I'm too broke to pay for the two BTA games I lack. Already spent my money on other bundles that give me more for the cash dropped.
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Indeed, the bundles tend to be great deals (though Royale tends to rarely be). However, If I have a choice between $6 for two games, or $5 for the 6 / 8 games I got from Groupees and Gala, I'll go for the ones with the most games.
If I'm lucky, that weekly will be grabbed on pay day, since it will still have a day left.
Oh, and I forgot Bundlestars. :P
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agree as the comment above, pls change back to your old silly avatar, i can't see you as normal Delta with this good looking avatar
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But I like my new avatar
And the previously mentioned other avatars
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some people just like to moan, chillax and just move on :P
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What the heck did you just flipping say about me, you big meanie? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Tiny Tots Program, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on the girl's bathroom, and I have over 300 confirmed noogies. I am trained in Nerf warfare and I have the most gold stars in the entire kindergarten class. You are nothing to me but just another butthead. I will beat you the heck up with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my dang words. You think you can get away with saying that baloney to me on the glowy type-box? Think again, doodiehead. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of teachers across the USA and your parents are being called to pick you up right now so you better prepare for the spanking, junior. The spanking that wipes out the dumb little thing you call your playtime. You're in big darn trouble, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can wedgie you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed fartfights, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States PTA and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your dorky bottom off the face of the playground, you little poopypants. If only you could have known what serious punishments your little "smartypants" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your goshdarned tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you silly doofus. I will spray boogers all over you and you will cry about it. You're frickin grounded, buttmunch.
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You seem familiar. I think I might have given you one of those 300 noogies. You didn't mention the wedgies. I definitely gave you an atomic wedgie.
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How much longer are you going to be here and how many more games are you going to win before making a giveaway of your own?
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What's the Three Pipe Problem? Sounds like a job for Mario.
Unless you're implying that you agree with the OP.
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6 bucks such a large sum for some guys (and beggars)!
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Some people just like to complain. They don't care about the fact that they're getting over $100 worth of games for a mere $6. They just wand to get games for free or as damn near it as they can.
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retail value is not actual value, while ive no problem paying the BTA price for most bundles some of them are teetering on the edge of not being worth even the low price especially when you add in half of em are dupes, WB humble bundle is well worth it but some of them barerly are
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You're still getting an incredible deal from the retail price, whether it has value for you or not is another thing. Same thing about dupes, even of you got the game from another bundle, you're still getting it again. The price isn't based on what value YOU put to these games but what the bundle host or developer put. No one is forcing you to buy anything if you don't feel the price/value ratio does it for you. It's still no reason to complain about the price of games being practically given away as being "too high".
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Yeah, it's common leecher's tactics...No reading and searching for giveaway links
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And how is complaining about people complaining any better ?
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"Which do you like more: CoD or BF? ATI or nVdia? Mac or PC gaming? PC or Console? xbox or ps?" These are all bad threads. Complaining about something that most people here would agree is not good is also pretty bad.
Here are some good ideas:
THOSE are good threads. I don't claim to be an angel myself..
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You do realize that the GDP per capita in some countries is counted in hundreds right ? 200$ in zimbabwe... You do realize that some people make one buck a day ?
Not all Steam Users are from countries with an hourly wage of 25$ an hour. Not all have a job. Some have debts, a loooot of debts, and must repay say for their student loan.
Even in crich ountries like the US, the amount of people struggling with money is counted in millions. Quick look at some stats : 12 millions unemployed, 22 millions underemployed, and its not taking into account say the struggling farmers.
You do realize that bundles are a commercial operation, with people buying games they might not buy otherwise and where the income is both based on the number of buyers and the market presence, as well as publicity ? Even if someone pays the minimum or gives all to a charity, the companies will still make money indirectly.
Have a nice day. I love you. Free Hug.
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Thanks for the comment. I have to pay 10 times more the value of the bundle in my country, if that matters. I'm not complaining about people with no money to buy the bundle in general, bta or not. I'm complaining about the people who can, in fact, and does not want to pay not so much money for a lot of games. We are all missing here one of the most important things, you pay a lot less for the 7 games in question.
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So, for all your time on Steamgifts, you could afford yourself to contribute only 2 free games? 1 dollar isn't so great money for 2-5 games in some bundles
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I don't have a job right now. Does it answer your question ? Hope you will forgive me if i don't spend money on games those days and still hope to win some.
