Here it is. March 21st - the 80th day of this year, and according to astronomy we have officially a Spring since yesterday. Some of you might have started a spring cleaning, some of you will start it soon, and some don't care. But there's a saying I've heard, and it goes something like this: "A house in order is a mind in order".

Unfortunately I can't help you with setting your house in order, but maybe I can help with your mind?
With New Year, many people make resolutions and with nobody to watch over us, we usually start forgetting them very fast, or something more important comes up. And when next December comes suddenly, we start feeling bad over doing nothing we wanted to have done. Why not deal with this problem now?

So... tell me about your New Year's resolutions, how things are going with them, and if you simply forgot about them, conciously gave up on them, or were forced to abandon them. And somewhat similarly to BLAEO (backlog fighting initiative), you might get inspired to try again. One more attempt at almost lost cause? And when the event ends in 7 days, maybe you'll have changed something? Or maybe you're on top of your game, and want to brag how much control over your life you have? Go on and share the news as well!

Oh, and here's some giveaways
You can get busy living, or you can get busy dying. It's always a choice.

Edit: moved my own resolutions to a comment, to not scare you all with a wall of text :P

3 years ago*

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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keeping the bump alive

3 years ago

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Anti-flatline bump

3 years ago

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For me, I've had 4 changes I wanted to introduce to my life with the coming of the New Year:

  1. Going for a 30+ minutes walk 5 times a week. - Failed utterly. Reason? I have entertainment waiting for me at home effort-free. It's pure laziness. I only take long walks 2 times a week when going shopping for groceries, but it's not a result of my willpower, but a need for survival. I never found a strength to start doing this.
  2. As a uni student - studying everyday for 2-4 hours (after finishing my online classes that is - so they're not included in this time) - Failed, but not totally. Had my exams in January, and due to my last ditch effort for half a month, I passed almost every subject. After such colossal effort, I wanted to take a break from a studying for a bit. And it sort of goes on till this very day.
  3. Switch to healthier eating habits. - Mostly successful - After eating takeout junkfood during my exams, I started cooking some simple dishes for myself, and switching out salty/sugary snacks for fruits (apples, kiwis, bananas, carrots...). I'm proud to say that I've only eaten 1 pizza in the last 30 days compared to 2 pizzas a week during pre-exam and exam period. A small rash disappeared from my hand as well. Who would've thought.
  4. Stupid skill training - as a young man, I decided I need a useless skill to brag about. Some people learn to shuffle Rubik's cube, others start penspinnnig. I wanted to learn to write with my right (non-dominant) hand. So far, I've spent exactly 0 minutes on that, due to feeling guilt over not doing points 1 and 2 above, and them being better thing to do.
3 years ago

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studying everyday for 2-4 hours (...) - Failed, but not totally.

Ehh, feel you - I'm writing my masters thesis. Even though I planned to work on it early on, here I am, having deadline this evening and still not sure if I have everything :D

So far, I've spent exactly 0 minutes on that

Made me laugh. Sums up me trying new stuff. I wanted unrelated to new years resolutions fix up my car, start writing, read more books, do some DIY projects, do some work around the house... done about 0 minutes on those things as well, or if I did start out, I've failed miserably.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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I am studying in my free time, or at least trying! I need to get an internship soon, so getting some extra qualifications can't hurt!
I am not as productive as I wish I was, but it is better than nothing.

3 years ago

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Thank you

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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bumping the story train

3 years ago

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It's totally separate from main thread topic, but I had fun making stuff up. ^^

3 years ago

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it totally is but I had fun reading it, so I wanted to highlight it and thank you for the good read
resolution: do more sports

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Thank you
I don't have plans

3 years ago

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This is worthy of a bump!

3 years ago

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What a wonderful bump (:

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Well if the sun starts shining again, get to 20c then you automatically start feeling better again too, which is hopefully soon.

Got no resolutions, don't believe in them, and what you said, you can do it all year. Unfortunately my room is getting so cluttered with computer stuff i got no closet space left to put things, and i feel that also clutters my mind, but nothing i can do about it until i got my own place, and with corona everything as for most people just grinded to a halt.

I should also be moving more according to doctors, and when you get older, you have to, as things don't go by itself so much anymore, but when it's <5c or rainy, storm etc or 30+ it's too warm, then yeah it's so easy to say i'll stay home, cup of tea, computergame.

3 years ago*

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Sunny weather is certainly helpful both in upping the comfort we feel and in outside conditions not obstructing our actions. Last couple days when I look out the window I see either sun shining, or clouds gathered, or snow falling. Very chaotic. :/

You don't believe in New Year's resolutions, or self-resolutions in general? Also, sorry to hear about your living conditions. Covid lockdwons force people into their 4 walls, and cluttering that leaves you even less space, so it must be annoying, especially given how you'd want to do something about it.

with corona everything as for most people just grinded to a halt.

