Anyone knows a good website where I can find good networking courses or even simple explanations? I'm having a hard course this semestre and I can't understand what the teacher is saying.

8 years ago

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I usually tell my students to watch this:

This is also frequently mentioned as a layman-friendly book:
It is long and incredibly dry, boring though. So boring that even the official video courses can put you to sleep.

8 years ago

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What makes this course hard, is that we're learning networking that we never knew about. For example we're learning about ACKs and NAKs, using rdts(reliable data transfer channels v2.0 v2.1 ... v3 ..etc), as well as dealing with how packets are sent through TCP, calculating speeds, time for a packet to send etc...

8 years ago

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Are you sure you didn't pick one course ahead then? That is something that is not usually taught without proper foundations.

8 years ago

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We don't pick courses here, we're asigned to them. You don't choose what course you take, you only choose the "spinneret".

8 years ago

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Do you by chance have "Computer Networking - A Top Down Approach, 7th edition" book?

8 years ago

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Nope, I doubt the company has that. We only want the people to know the basics of networking, they usually learn what they need when they work with a team of a specific product.

8 years ago

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That sounds easier. My professor uses the 6th edition of the book, which is available online, as well as several slides from different universities around the world. However, finding an online version of the 7th edition of the book would be awesome since it might contain better explanation than its predessecor.

8 years ago

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Did professor gave some literature that goes good with the subject? If no, you could ask them to recommend some literature to you. Also, doesn't the professor have some time in a week designed just for a students that have some questions?

8 years ago

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She provided us with a book that she uses as main reference. It's a quite long one. I personally wouldn't be able to read it, because first of all I rarely read and secondly our schedule is quite full. I have other courses(OOP such Java and C++, databases, web technologies and Linux). I'm hoping if there is something straight forward, time friendly, easy to learn and very close to what she teaches.

8 years ago

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For hard courses, I check to see if Khan Academy has videos for them.

8 years ago

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Get a tutor to help you out.

8 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Meetrock.