What makes YOU angry?
It takes a great deal of effort to make me angry.
Sooner or later, I'm going to realize that my Meat Boy will not survive the level and gracefully close the game, because I would just be wasting my time.
Most people get angry when the die repeatedly. I just laugh at all the silly mistakes I make.
But if I had to vote, I'd pick one of the following:
Unclear instructions.
Unnecessary grinding for achievements.
Ridiculous and unreasonable requirements. Challenging is okay. Unreasonable is not.
Puzzles that make no sense. (Which is usually my fault because I don't like to read.)
...Oh there's another poll option that's perfect for me.
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I just laugh at all the silly mistakes I make.
"There are no mistakes, only happy accidents!"
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Unnecessary grinding( the achievment part isnt needed). I mean, yesterday I played Trine 3 in which you need to either perfect the main story missions or to do side stuff in order to unlock the main campaign missions that just break the story flow.
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Amen on the grinding. I notice that isn't on the list, but I'd have chosen it if it were.
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And if you get angry you want to stab MORE things but you can't so you get angrier and the thing just goes on and on and there's no way out
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Plz be strong.
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I believe "Party Hard" is just the right game for you :3
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Ah, It's good to see that we all go back to playing skyrim in the end ♡
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If I screw up I'll own it. If the game screws up and punishes me for it, that's infuriating.
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Not sure about rage, but invisible walls are very annoying. Understandable in multi-player games to prevent exploitation.
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I don't really get angry at games. If things are being difficult or super challenging, it can be a bit frustrating, but never anger inducing. I chose "Bugs" in the list, because when they make it so you can't actually just sit down and play the game to enjoy it, then it's the worst. However, at those times I just get disappointed more than anything else. I'm an easy-going gamer, more so now than I used to be. It's other things that can get me angry.
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A big one is when I just don't see an item in point and click games.
I get annoyed at games with a level design that requires you to do a lot of backtracking, wherein the backtracking doesn't introduce any new interest so you're just wasting time.
When I'm stuck on a part that's unusual for the game. For example: The rail gun level on RE5, which is where I'm stuck right now. Tried probably 30 times now.
In a horror game, where you keep getting caught by the bad thing at the same place. Turns less scary and more frustrating with each death.
Games with QTE's at uncalled for times. Like giving a high five, say.
Games with companions that have terrible AI. A lot more frustrating for your AI to die than for you to die.
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Derpy controls, meaning the character doesn't behave like I want it to, causing me to fail. Examples would be Assassins Creed Unity, where the character has problems getting into a window or moving to where I want him to. Or Mass Effect 3, where one button does it all (run, jump, cover), Yeah so running towards a cover and go into cover will make him jump over the cover instead and get shot in the face (almost all my deaths in ME3 was due to this shitty system).
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when i have to reset the game cause i fell down a hole and my infinite hp can't be turned off.
(FFX 200 lightning bolts anyone?) stuff like this is why i cheat and no i don't do it online cause i DO feel that effect other peoples fun.
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What about... All of the above?
I can definitely get angry while playing a game, but there are multiple reasons for that. Failing repeatedly is one of them, and often caused by a game being too hard, having bad controls, or being simply badly designed in general.
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What are the things that make you angry while playing games?
We all have those table flipping moments when we are just
(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ UGGHHHHHH
For me it would be challenges that are too challenging (FFX 200 lightning bolts anyone?) and of course PLOTHOLES. I mean, Heavy Rain is probably one of my favourite games ever but there are too many things that just don't add up, you know.
The ones in the poll are just few of the many options but there would be many more: poor story, bad endings, crappy sound quality when they talk and you can't hear them over the sound of the soundtrack, bad dubbing etc.
Lv.1+ giveaway of a game that makes me angry.
-Sorry for my crappy English-
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