While true, it's not totally true. The whole thread is about resolutions, and they are not just wishes for the world to change, but they're usually things that we want to do with ourselves. Coronavirus or not, I would like to make people remember, that they can still move forward with their lives, just like I try to.

3 years ago

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I meant people can change any time of the year (as i did over the years) they don't have to wait for a new year to make resolutions.
It always hits extra hard when you hear John Lennon's - War is over on the radio, and the text: "Another year over, and what have you done?" And you go find yourself saying well nothing or not much (again).

Although with any type of sports, when your are not sportive, many people go find excuses like oh i will go tommorow, or find excuses in the weather and such, and yourself face that too with point 1.

Well you got certain things now like people losing their jobs, you being forced inside 4 walls with people (and from my own experience i can say leads to a lot of tension and stress), for me moving out would be actually the only viable option though to get "rest" away from the people you are forced with, getting the room and the space to do your own things without anyone getting bothered etc.

True in that corona it doesn't stop oneself from still deciding for yourself to take a walk and such, although when i would have my own place i could also have the room for example a treadmill, then you can walk and don't have an excuse about the weather, and you can watch some tv or listen to music at the same time.

Sometimes you can plan, but sometimes life happens when you busy making other plans as the saying goes. Some things you can always change, some things will just happen to you.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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I don't think I set any goals at the beginning of the year, but I guess my goals are/were:

  • Pass my Year 1 uni exams
  • Be able to fit into my old clothes again

Regarding goal 1, it depends on whether or not school can help me right now. I just learned that I need an alternative way to do math exams, because I don't have the mental strength to learn everything in the course at once and then sit and solve math problems for 5 hours to prove it. If they won't help me with what I need, then I am absolutely not ever going to pass these exams! D:

Regarding goal 2, I have gained a lot of weight since October 2019, when I got injured. I like to exercise, but after/during the injury I was practically bedridden with awful pain for quite a while and was eating to ease the pain. I haven't weighed myself but I think it's around a 20 kg gain. Well, this goal is going like shit. I don't think I've gained weight since the start of the year but I haven't gotten into a good routine with my diet either and I exercise probably once every 2 weeks. This week I've been to the gym once and have been taking 2,5 km walks in the forest the other days though.

Fuck me, writing this out was painful. Let's do another gym trip tomorrow, have salad for lunch, and study some for my upcoming Java exam.

3 years ago

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Truth be told, the resolutions posted don't need to be from New Year, but I thought that would point people in the good direction when looking for things they wanted to do.

Goal 1's circumstances sound kinda extreme. In my uni most of subjects have some sort of midterm exam, which forces students to learn only half the material at once ;) and then they proceed to give us as little time as possible in order for us "not to cheat" by communicating with one another. Slow, methodical people that like to double check their solutions (me :( ) are at a disadvantage.
Anyway, I don't know how you could increase your endurance to solve math problems 5 hours straight, but unless you have exams very soon, you should be able to split the learning material in chunks and learn them one at a time. Finding out what questions were on the exam last year would probably also help with picking similar ones to practice with.

About goal 2: You might need to lose 20kg, but at least you know how to lose weight. My attempts at long walks are merely a means to stop my meatball evolution path, and give me time to get a grip on other stuff in life and start learning how to diet/exercise properly afterwards. So you're not in the worst situation possible.

writing this out was painful

As is most of honest reflection on ourselves. But if it gave you back your spark to fight again (like I hope), I was more than worth it.
And regarding both your goals:

View attached image.
3 years ago

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I wrote a math exam a week ago, I think I was properly prepared but 4 hours into the exam my brain was fried and I couldn't write a single word more, even though I knew the subject. They're really particular with what they give points for too so since I don't have complete solutions to the math problems I have a certain fail. Now I'll have to wait 5 months until I can attempt the exam for that course again. :/ Not to mention that I fail any more math exams this semester, I will have to retake all of them in the span of a week in August because that's the period they hold them. No fucking way I'm able to focus on more than one math course at once.

I do have a meeting planned with some counselor who is supposed to help students with certain problems, but I'm skeptical. Their default solution to everything seems to be extended writing times, but if I can't write for 5 hours then there's no way I'd be able to write for 7 lol. I'm going to have to fight pretty hard to get an alternative way to prove my math skills.

It's not my first time losing weight haha. Skipping breakfast, having smaller portions for lunch and dinner, no snacking, and running 5 times a week got me down pretty fast that time. I can't do that now though since running worsens my injury, so I'm trying to focus on weight lifting but there it's important to eat enough and get the protein you need. It all comes down to CICO though. Good luck!! :D (and I'll do my Rubesty!)

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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