sale", ii spune Winter Sale = Calup de jocuri vandute sub pretul lor normal. NICAIERI nu scrie ca e mai ieftin decat in alte locuri. Citeste ce trebuie si nu ce vrea materia ta cenusie.
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Multi inainte. Am 30, merg pe 31. Dev-ul/publisher-ul e clar ca a permis sale-ul din moment ce produsul a fost mai ieftin in alte parti, in timpul promotiei de Craciun. Dar nu doar de Spec Ops e vb, asta a fost o remarca de moment ca mi-am adus aminte ca in timpul promotiei de Craciun a fost mai scump decat e acum.
Imi place cand fac topicuri anti Valve ca turbeaza toti pe aici si ies toti 'fanboii' :)) Uite-te la topicul asta doar. Sunt retarzi ei asa cu obsesia lor pt steam si valve, dar lasand gluma la o parte chiar au avund un sale de toata jena craciunul asta.
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Eu am lasat tot timpul gluma la o parte si nu sunt de acord cu aproape nimic din ce-ai postat, cu exceptia faptului ca este jocul mai ieftin acum, si cei care au ratat oferta de Craciun, cumpara acum mai ieftin. La Amazon cumparai cu 2.5 doar daca mai cumparai un joc inainte pe cand la Steam nu era necesar sa cumperi altceva ca sa primesti extra-discount la asta. Tu nu judeci corect ci doar dupa pret. Nu sunt Steam fanboy, doar ca m-am saturat de piraterie si Steam pare cea mai abordabila solutie pentru a detine toate jocurile si sa ramana totusi un loc multimedia.
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Nu sunt Steamboy, ma indoies ca sunt subiectiv, privesc lucrurile din afara cutiei. A fost un sale de cacat, dar tu arunci in topic vina pe Valve ca un intreg, nu doar motivul postat la inceput de tine. Nu stau pe Origin pentru ca urasc EA mai mult decat Valve, si mereu, dintre 2 rele il alegi pe cel mai putin rau ... si pe ala cu mai multe jocuri.
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There's being disappointed that the sale wasn't up to the standard set by previous sales. There's questioning why Valve did what they did. There's investigation into the merits of alternatives. Then there's immature overreaction.
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Yep. Pretty much that. And the people who were 'disappointed' there was no Coal this year, thanks to the minority of that abused it last year.
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Fanboy much? We are just discussing how Valve had a shitty sale by comparison with their competition. Nobody is overreacting. I guess people shouldn't discuss any bad things about Valve, else it's an overreaction. *shrug
edit: i actually agree about no coal. Gamers are shitty like that and they like to abuse the system. Just look at all the people angry on GamersGate because they weren't able to grab a key from the pricing error (and thus abuse GG's mistake). I too think Valve is too smart to repeat that mistake again, so i don't ever think we'll see the coal system again.
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Well, if they keep having jokes like the Holiday sale with shit prices followed by bigger discounts immediately after, they deserve to lose customers. It's called 'disrespect toward your customers'. I also think that other stores deserve some recognition and more customers.
Here's an overraction: "no Steam no buy!"
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Simon is simply pointing out that moaning about sales is pretty much the same thing as Dudley does in the video.
It's a sale ffs. Take it or leave, Valve don't have to put on a sale (nor do they have to make it 'good' in your eyes) so quit whining about it.
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It was a worse sale, with overpriced products by comparison with the competition. Why doyuou always have to use this argument 'don't complain' about it? I'm just pointing it... i'm not complaining as i didn't buy a game from Steam this Winter Sale. And even if I wanted to complain, why the hell shouldn't I?
What the heck is it with this: don't complain about them if you don't like them. Well, right...should we only make topics about how cool Valve is? You guys remind me of that Xbox 360 interview by Dan Hsu. People shat on him for making Microsoft look bad in regards to backward compatibility.
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You're not pointing it out. Pointing it out would be: "Hey, this Steam sale was kinda worse than the others, because other stores had better prices" You, however, say stuff like: "the Steam Store has become a big joke and I hope they lose customers", which is clearly your opinion.
And calling everyone who says good things about Valve a "fanboy"?
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Everyone who is telling me I shouldn't post my opinion is. Why shouldn't I complain/remark that the Winter Sale was a joke?
The problem is people saying 'you shouldn't complain'. Bullshit. You can complain. People complained about GamersGate for all the wrong reasons. I'm remarking the last Steam sale was shit and i'm not complaining :)) I actually like it like that as that gives the other stores a chance. I hope it's all clear.
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I'll only address a few of the things you said:
They mean don't complain about sales. Regardless of why fluctuating sale prices are its still a sale. Valve could just tell us all to F off and charge full price all the time. Same as any other company. Go where your wallet leads you, no one is chastising you for that :).
