You will get a UPlay key. I bought a GTX 970 and got a Far Cry 4 key. You activate the coupon code to Nvidia and then you get a Uplay key :P
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Aww damn, yeah that makes sense. Lucky guy, I'd kill for TR :O
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Nah a lot of these third party sites are a little too shady for me! I'm just waiting for the Summer sale!
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i bought a coupon here on did so many times before. always worked flawlessly.
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Aww that's a good idea, but I don't have much rep so I'd have to go first. I went first one time and lost Mad Max... So I'm done with trading! I have plenty games though, I can wait for a sale :3
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question is, how much rep did the other guy have? ^^ my opinion is, if you always stick to high-rep traders (like 200+), you are pretty safe. since i stick to a few basic trading rules, i had no problems anymore. scam-free for a few years now. ;)
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Yeah... Let's just say... It was a stupid mistake on my end! I didn't have steam enhance at the time either! :/ I'd definitely be more cautious now but... shrugs as much as I want it, it's just too much money even with buying it with keys, so I'll wait! Thanks for the advice though :D
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oh, an impersonator, i guess? yeah, those are bad. :)
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Yep, I was fairly new to SG and trading so I was careless. But whatever, it's done now! I've done a few trades here and there but I do it with people I trust :)
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i got scammed a few times, too. lost 35$ paypal to a guy. those are the kinds of mistakes you only do once. ;)
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Ouch! Sorry to hear that! Yeah you'd think that, but I'd rather just avoid it completely. I use trade dispensers which is nice! Since it's a key, I'll just stay well away and stab people as they come ;)
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sure, i'm not trying to convince you or something. :)
the 35$ didn't really matter, since i made so much more with trading. when cheap russian copies were still a thing, i was quite active and earned the money i needed for my own games with reselling gifts. so yeah, i lost that money one time, but i got so much much out of it overall. good ol' times... ^^
and yes, dispensers are super convenient. i generally prefer buying on, even is it sometimes costs a little more. it saves so much time compared to standard SG trading (search for the guy with a good price, add him, wait for him to come online, hope he still has the game...).
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Nah I know you are not! I think I'm just trying to convince myself not to xD
Oh well that's great to hear! It sucks the money went to a scammer in the first place, but if you made it back and then some... That makes me happy and plus you got games out of it for yourself! :D
Yeah definitely! Normally I do it when I have spare keys for giveaways! It's a nice way to get good games to give, although I have gotten some good deals and quickly :P
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Nah I know you are not! I think I'm just trying to convince myself not to xD
lol, well said! ^^
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Chicken is evolving! She only stabs for a reason now? everyone screams Yeah right! Fuck that! stabs
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I bought a notebook with gtx970m, how can i get the key ? is it from SE or NV ?
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After code you login with steam and game is added to your library.
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P.S.: I have the game from NVIDIA too, so you won't get the pre-order version (No extra TR2013 and random skins), just a normal copy.
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Oh my goodness! Apparently Newegg had a glitch that allowed people to buy just the Rise of the Tomb Raider nvidia promotional code for $0.01!! Some guy bought a couple hundred of them, $2.00 worth, and is selling them for $29.99 each. That's turning $2 into almost $6,000.00! :O
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I know for a fact they deactivated all codes and let each customer keep up to 5.
Everyone got that email from newegg, there are many organization that buy graphics cards and sell the game codes and sell the gfx cards separately.
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I just sold one for 45 which might be the most I ever got for a key but then I realized I was selling as a steam key but in fact it was not, one must enter the code at NVidia and then it downloads the game.I had to cancel the transaction because at that point the guy could've redeemed on NVidia and said he had a hassle or just flat out say "It was not a steam key" and although it would've provided the same service (obtain TROTR) well I would have no legal leg to stand on because I was selling it as a "steam key" which I assumed it was.
So now I either just keep it or do what I should've done in the first place and that's direct sale ( I stopped trading a while ago and really don't want any part of it anymore, more so the head aches that come along with it)
So just want to confirm it is certainly not a key :)
Enter the code on Nvidia website and then it asks you to sign in to steam and it begins.
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If it asks you to sign into steam I assume it activates on the account you signed in with... which is just the same as activating a key. As far as that goes the nvidia key should be considered a steam key.
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I just downloaded it, was planning on getting around to this game at some point but usually if I don't get a game at release I wait for a sale and for some reason I'm not a huge Tomb Raider guy (used to be but that was a life time ago).
Its the technicality nonsense that people will find in Ebay and use to their advantage, I know they might be the minority when compared to the common ebay shopper well i rather be safe than sorry. I can deal with a lot of feelings, getting burnt i don't cope very well with so sadly i am a bit of a pessimist in certain regards.
thank you.
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I want game and my friend want GPU so i think its good way to both be happy but i have question.
Do i get Steam key now(after entering coupon code in nvidia webpage) or later(before launch?)?
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