What do people think is a better game, for whatever reason. Trine 2 or Magicka? I know they are different kinds of games but if you could only play one, which would you choose? (Note: I never played Trine, so have no prior knowledge of the game(s)

Thanks for all the suggestions all.

12 years ago*

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I absolutely love Magicka.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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+1 :D

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Both are amazing, JUST BUY BOTH !

I think they both have demo's try them !

12 years ago

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Trine if you like sp more. Magicka if you prefer mp

12 years ago

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I'd vote for Trine 2. I had more fun with Trine 2 coop than the time I spent playing Magicka coop, had far fewer technical issues with Trine 2, and while I've yet to play either one single-player I've heard that Magicka suffers a lot when you play it alone. The only thing I'd dock Trine 2 points for is being a little on the short side. That said, they're both good games, so you really can't go wrong.

12 years ago

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Trine 2. Also, both games have demos. Check them out first.

12 years ago

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Both are very good games. It's hard to say which is better because they're have such different appeal. Magicka is a goofy, crazy, off-the-wall multiplayer (coop) experience with lots of over-the-top action, mishaps and laughter. Trine 2 takes itself more seriously (not too much though) and gives you lost of fun acrobatic platforming and battles, interesting physics puzzles, great atmosphere and beautiful scenery, and a decent story.

If you want something to play by yourself, go Trine 2 (you don't need to play Trine first, but that's also a good game). If you want something to play with your friends then go Magicka.

12 years ago

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I can't tell you how much I love Trine and Trine 2. Magicka is fun (but only really if you have a co-op partner), but I'd take Trine over it any day, especially for the visual design and music.

Make sure to check if your PC will run them though, as they are more demanding than you'd think.

12 years ago

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There are demos, check them out. Trine for amazing atmosphere and graphics, especially Trine 2. Magicka only if you have friends to play it with otherwise it is pretty boring.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

12 years ago

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If I'd want to play mainly singleplayer I'd pick Trine, otherwise Magicka.

12 years ago

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Thanks all! You made it hard to decide, but I didn't realize they had demos so that will be a good place to start for me. Not sure if I can get some friends along to play Magicka, so maybe Trine 2 for now...or maybe both. Thanks again for the insight...

12 years ago

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W A Space. That is all.

12 years ago

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I'd go with Trine 2. The difficulty level in Magicka often seems ramped up for no good reason, up to the point of being frustrating just for the sake of it (I'm looking at you The Stars Are Left).

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by SuddleD.