Redacted because I won't bother suggesting stuff to this community anymore if I'll be suspended for it. Will keep thread open just while I reply to some comments. Unless the power hungry mods disagree with that too?

6 years ago*

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Which one do you want?

View Results
1 & 2
1 & 3
1 & 4
2 & 3
2 & 4
3 & 4
1 & 2 & 3
2 & 3 & 4

After the last thread not likely.. Hey maybe you should change your username so we don't notice you're the same person :p

6 years ago

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See? I told them. People can't look past the person who's making the suggestion and focus on the actual suggestion. :P

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Just shows you how triggered sensitive people can get.

There's an option "None" right there.

6 years ago

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OP, can you state any reason to allow users to change nicknames more frequently? Your only valid reason - to return to previous nick, has little to do with your suggestions of more frequent change of nickname.

In your original topic, there was a few valid points by other users why allowing frequent nickname change is harmful for community.

Effectively it is allowing anonymous messages. This always makes communication less civil.
I would in opposite suggest to perform seeing through user's comment history.

Having more or less permanent nicknames adds responsibility over what users are saying, that's fine enough reason not to allow frequent change <3

If you are ashamed of yourself, you can't start from clean page. It is perfectly correct for others to regard you considering your past doing/saying. E.g. if you have discredited yourself in front of someone who would prefer not to read your comments anymore, it is unfair to fool them, what do you think? Your nickname exists not for yourself, as a way to decorate your account, but for others. Also if you are not happy with your new nickname, long cool-down for changing is a good time to think over and understand that you should be aware of what you are doing. In future.

6 years ago

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Welcome to my wl.
Oh and: +1

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Nope, I don't have any reason personally, but I'm sure many others do, and when I think about the website I think about everyone, not just about me. So I'm sure a lot of people would enjoy this, even if I won't.

I'm not ashamed of anything, you will never see me edit/delete a comment of mine. I stand by what I say. And if what I say is wrong then I learn from my mistakes, but I don't take anything back, ever. I'm just not happy with the username, so why should I be stuck with it? The solutions I present above are pretty reasonable if you ask me, except the 4th one, which I know many will oppose. But why not leave it to the staff then?

6 years ago

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Nope, I don't have any reason personally

All I want is a way to go back to my previous username as soon as I can, because my OCD drives me insane when I see "rafaelgs18" here and "revilheart" on literally every other social media I have an account in.

6 years ago

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That was a reason for me to want to change my username. I don't have any reason to want to change my username frequently, which is what I was asked.

I just want to change my username once, so I have no reason for it to be changed more often, but I know many others do, and it would accomplish what I want.

6 years ago

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If you can't come up with any reason to back up suggestion, it's useless. Let someone else who will have the valid point, do it. There can not be discussion if there is nothing to discuss.

It boils down to you and probably few more people not satisfied with nicknames they themselves have chosen (by their own will). And problem is not in 1 year. If it would be 5 years or 6 months someone would be dissatisfied anyway. More important is to keep things less messy. I don't mind if you would have old name back as a personal case, but it is probably not something mods can do.

6 years ago

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The discussion for me is not "why allow it", it's "why not allow it?". What's the really horrible thing that would happen?

  1. Allowing the staff to change our usernames through tickets. - Staff would handle it and they would decide on a case-by-case basis what they feel is better.
  2. Allowing us to return to previous usernames any time we want (since we already used them anyway, so there should be no problem with that). - Can you provide one counter argument for this? If I used it before why can't I use it again any time I want?
  3. Reducing the 1-year limit. - What's wrong with 6 or 3 months?
  4. Allowing us to change our usernames any time we want (I suspect this is the one most people have an issue with). - Ok, I can see the issue with this one, but the others seem perfectly reasonable for me.
6 years ago

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I would counter to your #2.
As now "revilheart" is not occupied everyone can use that. Once it's taken by someone else how you gonna take it back? Force the new occupant to rollback to their previous name?
and over time i can frequently change my name, so years later i will be able to "get back" to any of my many-many previous names and switch them any time i want? Looks no good

6 years ago*

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revilheart is locked to my account, only I can use it. All usernames you've used are locked to your account.

6 years ago

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The discussion for me is not "why allow it", it's "why not allow it?"

That's a horrible reason to push for change imo, even if the change is harmless.

6 years ago

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Well, I'm tired of trying. Clearly I'm not changing anyone's mind and no one's changing mine, so let's just leave the judgement to the one person that really has a say in any of this, cg.

