If it was that long ago, another possibility is that the link format changed (basing this solely on web development experiences not knowledge of HB specifically)
Here is the link format from a recent one:
If yours looks different, try grabbing just the key portion and using it in the format above and see if that works. Worst its gonna do is still say no, right? also when i say key, i am meaning the HB invite key code, obviously not the steam key.
Only other option i can think of is to see if your friend is willing to resend it (i would assume they still have access)
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Mh, I don't have the direct link any more, just the one from that e-mail. But the URL that it guides me to has about 100 letters with numbers mixed in so I'm not sure if I can apply that to your key-theory. I added you in case you want to have a quick look at it. :-)
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accepted req but i'm gonna to be afk for awhile (meeting some friends for dinner)
If it helps, for me the YOUR_KEY_HERE
part was a 16-digit alphanumeric code with no hyphens or special characters in it and that was based on something I won last week.
edit: I also just checked my wins page for an HB link and the format from 3 years ago appears to be the same... so it could be something else. i didn't win any from there 2 years ago but doesn't seem likely they would change it then change it back..
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[quote]Unfortunately, I forgot to activate or at least write the key down back then and when I now try to click the "Get your Gift"-button of said E-Mail, it opens up a new tab, telling me that the website can't be found[/quote]
What, exactly, does it say?
Even if something happened you shouldn't get website can't be found, you'll either get a page that says this code has been redeemed, or this gift has been claimed by someone else, or unknown gift. Those all mean different things.
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The link says (I'm german so mind the german text):
Seite wurde nicht gefunden
Die Verbindung mit dem Server url3645.humblebundle.com schlug fehl.
Falls die Adresse korrekt ist, können Sie noch Folgendes versuchen:
Die Seite später noch einmal aufrufen.
Die Netzwerkverbindung überprüfen.
Falls der Computer sich hinter einer Firewall befindet, überprüfen Sie bitte, ob Firefox der Internetzugriff erlaubt wurde.
[Firefox Dinosaur-picture on the left]
Note: If I remove the "url3645" part before the actual URL, it reguides me to the Humble Bundle website with an "404 website doesn't exist" error.
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That sounds like the email includes a tracking link instead of the actual link for the Humble page. What is the rest of the domain part of the URL - the bit between the "url3645" and the next "/", and does the email text say a different URL to the one you get when clicking the link (after any redirects from Gmail/Outlook/etc.)?
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This is the link that my GMX-account guides me to:
This is the internet-site that I reach after the redirecting process:
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That's your email messing up your link.
You could try forwarding your email to a gmail account. If your email client is messing with the actual content of the email this won't help, but most of the time they only mess with what gets displayed in client (or browser) and the email itself remains intact.
Since you said stripping out the non humble part leads to 404 and since that says dereferrer I suspect they may be stripping out the actual gift code thinking it's a tracker.
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Got back home and read some of the updates... then I tried googling "url3645." humblebundle.com
- there weren't many results but I did see a pastebin which has that domain. What I saw was as below and appears to be a link to an image (probably for tracking purposes...its a very common practice in sales/marketing emails):
<img src=3D"https://url3645.humblebundle.com/wf/open? ... />
Not sure how your email has it formatted but based on this I am inclined to agree with PeacefulAnarchy. If you have another email account at gmail or somewhere else and can forward it there, might be able to make sense
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Checked my old email receipts. Same issue with gifts, orders, and bundles, including monthlies, between dates in July 2018 and December 2018.
Not an issue for orders and bundles. They still show in my purchases on Humble and in Order Resender emails. I redeemed all my gifts so that's not an issue for me.
Gifts don't show in Order Resender anymore. They used to show, I've had emails with them and they would even say gift but now they don't show in Order Resender.
You should contact Humble support to recover your gift link and key. They did something to domain prefixes url????.humblebundle.com and mailer.humblebundle.com as those links with those prefixes in my emails don't work anymore. Let me know if you get an answer on why they wrecked those prefixes and links.
Not just gift links in those emails. All of the links (Humble store, social media, support, email preferences, etc.) in the email all use the url???? prefix and all of them are broken. Maybe it used to redirect to a service they stopped using.
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Oh, it's indeed interesting that I'm not the only one having this issue...
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I contacted the Humble Bundle Support and they were very nice about it. The found the link I needed to access my key and sent it to me straight away! I would recommend you do the same thing if you are missing keys from that same time frame. (I didn't get an answer though what happened to the links or why they changed what they did.)