GG wrong reasons? What were those wrong reasons? That they revoked sales? Seems like a pretty good gripe to me. I'm 12 and what is this...
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I only buy from Steam for ease... :| I only buy in the Summer / Autumn / Winter sales anyway so the small amount I'd save going elsewhere is offset by the fact I have to go elsewhere and potential have to use another store's download manager. I would buy from Amazon if they offered the download service outside of the US (and I can't be arsed setting up an American account to do it.)
TL;DR: for me, Steam Sales are good and I want them to keep customers such that they do sales.
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you defentily are A few keys short of a keyboard.
Steam sells keys to shops like, GMG, GG, Amazon...
Buying the games elsewhere does not harm Valve. If they do not sell enough copies, they could just stop selling keys. (of course they wouldn't do that)
The discounts are choosen by the publisher. It is common sense, which you seem to lack. Would you want the stores to set the price of your game as they want? no? I thought so. Some publishers may give the right to choose the price. But that is defnitly not the case with most games.
Steam not only offers you a ton of great dicounts on games throughout the year, it also offers you: A friendslist, Steam Workshop, Dedicated sever, Game Hubs, Gifting, achievments,a userfriendly interface, trading... and so on. You can of course play games without steams "goddies", it is your choice.
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Just as I and others pointed down below ... ( Depends if you have SG Plus ), "Winter Sale" doesn't mean : Hey, we are selling almost free games !!! It means there's a big bunch of games being sold at a lower price than the normal ones. There's no place which says "Cheap-ass games on Steam Sale" or "Hugely discounted games from Steam just because it is winter holidays". I don't cover for no company, i hate them, but you can't accuse something that you wrongfully understand.
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You missed the point. A sale is a sale and if you can find every product with a higher discount in other stores, you can definitely say this store had a shittier sale than the other stores. You may not root for any company, but there are many who do (even though they aren't on Valve's payroll).
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I kind of agree with OP. I don't think the Steam Sales are horrible, but they have always been this "event" to wait for. They simply aren't anymore. You're getting better Steam Daily deals in about a week after their huge Winter Sale? That doesn't seem right.
Steam Summer/Winter sales used to be events you hold out for, things you go crazy for. Now, they don't suck, but they are completely devalued.
When comparing it to other steam key stores, It was very poor during its own sale too. During winter sale, I bough 2 games through steam, and 13 games through other sites (GMG/Amazon/GG). I never even had a GMG or GG account before the last Summer Sale. I got them, because Steam was no longer the best source for purchasing cheap quality games ON steam.
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" You're getting better Steam Daily deals in about a week after their huge Winter Sale? That doesn't seem right. " this was my point. It was enough to make people jump in Steam's defense and their main argument apparently is: you shouldn't complain about it. I just love me some Valve fanboys.
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That is one game out of so many on Steam.
Most people here agree that the last sales weren't as good but you say that Steam deserves to lose users. You shouldn't complain about sales and it makes you sound stupid when you say that Steam deserves costumers when the other stores sell Steam keys and that brings more people to Steam. You complain about that other stores have better sales, is that bad? We get the cheapest prices and that's good for us and Steam still makes money from it.
Where is your problem?
PS: I'm not a fanboy.
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From my perspective, this doesn't really mean there is a problem. This is debate and discussion. This was not about saying "Steam must die!". To me this is highlighting an obvious shift/change in Steam Sales. What that means, is part of what is up for debate.
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Look at Steam.
Of course they are a cheap ass retailer.
Likewise bro, I wouldn't touch Steam sale with a ten foot pole now.
This sale was a disappointment.
How can people even support steam after this.
I Don't know what to say.
Sometimes I think I might as well stop using steam altogether.
Great offers elsewhere but steam still disappoints me.
Under the circumstances I don't think anyone would support steam anymore.
Yeah that's all I have to say.
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Valve doesn't stand a chance? That's so silly. Valve gets a cut from Amazon and all other retailers who sell their keys and with sufficient volume they probably get more that way than their own sales. They're effectively becoming a wholesaler.
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Spec Ops The Line is cheaper now on Steam than it was on the Steam Winter Sale :)) Final proof that Steam Sales are shit nowadays. If you were smart, you bought it from Amazon.
At this point I think the Steam Store has become a big joke and I hope they lose customers (I personally didn't buy any game from Steam during the Autumn and Winter Sales because every single game they offered was cheaper elsewhere). A monopoly wasn't good anyway, but right now Steam doesn't stand a chance against Amazon and GMG. Even GamersGate is coming from behind and is beating Steam at their own game: sales.
EDIT: Changed the topic's title to better reflect what is happening in the thread. Apparently pointing or complaining about bad sales practices is a big no.
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