6 years ago

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If you are ashamed of yourself, you can't start from clean page.

I mean you sometimes can, even without name change.

I quit the site for like a month and changed my avatar and that worked.

6 years ago

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You were already on my whitelist but thanks for the concise message explaining exactly why name changes are harmful :-)

6 years ago

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gotta start a new thread (like the sg-messiah did) so people forget about past events!

don't hold a grudge, assholes <3

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6 years ago

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Not asking anyone to forget, just wanted this thread to be about the suggestion instead of about me, but thanks for bringing the other thread to this one.

6 years ago

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and that's good, but not all people think like that.
so now you not only have to deal with people aqgainst your suyggestion, but also with revenge-opposite votes. โค๏ธ๏ธ

6 years ago

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Well, that's their childishness, not mine.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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I thought that was classic hilarious Mully pic editing, but that one's actually legit!

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6 years ago

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you can't photoshop konrad, it's like trying to fix the mona lisa.
pure art! ๐Ÿ’œ

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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You clearly are the konrads number one fan.
You even went as far as having them white-listed?! At least they got one blue heart.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I'm all for extending name change delay to 5 years!

6 years ago

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So mean!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I don't see a reason for a change.
If one wants it because of mistakes in the past: it might be better to use that year to redeem himself instead of the cheap short cut.
You can't control how others think of you but you can control your own behaviour.

As to a spelling mistake upon creation or a change of identity, those will find the once per year sufficient I would think.

6 years ago

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Well, thanks for sharing your opinion. I don't want to control anything, I'm just not happy with the username, and where you don't see reason for a change others might.

6 years ago

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Allowing the staff to change our usernames through tickets.

Oh god no, ticket times are long enough

Allowing us to return to previous usernames any time we want (since we already used them anyway, so there should be no problem with that).

Cool, so now users can hog more than one name!

Reducing the 1-year limit.

Meh, I'd like a month limit, but there's no real need.

Allowing us to change our usernames any time we want (I suspect this is the one most people have an issue with).

I wouldn't mind, but again, no need.

6 years ago

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If you wouldn't mind, why do I get the feeling that you are against it?

6 years ago

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I'm neutral. I'd be fine with it and use the hell out of it, but I really don't have a problem with how it is. I just want separate avatars tbh.

6 years ago

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Ok, I don't understand your logic, but ok.

6 years ago

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I don't see the logic to change it. I mean, people don't like change usually, and besides avatars, I'm completely content with this site. I don't see any benefits to changing name the change countdown though.

I change my name often where I can, and all it does is annoy and confuse people. I've also been a member of communities where I can't change my name for and still use accounts with names I don't use anymore and I'm perfectly fine. It hasn't impacted me at all, except for being assumed to be communist on one site.

6 years ago

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And that's why nothing ever changes. People have to start getting adept to the idea of change. Change is good.

6 years ago

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not all change is good though.

We should change things to benefit the community, not just to change things.

I see this change as neutral and most see it as negative and have arguments supporting that. What's the argument that this is positive? "Because I want to?"

6 years ago

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And why would this be not beneficial to the community? I haven't seen any solid counter arguments for items 1-3.

"Because I want to" is as good an argument as any. Because it's our accounts and we should have more control over it. Because people can be unhappy with their usernames and want to change it. Because people could have missed a typo in their username and want to change it...

6 years ago

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So my criticisms are invalid?

The mods don't even have time to do all the tickets they have now, why add more work for something that doesn't matter and they already have a system for?

And reserving multiple names is more annoying than the system we have now.

Because it's our accounts and we should have more control over it.

I mean, we have enough control. Look at geocities, absolute control isn't always a good idea.

And I mean those are self inflicted problems one can change in a year.

6 years ago

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I didn't say it was invalid, I just don't think it's a solid one. The amount of tickets would be the same, only difference is support would handle them instead of cg. And support already has to handle them anyway, to pass them over to cg. Would save cg's time and ours.

The usernames are already reserved, as far as I know. We would just change between them.

No idea what geocities is. And I'm not talking about absolute control. I'm talking about more control. What harm would it do? I just don't get it.

A year is too long to be stuck with a username that you don't want.

6 years ago

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We could have name changes at lowest priority... Below User Reports... Should be fine then ;D

6 years ago

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It already is. Only difference is only cg does them.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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It is what it is. You too. :)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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not represented.
Biased survey.