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Do you have more than one hb account? If so, is your current humble account the same you used when you opened the gift link?
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Yes, I do only have one account and it is definitely the same one.
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For some data points, I checked my first ever gift link from HB (still an active link, unredeemed), from 2012. It's in the format:
(12 characters, alphanumeric, mixed case.)
By at least 2015, gift links are increased to 16 characters. Still mixed case alphanumeric, and otherwise in the same format. Checked with a gift link I'd already redeemed, and was directed to the download/key page correctly, a key still shown and also still connected to my account.
Here's the url that I'm redirected to when attempting to view a gift url where the gift has already been redeemed by someone else (was a gift link from 2019):
Hope that info helps somehow!
(Don't have 2018 gift links to check, unfortunately.)
EDIT: Nevermind -- like ProphetFinagle -- I have an order email with the exact same issue as you're describing (the url3645 thing and everything...). I'm on Gmail.
EDIT 2: Here's an (actual) example URL -- it's from November 8th 2018 -- for my order of the game Fractured Lands for zero dollars. (Humble later sent an email that the free game was unintentional and that the key would be revoked -- I don't remember if that actually ever happened.) But I have links for other non-free orders that are also in this same format and similarly not working. In my Humble Library/Purchases pages though, Fractured Lands and those other orders (having been redeemed) are still available to me as keys.
EDIT 3: Also of note: all of the links in that email are in the same format -- whether they're links to the Humble Store itself, to their Twitter account, to their support page, etc -- everything has this url3645 click-tracking happening. (I wonder if this is why gift links were apparently being stolen a couple years ago -- an untrustworthy click tracking company?)
EDIT 4 (for the OP): If your email is similar to mine, there's also the text:
Contact our support if you have any issues and refer to transaction ID ABC01DE2FGH3I.
If your gift email doesn't have that, then like the poster after me mentioned, you could check if your friend has the transaction ID instead. Annoying, but it looks like a hole that Humble dug themselves and they should hopefully be able to dig you (and your game) out of it.
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Wow, that's quite the extensive research you did there. :o
Unfortunately, I don't have that line with the transaction ID. The mail looks like this:
Thank you for redeeming your gift code for Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY
Get Your Gift
This email was sent to mrkampfcookie@gmx.de
email preferences | contact support
© 2018 Humble Bundle, Inc. | 160 Spear St, Suite 1000 | San Francisco, CA | 94105
I also lost contact with my friend a while ago so I doubt that I can find out what the ID was.
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One more possibility after more research (and also I'm withdrawing my earlier thought about an untrustworthy click tracker -- relatively speaking...):
It seems very likely that the tracking was done through SendGrid.
Here's an excerpt from their page about how to trouble-shoot their links no longer working (bold is my emphasis):
Target URL is invalid
Be sure to go back and check your original email to ensure the URL you are passing (that is, before it gets to us) is indeed a valid link. Our click tracking mechanism does not validate URLs beyond looking for a http(s) protocol, a www., and an <a href html tag.
If you are unsure what the original link was, feel free to contact support. If you can provide us an example link from a sent email that is failing, we can decode the link to determine the original URL.
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Mh, in that case I'll contact their customer support and see if they have some secret URL-restore-magic in their repertoire.
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We lost contact a while ago so while this solution should be the easiest, it's not possible for me, sry.
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Did that as well in the meantime, just figured I'd ask if there was an easy fix.
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Update: I contacted the Humble Bundle Support and they were very nice about it. The found the link I needed to access my key and sent it to me straight away! Thx everybody for the help!
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I have a special question about activating a Humble Bundle Gift link:
2 years ago, a friend sent me a gift link for Shadow of Mordor which I claimed and got a confirmation E-Mail for. Unfortunately, I forgot to activate or at least write the key down back then and when I now try to click the "Get your Gift"-button of said E-Mail, it opens up a new tab, telling me that the website can't be found (instead of the usual site where it shows the name of the game and the key after clicking to reveal it). Other buttons of the Mail like "contact support" result in the same message. I also tried the "resend all orders" option of Humble Bundle already but it didn't show up in my list.
Is this a common problem? And is my copy of the game now lost forever? :(
Thank you for any helpful tips
PS: I'm sorry if I posted my question in the wrong section of the discussions.
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