@pwnflakes don't wanna ruin your fun but:
Winner has a comment on your profile from September 07/2011 : Fast and Trustful Trader, Thanks dude ;)
From google cache as proof winner is in your friends list since 25 Dec 2010 proof picture proof
Well also I never saw anything about kR or you writing it in bold or italics ont his page, reconfirmed this with some other friends too..
Something more interesting is even though winner said he got the game through the SG system on his profile we can't see skyrim
his profile
link to finished giveaway entries
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Well yes, I traded with him where I found him on the steam forums. I guess that shouldn't be a problem? Also you can go ahead and ask the people that commented the giveaway, and the other entries. I've just learned that I'm definitely not going to give away in public anymore, all these complaints are simply ridiculous. IMO you can either accept it or stop wasting your time complaining. It's not leading you anywhere, and neither me.
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Then why did you removed the winner and added him again today as in 11 December? Sounds fishy...
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Oh my god people are butthurt cuz they didn't get the puzzle. SHOCK
What does it matter the guy who won was on his FL since a long time ago? It's not like he hacked the website so he made him the winner. Seriously people get a grip.
I for one enjoyed the puzzle because it was quite hard (obviously) and I hope your next giveaways (if any) will have similar puzzles :P
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I started this giveaway 13 seconds after it was posted. I worked with it for over the next 9 hours. I even went to pwnflakes asking if he would give up some hints on it.
I would also like to point out at first "long line" was bolded in the message, after the first hint he removed that and changed it to long time unbolded but
"64 hours" remained
I can attest with everyone else I never seen anything about KR, let alone he said himself he reversed the capitals. Not to mention its so absolutely stupid that Hey here is this cryptic message, go translate it, oh wait it doesn't matter you don't need to translate it, you need to sit and refresh the page for when I put it in italics, oh wait you seen it in italics, well the case of the letters was wrong anyways
So pissed I wasted my time on such a BS rigged giveaway
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Asking the gifter about hints does automatically invite you? You didn't add me you just complained that it was too hard and thats what it was supposed to be. The "long line" was a reference to the "l" at the beginning of the 5 digit code, I apologize that I am not a native english speaker, still no reason to bitch on me.
You didn't see KR? That's sad. Look, 60,810 members on steamgifts didn't. Still no proof that it didn't happen, there are people that got through. Also the goddamn "cryptic message" is an alternative way of solving it.
If you think you wasted your time, well congratulations, after all these complaints I feel I have wasted 60 bucks. Just because you were not able to solve it does not make it "rigged". Also you never even contributed to SG in ANY form, so stop complaining, seriously.
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I can't really complain about this giveaway having such an spread-out and awkward logic behind it in order to enter. It was a $60 game afterall. Congratulations to whoever won.
I still have no idea how to solve it, though.
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"You didn't see KR? That's sad. Look, 60,810 members on steamgifts didn't."
The fact that no one seemed to see it while everyone saw a tiny bit of misleading bolding you saw along with many other factors which other people are pointing out is leading me to call shenanigans on this.
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Wow you make me sound completely different than how I came to you. I never asked for a free pass or any advantage over anyone else. You said you would post up some hints later on as you wanted to get about 50 or so people in the giveaway. (Lets look early on when I asked you said 2 people got in, there are 3 entries now.....do some math.........Yep I count 50) And you said that is if you haven't given up. And I said Hell no, I'm hella irritated I haven't solved it yet and wanted to keep at it.
"That's sad. Look, 60,810 members on steamgifts didn't. Still no proof that it didn't happen, there are people that got through." Compiling your statements around here, 1 person bruteforced their way in, 1 person was your friend, so 1 other person got in the giveaway. So 1 person maybe actually got in the entry legit. Yet we have people who have worked well over at the very least 100 man hours on this and no one seen the KR changing or anything of the sort. If you can't see how this sound in the least suspicious you your as blind as we were supposedly in trying to solve your giveaway
"Also you never even contributed to SG in ANY form, so stop complaining, seriously." Yep your correct, and I've never won anything either so what a stupid statement. So its neutral its not like I've won stuff and never returned anything. In fact I am waiting for a Lan Party next week, after which to give away extra copies of a game I have
And with a statement further down I can totally agree your free to run your giveaway however you want I'm all for it. But don't do something like you have done before expecting that people won't be upset, you know they will be.
I would do a hard giveaway myself if I was giving away a $60 game. Its just the tactics you supposedly used is what have bothered people(yet again refer to the above message). The fact that you had to be sitting here refreshing at the exact right time, see the letters changed before you changed them back to have even the slightest chance to win is what caused it.
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My feelings exactly. Seconded, signed and stamped.
pwnflakes, if your hints and changes had been permanent and/or trackable, this riddle would have all the rights to make people feel like they're absolutely stupid. However, if you're removing the crucial hint that only one guy out of 50 noticed in that short period of time (whenever it may or may not have been), then I'm sorry but I have to cry foul as well, in spite of your generosity of giving Skyrim away.
