So I created a thread yesterday about region restricted.
The game's region restricted turn out very strict and funny at the same time.
My winners are from Brazil, Turkey and Russia. As you can see, their region price for the game are -25.73%, -57.87%, -34.62% lower than me (I'm from Vietnam) but I can't purchase the game through Steam gifting system.
Steam only allow me to gift game to Indonesia, Malaysia, Phillipines, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, Vietnam and Brunei.
What a ridiculous policy! Thailand is +16.29% and Singapore is +45.19% higher than me and I still can gift them.
I spend triple money more than expected but lesson learned.
Sorry for my bad English. I just want to point out that -10% to +10% is not true.
Thank you for being patient :)

3 years ago

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I'll suggest only creating for your country it's easier to talk and send etc.(and choose since it's only your country) for the gifts that sended from steam
By the way are you planning to send this gift from steam or sending humble bundle code or something like that

3 years ago

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I've already paypal 2 winners, still waiting for 3 others, they haven't accept my friend request yet. I hope that they'll allow me to paypal them because it's the only choice for me right now.

3 years ago

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I would suggest buy region free games on sites like humble or fanatical, restriction on steam are weird and can change with every sale. But even on Fanatical I highly suggest check restriction, cause it screwed me few months back also, my currency changed against euro and Fanatical scratched out some countries for me due to that.

Edit: Have a giveaway bump.

3 years ago

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What I've learned about region restrictions is that even if your game prices are more expensive it doesn't really matter because Steam has regions grouped already. I don't have a list myself but those "restricted" regions should be LATAM, Asia and Rus/Cis, we cannot gif each other either (only US and EU can) so I recommended checking on your Steam before gifting anything, just add a game to the cart and proceed to checkout as if you were gonna gift something and then you'll see which countries you're able to gift before paying. In the future I just recommend giving out keys since it's way easier than gifting through Steam unless it's someone from your same region

3 years ago

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Never faced such an issue till now. The cheapest region I was able to gift was with almost -135%.
So I still include countries where prices are less than +10% than my region. Haven't made region-restricted lately though.

Maybe Steam introduced new rules that we didn't notice. Or it might be linked to the new rule that they announced almost a year ago, I think, which only allows the user to add steam gift cards(it might be wallet I'm not sure) that is on that user's regional currency, i.e. you won't be able to add USD steam gift card in Vietnam.
So maybe because of thing like that. Looking at the country list that you are able to send, weren't they all on the South East Asian(SEA) steam region previously. Looks like every country got its own currency but still buy/gift to each other only.

3 years ago

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In my experience, one can only gift to countries in one's region (for example, I'm in Colombia so I could only gift to the other Latin American countries), but that thing about not being able to gift to countries which prices are more than 10% higher still applies.
Once I intended to gift some game to users in Latin America, I was able to gift the game to people from Brazil, Argentina and Colombia, but couldn't do it to people from Chile and Mexico (though at some point it literally said that I would be able to gift the game to those countries) because their prices were more than 10% higher

3 years ago

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as far as I understand, there are 2 kind of restrictions when it comes to gifting:

  • Region restriction: it means you can only gift the game within your region. I believe this restriction is not universal for all games and all regions. But I couldn't find anything to back me up yet. Here's a screenshot for region restricted warning.

  • Price difference restriction: it means you can't gift games to other countries, whose price of the game is 10% higher than yours. I think this rule is applied to all games without exception. So I don't think it'll be possible for you to gift to Thailand and Singapore unfortunately. This warning will appear when you tried to gift it anyway.
    Above is only what I understand about gifting on Steam. Please correct me if i'm wrong. :)

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3 years ago

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yeah I think you're right

3 years ago

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ủa VN 😅
gu chơi game khá quá, nhất là thấy ko nuốt nổi Witcher 3 giống t là thấy hài lòng r 😁
friend ko? dù h t khá bận nhưng sau này chắc cũng có thời gian chơi đc, biết đâu 😃

3 years ago

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do máy mị cùi nên chạy không nổi con game đó ;-; với mị chủ yếu chơi indie với PvE à, ít đụng PvP lắm.
mị cũng đang chạy đồ án sấp mặt nên thôi cứ add đã tính sau :)))

3 years ago

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ít nhất giai đoạn này hỗ trợ nhau giải mấy cái pơ giồ của bọn tây cũng có thể gọi là chơi co op với nhau rồi 😄
có mấy cái làm mấy trăm mảnh mà toàn trắng hay đen hay đồng màu gắn cả tuần mới xong, mỗi ngày 1 tí phát mệt 😫
ai xong trc chỉ nhau :3

3 years ago

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I would never require someone to paypal me. I'd agree to a delete before it comes to that.

I'm always adding people from different regions to my Steam Friends list. Which I then click Manage/Add Nickname to put what country they are from.
That way I can do a dry run and precheck if I can gift a game to different countries. Just dont hit the final I agree check box.

I dont have a Vietnam friend. Adding you to my WL and sending you a Steam Friend invite.

Anyone have a Steam region list that shows what countries they are in?

3 years ago

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That's brilliant. Friend request accepted 😀

3 years ago

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Thailand is +16.29% and Singapore is +45.19% higher than me and I still can gift them.

Sorry for necroing, but I was wrong, and I forgot to feedback. In this case, I could only gift game to Indonesia, Malaysia, Phillipines, Vietnam and Brunei.
Under 10% higher is still true. Steam will refuse to make purchase eventhough you reach the review and purchase step.

1 year ago

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Closed 1 year ago by tungmapu.