6 years ago

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I knew I would mess up the poll.

6 years ago

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The "only one" and "one missing" are the easiest one.

But you shoould have filtered more anyways, since 4 includes 1,2,3

6 years ago

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Not like this is gonna be implemented anyway, let's just have some fun. :)

6 years ago

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I'm curious as to what your reasoning behind these suggested changes/idea's is?
For example: what's the point of a username at all if it can be changed at any time to any other name (apart from the names claimed by others)?

Adding your argumentation/reasoning to the first post for the options you mentioned would make it a better thread I'd think. At least easier to try and convince relatively neutral people with.

Someone could argue that if a person has a problem with their username that often they could put a little more thought into it so they chose something they can live with for a year. Or that changing all the time could make it easy to get rid of a bad reputation.

6 years ago

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I want to change back to my previous username.

Others have their own reasons and I don't judge those reasons, I just want them to be able to do it.

6 years ago

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I'm afraid that if the reason behind it is "I just want it" and "I just want them to be able to do it" that doesn't really make much of a case. But it's up to you of course. I was just suggesting that if you explained the 'why'-part better, it would give you a better chance at this idea getting anywhere.

6 years ago

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This idea is not going anywhere anyway. The community is too hostile towards it. I have a feeling if cg miraculously implemented it, people would protest. xD

6 years ago

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So you don't want to provide more clarification behind the suggestions.......because the community is hostile.
Do you think it's weird to ask for a reason 'why' when someone comes up with as uggestion? Cause I don't think it's hostile to ask for that.

Unless ofcourse you feel your reasons are not strong enough to stand up to potential other points that could say 'why not' so you'd rather avoid giving reasons all together.

Then I'm still curious: why the thread if you don't want to give any reasons/clarification/etc ?

And just for the record, I liked your previous username better too, so I can totally understand wanting to go back to that.
Wouldn't even have recognised you except my plugin showed you were on my whitelist with a comment :P

Gif added to lighten the mood

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6 years ago*

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You're one of the few people asking why though. Most just say no and shut down the conversation, so that's why there's no point.

But that's exactly what I ask back, "why not"? I haven't seen any arguments that show any of the items 1-3 being a bad thing. So why not? I listed a few reasons somewhere else in this thread and on the other thread, and I'm getting tired of doing it, honestly.

6 years ago

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True, most people either go 'yes' or 'no' and in this case mostly 'no'.
I'm often more interested in why :P

After scrolling through both threads I think I get it now and it seems to be mostly:

The idea of others being able to instantly know who you are and your permanent rep VS having your own freedom to identify yourself however you wish.

Could be fixed though with a workaround by using user-id's in the site's code to make name-changes easier and a plugin that people could install if they want to avoid seeing the name-changes.

6 years ago

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Yes, and the idea of others being able to instantly know who you are and your permanent rep feels to me like an entitlement. Like, "I'm entitled to spot who you are wherever you are forever!!!". While having your own freedom to identify yourself however you wish is something that I feel should be our right since the account is ours.

6 years ago

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Honestly, both sides feels like an entitlement to me.
"The right to know who I'm interacting with"
"The right to identify myself however I wish"

Wouldn't say one is necessarily better than the other. Both could be abused.
The workaround I mentioned is probably a 'best of both worlds' or at least a way to have a compromise for both sides. But then again....unrealistic to ever be implemented.

But that's ok. At least it satisfied my curiosity. Thanks for the conversation :)

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6 years ago

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Except our "entitlement" should be taken more seriously, because it's our account. Others have no right on my account being the same username for as long as they'd like.

I already presented solutions that could work for both worlds.

6 years ago

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How about just one name change, ever. (In case you fucked up when you registered)

That way trolls won't have a feature allowing them to hide in plain sight and will instead have to hold themselves accountable for their comments.

6 years ago

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Oh but didn't you see my suggestion about username history? That would allow you to keep track of the trolls. :) And ESGST does a great job at that as well.

6 years ago

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It still requires that you visit their profile to check their history and makes then not easily identifiable. (Unless you're suggesting having their username history displayed right by their name in the forum.)

6 years ago

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I don't care how it's done, but if it at least makes those who hate this idea so much be on board with it, then so be it.

6 years ago

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The only suggestion of yours I could get behind would be a mix of #1 and #2, which would be allowing support to revert your name back to your previous one in case of a mistake.

6 years ago

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Ok, glad we reach a place of agreement.