Certainly you are calling upon the benefit of the doubt and feel vindicated for limiting the number of entries, but that is still unfair and disrespectful to all the other people who spent some serious thought on solving this riddle.
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ok then tell us the dragon alnguage text solution ? or maybe" winner" can explain us ?
and when i said "there is a problem with hints" i was true look at your past message "Whoops did I say t-o-o much in the -end-?" "o" and "end" was bolded. if it wasnt a hint what is that
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Don't be assholes, guys. He gave away a 60$ game so all of you who didn't get in can bitch about it? I have to say, I tried doing it as well, did it for 30 minutes and then I quit, because I already have Skyrim anyway. I've asked Faso, who's a great friend of mine, to tell me a solution, since I don't need it and promised I won't leak it, he told me that he'll tell me the solution after the giveaway ends. If he didn't want to tell me the solution, he probably won't tell the solution to a guy he traded with months ago. And also, people have spent hours trying to figure out the giveaway. If someone gave me a chance to get 60 dollars for a few hours of work, I'd do it. The point is, he gave away a great game that got released merely a month ago, he thought of a kickass puzzle for his giveaway, which sounds right, since it's 60$ he's giving away, last thing he, or anyone for that matter, wants is people calling him fake, a cheat and an imposter. You didn't get into the giveaway, it's your fault. Faso never asked you to spend 10 hours trying to figure it out, you did it on your behalf. Noone forced you to do it. Be thankful that he gave you a chance to win a great game, no matter how ungrateful you are. That is all.
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Regardless of the solution, it is pwnflakes' puzzle/giveaway. It's ultimately up to him how he wants to construct the puzzle. There's no rule behind changing the puzzle as the giveaway goes on nor is there a rule saying that all puzzles have to follow the same strain of logic. Edit: Note, however, it would have been extremely helpful if pwnflakes had mentioned that modifications were made to the puzzle or, at the very least, state that changes could be made to the puzzle.
I will admit that his solution is obscure but hey, it wasn't meant to be easy. It is a $60 game after all.
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Yeah, solution is a bit strange. But possible.
And I think people should stop bitching about the winner and stuff.
@pwnflakes made a FREE giveaway for you. You were able to win a 60$ game! Does it matter if he told the code to his friend or whatever.
Thanks for the giveaway. =)
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Everyone needs to stop complaining. The giveaway was never meant for you to win. If he wants to give his friend a copy of Skyrim(or even just pretend like he is) then he is allowed to do so. Complaining about it will do nothing.
Edit: Why else would the supposed winner accept that he got the game but not have the game in his games list?
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So ... how could the dragon language give us the solution? I can't see any relation between this "kr" thing and the dragon text / English translation. And even if there is one, why did you mention this "o in the end" thing?
To me this is a massive trolling of the community and should be a banable offense. Go and troll some other community, take Torian with you please! Enjoy our life elsewhere.
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You sound buttfrustrated. It was a free chance to get into a $60 giveaway, and none of us made it.
Get over it and stop insulting the poor guy.
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And still he can't show how this dragon language stuff possibly link to the solution. I can make lots of Giveaways for friends and pretend afterwards that every single letter / number could be found in my forum posts.
That "random" winner is on his friendlist for more than a year and still he says the first thing was to contact the winner to see if he bruteforced the URL ... Even Torian was smarter by simply admitting he just wanted to troll the forums. I don't really care about the game, I do those riddles for fun and I don't like wasting my time.
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Unfortunately, I didn't see the post when it said "long line" so I had no way of knowing the first letter. I also never saw the kR italics thing. Although I don't like the fact that the solution involved having to refresh and check on what in the first post has changed, it was still a good puzzle. People here complain too much about free stuff.
Kudos to those who had the observation skills to solve this and thanks for the giveaway!
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Shut up. You didn't get in, it was fair and square. Let's drop it at this, ok? All of you should stop complaining. He gives away a great (expensive too) game and all of you complain because 3 people managed to get in and you think that OMG ITS OBVOOUSLEH FAIK BACUZ 3 ENTREHS!
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I'm not bashing on him. He can do as he pleases, and he did ;) It's a giveaway that seems to be tailored to have his friend(s) win. It does look like a fake, with the demands to explain how you got the link. It was a beautiful troll thread in the way that it rode on our assumptions (there is a solvable puzzle, there are hints in the draconic sentences,...) and I can appreciate that.
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Pogaan Nonvul Muz Lost Luv FIN Luft. Aal FIN Kul Kren Gol.
Also it might be of importance that after a long time of doing work, I am looking forward to a playtime of 64 hours.
hint hint wink wink
Giving other users hints or the full solution will not only reduce your chance of winning, it will also give you bad karma and you'll be hunted by your nightmares forever and ever
If you have won this giveaway, I will have to kindly ask you to explain how you got the solution. Please understand that I can't accept methods such as leaking, or hacking via things like bruteforce. MFW >_>
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