Which game should I buy?
If the price is not the problem, why not buy every of these five?
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Why not buy a jet too and fly away? :D I prefer to spend my money wisely. Some of them may get a big discount in the near future.
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Nah, not every game deserves to be bought for full price. :P
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Then I would prefer every game except Vampyr because there is not even a official release date for this game.
But, Ghost of a Tale have not achievements and is just a early access, so nope :(
Bud Spencer? Looks like crap.
Sally Face looks to short.
So, Mafia III ! ^^ But only if you play the game. Its nonseless to buy a SP for a game you dont play.
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1) Vampyr is indeed a risk. It looks promising though.
2) Ghost of a Tale is still a demo - literally. If I buy it, I will play it when it gets fully released - hopefully in March.
3) Bud Spencer looks really awesome, like an arcade game, but I've heard it's extremely small, so I'd prefer a discount.
4) Sally Face's 1st episode was around 40 minutes or something. xD So, it's small and, if I buy the season pass, I'll only be able to buy the 2nd episode, because the rest of the episodes are in the making. :P
5) I have played Mafia III already. It was extremely repetitive, but still enjoyable, hence why I'm considering to buy its season pass too.
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I wonder why most of the people chose Vampyr. Nobody told me why. ;_;
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It looks nice, but it seems like the biggest risk among the other choices. Maybe I should try searching for more information about it.
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Well Vampyr is not really a AAA, it's actually a AA game. It's more akin to Hellblade which was also not a AAA game.
And it's being done by Dontnod and they made Life is Strange which many people liked. And the ideas from the game sound good, now it remains to see how well they execute it.
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Ask your imposter, they seem to know all about you, why not which game to buy next.
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they seem to know all about you
Let's hope that they don't. o.O
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Because I wrote a specific list of games and asked people what do they think is the best option?! So, I am expecting answers like:
"If I were you I'd buy that game, because I tried it and it was awesome".
"I saw a gameplay video about it and I'll buy it for sure - you should too".
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If it was a game I would never touch, I wouldn't have included it in this list. -_- Hence why I posted a specific list of games.
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But still no telling what genre or style you like most.
Then you have the other side, people might only have played Mafia 3 and will pick that without having any opinion on the rest.
A onesided opinion, i rather just judge myself in such cases, but hey your money. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I like adventure point and click games mostly - but then again, if I would say that, you'd tell me not to buy anything from this list. I'm just asking which you would prefer too. :/
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Awesome game and its dlcs too. :D Played it already. ^_^
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Woohoo, 1st helpful answer. :D Mafia 3 season pass is expensive? Hmmm, if you mean it has a bad discount, then yeah, I totally agree - I was thinking exactly the same too. The base game costs 1 euro more and that's bullshit. :( I'm waiting for a better discount for so long. Vampyr indeed looks good. I'm only afraid that it may be small or repetitive - although the gameplay video shows great promise. Thank you for your answer.
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To be honest, I have mafia 3 as a christmas gift, "deluxe edition".
Sadly I haven't installed it because everything is more than 40gb. I'm glad I have it (in fact, before christmas I replayed Mafia 2 :D) and the price was very good... but it's a local retail store sale. It comes with 5 (useless) dvd. I hope I can install it after cleaning some junk of my HDD and try it.
I've heard shitty things from the base game and I don't know the quality of the SP. For me it was worth it because t he overall price was okay, but normally season pass are expensive :(
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Yeah, it needs a lot of GBs. :P The base game was extremely repetitive, but it was still enjoyable. The season pass should have been cheaper by now.
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From what you posted so far, you seem unable to really pick one because A) doesn't match your expectations discount-wise, or B) isn't (fully) out yet and thus never had a discount so far. So, I'd suggest to save your bucks and wait for the next sale. Although we both know that deep down you already decided for Slaps and Beans and Ghost of a Tale, hehe ;>.
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How do you know that (the one in the hidden text)? ;_; I haven't decided yet, but I'm thinking a lot about buying them.
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Heh, I just got Ghost of a Tale. x) I'll probably pre-order Vampyr too though, in order to honor the people's choice. :B
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Yeah, it looks cool. It's sad that it's only a demo so far. I will try playing it now, but it won't even save my progress when the full game gets released.
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I know it's good, it's just too small. I don't think I should spend 20 euros for it, so I'm waiting for a discount.
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Just buy Factorio then you never need to buy another game ever again.
In the long term, you'll save hundreds if not thousands of £/$/€ because you'll just keep playing Factorio and then, once you're almost bored of it, they'll bring out an update that changed things JUST ENOUGH that you dive right back in with renewed vigour.
Also, buy Brigador.
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I have already chosen to buy Ghost of a Tale, but I'll probably preorder Vampyr too (from a key site), because it's the popular opinion here. x)
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Mafia, because it's the coolest name (it's not so cool, but the other ones are even uncooler). Don't know a thing about any game, though
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Nah, I'd actually prefer to play Bad Rats rather than this one - and yes, I'm serious right now. :/
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Hello and happy new year! What's the best choice among these 5 games? The price is not the problem, although I'll try to buy it from a key site or from a trader. Thank you in advance. May the lucky shamrock be with you!
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