Don't know why everybody things everybody around them is living in the same conditions ???
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Well yeah, 1 buck for me is just 1$, but for you it can be like half-month wage :-/
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You do realise that computer games are a non-essential or "luxury" item and are not required for basic day-to-day living. If a person is only earning $1 per day or has a loooot of debts, I would think they have more important things to do with the money they earn than spend it on computer games.
If people the world over could simply learn to live in a manner that they can afford, rather than in a manner that they think themselves to be entitled to, there would be a lot less frustration in the world. No worrying about how to pay the bills; no drastic actions taken to get more money for (whatever); no anguish about why they can't afford to buy/do/enjoy (whatever); means more time to enjoy the life you do have and a more satisfied and less stressful outlook on life. Who wouldn't want that?
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You say that struggling, unemployed, Zimbabwean student slash farmer has nothing better to do than worry about the price of bundles? So he can play recent games, for as low as one dollar per bunch, on his brand new 486DX gaming rig (powered by windmill)? Yeah, I don't think that would be your main concern when you end up in his situation.
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You have to understand that some pc games are indeed overpriced. (Bundles, however, are not - but in some cases they feature games that nobody would ever think of buying even with major discounts, and people just don't play the games at all)
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Right, because those people can easily afford the broadband internet connections and high-powered computers required to obtain and play these games. It's just the $10 for the games they can't budget. You're going to need a better excuse than that, you whiny cheapskate.
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I don't whine, i told about myself only as a response to a comment, thanks you very much.
I'm not a cheapskate, as a friend who got nice and expensive games from me when i had a job can attest, not to speak about other non gaming related stuff.
I simply made a general remark. I never complained about any prices and have written my comment only in defense of others, i'd like to avoid being called whiny or cheapskate thanks. The only thing i said about myself is that i don't have a job atm, end of the story, so as much as your point as to the relative expenses is valid ( and it is discutable given that you introduce a timeframe where financial situation can change ), i'd rather welcome it without the lack of respect.
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I have a 4-way shared "high speed" broadband connection I pay the equivalent of 5$ per month for, and it took me nearly a year to save up 150$ for my budget-rig.
Most people here can't afford to buy luxuries like this, you are correct. Hence why second-hand hardware and piracy reigns supreme in my country. You can even build a PC that runs slightly older games (or new ones at low performance/low resolutions) for much less than I did. Many people would not pay an additional 1$, let alone 10$ for games when they could get them for free instead.
I'm lucky that I'm able to, but that doesn't mean I can afford to splurge 10$ on every bundle that comes out either. It's a decent excuse if it's a legitimate one.
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How come here in m y 3rd world country, I have to pay the same price as USA, but Russia and Ukraine get special pricing less than half what others must pay?
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Because we still earn more than the average Russian citizen? I got nothing.
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I understand that people are greedy and whiny but a thread whining about them does seem a bit off. Don't know if I would use the word disgusting specifically though.
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Well, I bought alot of hundlebundlers for a LOW price, and I usualy dont play them, ALOT of shitty games there, but I usualy just buy them for the collection of hundres of steam games, really dont know why :D
But if there is games that I REALLY want I dont have any probs to pay more for it!
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it is better that people pay 6 bucks than nothing. Keep buying wherever you want and paying how much you want and that is it.
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It's not the price that bothers me -- it's the lack of CV credited to my S.Gifts account. WHY AM I STUCK ON $30???
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The only thing about it that bothers me is the general sense that the Humble Bundle program is drifting away from its original values, that is: pay what you want and get DRM-free games. Now, I understand that, for practicality's sake and so that "bigger" games can be bundled, they must start bundling games with DRM at some point, and that point came a while ago, but the fact that they started having a static minimum BTA price just feels very un-Humble Bundle. I don't lie awake at night plotting my revenge against the Humble people, but it is slightly disappointing to me.
TL;DR Humble Bundle is still awesome, just slightly less awesome than before.
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424 Comments - Last post 10 minutes ago by lav29
You complain about the fucking 6 dollars you need to beat the average, wich grants you more than 7 games at that price for fucks sake. 6 DOLLARS FOR 7 GAMES, WHAT ARE YOU, NUTS? YOU CAN EVEN GIVE MORE MONEY,BUT NO, YOU ARE NOT EVEN TO PAY MORE BECAUSE YOU COMPLAIN ABOUT 6 BUCKS, YOU PEOPLE DISGUST ME.
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