6 years ago

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Kind of annoying so many people are so against it, I legitimately am willing to pay the $7 a month patron fee if they will just add one instant name change. I usually don't let threads bother me but I have been wanting a name change ever since I automatically got stuck with this one because I didn't realize when signing up it would make keep my steam name at that time. I was new to steam and experimenting with which name I wanted to keep. I have great rep and me changing my name hurts no one. Yes not everyone should be able to change their name all the time however I feel like if they have no negative issues in the community than why not? If people are still worried about it just add a past username drop down like steam does.

6 years ago*

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"since I automatically stuck with this one because I didn't realize when signing up it stuck me with my steam name at that time. I was new to steam and experimenting with which name I wanted to keep."

I get that reason, that seems like something that could be fixed for new people by adding some sort of explanation/warning that you can 'accept' or 'cancel'

6 years ago

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Thanks for this response, I reworded my post because I saw the word stuck twice in one sentence lol :P but yeah I don't ever remember having a choice to choose a username but then again I was so new who knows lol.

6 years ago

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I know, right? I can't understand the arguments. It's something that would not hurt anyone. I'm willing to pay too. When cg came up with Patreon my first suggestion was to add an exclusive option to allow us to change our usernames more often.

6 years ago

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Yeah I have been super rocky on joining patron due to lack of funds but the option to change my name would give me more motivation to earn some paypal money just to join. ^-^

6 years ago

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I like your user name. ( อกยฐ อœส– อกยฐ)

6 years ago

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Who cares about this except these no lifes that spend 4-6 hours a day on SG. It should always be allowed any time you want.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Changing name for what?
I think only one thing to do is letting us change name to old name. Rest nope

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I want to ask reason to changing nickname :P pro english ^^

6 years ago

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lol, stand behind what you post

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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When did I not? I said multiple times I still stand by the comment, just removed it from this one to try to set the focus on the suggestion.

6 years ago

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What? I posted this comment before you edited your OP. "Stand behind what you post" is in reference to the ability to change your username.

Edit: lolllllllllll, just saw why you were actually suspended

6 years ago*

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That has nothing to do with anything, I don't want this to hide my past. In fact, I also suggested a username history to keep track of people.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Nope. Mods specifically told me I was not suspended because of that comment. Was because of spam at first. Then changed to inappropriate behavior because I created 2 separate threads instead of joining them. Isn't that amazing?

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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I was never not nice to you. If you were triggered by the word asshole that was your choice.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Again you miss the point, I couldn't care less about that, me wanting to change my username has nothing to do with the fact that I'm disliked. Why do people always assume that if one wants to change their username it's because they want to get rid of their past? And then you blame me for judging you when you do the exact same thing...

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago

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Well, thanks for at least supporting the idea of allowing us to change it more often.

6 years ago

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I didn't even know you could change your username at all, now I'd like a username history like steam please. Registration should definitely put an alert saying that usernames are permanent though. The problem is with the "more often", I'm fine with users reverting back to an old username quickly within days(if the tickets were that quick) but am on the side to "stick to one" and not jumping back and forth between usernames, and definitely not more than two usernames. More work on cg's part to implement an auto system and you know some people will abuse whatever there is even if it costs a lot of money. I wouldn't mind if it was limited to ONE "instant"(maybe with a week delay) name change for $20 and one revert but only one each per account forever, think carefully, and then get rid of changing usernames through tickets altogether :P so you're stuck with it.

You commented that being able to identify someone easily is an entitlement but I think being able to change usernames all the time is more so, you can't change names legally that quickly irl or at all on most websites.

6 years ago

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Online names aren't the same thing as real names. I disagree that being able to change usernames is an entitlement, because it's our account and we should have control over how it's called - that's like saying that being able to change your e-mail and password is an entitlement. I could use the same argument for websites that allow you to change usernames (a lot of websites allow you to do this instantly, any time you want, like Steam, Twitter, etc..., and a lot of forums I've been a part of allow change of usernames through support or 3 times a year).

6 years ago

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I vote username changes can be made on Olympic years, and only to Animoji's.

6 years ago

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wooooooo part 2

6 years ago

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And he got suspended... fun times...

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I don't really understand why SG doesn't just use the Steam community name (and the Steam community name change policy) and leave it at that.

I suppose they could start charging $ for name changes, like Blizzard and Microsoft. That would certainly deter any "abuse".

6 years ago

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