What the title says.

I enjoy voiced characters a lot more than silent ones. Just play Thief or Deus Ex if you haven’t already and see what I mean. Garrett is one of the coolest characters in gaming industry (in my opinion, best ever character in gaming history), and when he comments cynically about stuff going on around him or about people, it’s just awesome to hear, especially when voiced by a super cool voice actor (kudos to Stephen Russell!). When a protagonist doesn’t say a single word but only produces mutterings of pain, I mostly feel isolated in some games that are not supposed to make you feel so. I am simply against the idea of “hey, the character is you.” Okay, in some video games like The Elder Scrolls this could be accepted, but otherwise, nah. One exception could be Corvo Attano of Dishonored, due to his nature of being an assassin, it might be good idea to make him a man of few words (Daud is much cooler than Corvo though, not only because he is voiced, but also his character development is far superior).

Gordon Freeman is the best character ever? Bah. Well, I do love Half-Life series but when I see Freeman voted as one of the best characters ever it doesn't make any sense. Plain boring.

So, what is your opinion guys?

8 years ago*

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Should first person video game characters be voiced or silent?

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8 years ago

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Totally agree with you, voice adds a lot to a character.

8 years ago*

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Depends ;D

8 years ago

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Depends on the game, on the char and how well it's voiced (or non voiced). Sometimes I wanted to stab some main chars everytime they spoke. (like mirror's edge, but the dubbing was terrible in italian, lol)

8 years ago

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Oh signore... gioco rovinato da quella strega D:

8 years ago

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omg qualcuno con il mio stesso nome mi ha risposto D:


8 years ago

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hehe :D

8 years ago

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As sunlikely said, it depends on the game. In some games, it can be jarring, while in others it adds to the immersion.

8 years ago

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Variety is always good, so I would vote for mixed, really depends on game as others said

8 years ago

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Too bad I cannot add new options to the poll after having created the thread. Sorry about it.

8 years ago*

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As everyone said: it depends on the game.

I'm not sure how there could be a universalized answer. It's a stylistic choice. I don't think it has a right answer that applies in all cases any more than does what sort of background music your game should have or what kind of control scheme it should use. Design elements like these needs to be fitted to the specifics of a particular game.

For a good example, contrast the first and third BioShock games. I think they made a good call in each case, but in one game the protagonist speaks and in the other he is entirely silent.

8 years ago*

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Good points, I agree with the BioShock, but I'm sure I would still love it if the protagonist was voiced.

But it doesn't have to have a universalized answer. Maybe if the earliest FPS games featured voiced characters, then I doubt silent protagonists would be this common. One could never know.

8 years ago

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I enjoyed hearing Jennifer Hale speak as my char in the Mass Effect series: I always play Fem Shep. I heard the dude speak and I was like, ewww, no thank you. I also like hearing Doug Cockle speak as Geralt of Rivia in The Witcher 3. But, I fucking hated hearing the voice acting for the playable female char in Fallout 4. It was offputting and made me wish for Fallout 1,2 (3) or New Vegas style silence.

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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OF COURSE I HEARD! Eidos Montreal/Square Enix can go to hell for calling him "too old to handle voice acting duties."

8 years ago*

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8 years ago*

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I doubt my rig could run it, but I'm super excited as well! He won't disappoint us fans. So talented and has a unique voice! Hope to hear aged-Garrett too!

8 years ago

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Well, he is old, so he will do old voice :P

8 years ago

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Not voice acting duties, but stunts.
They went with full motion-capture, which includes voice actor also doing all animations.

And then, not sure if his age wouldn't result in sounding silly as 20-30 years old Garrett...

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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what if the trailers KILL US

8 years ago

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Silent protagonists are more relatable than voiced ones, which sometimes break the inmmersion fantasy.

8 years ago

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This ^

8 years ago

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i need the optionn "depends"

8 years ago

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Cannot add a new option, sorry :( Let's make "Potatoed" to serve for that purpose. :D

8 years ago

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I enjoy a voiced character but with some variety in his / her phrases. Fallout 4 really stumbles here, Ive crack over 100 safes.... Really tired of "Got it" each time...lol

8 years ago

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Obviously, variety is needed - otherwise it would be like a dull, robotic experience. I think Bethesda didn't really bother with that.

8 years ago

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If the game [ developer ] clearly explain to me that the main character is a deaf then i can handle it otherwise it's not normal for me but i can accept it if i know their decision had acceptable reason(s) like financial issues.

8 years ago

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Of course, financial issues are another thing.

8 years ago

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sometimes, silence is gold

View attached image.
8 years ago

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i always liked half-life because freeman doesn't speak a single word.

8 years ago

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I like it because I like half life!

8 years ago

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Depends on the character:
if it's a player-made character, like the protagonists of the Elder Scrolls games, it's better for them to be silent;
otherwise, unique characters are better voiced, it helps in relating to them.

8 years ago

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Technically no 1st person game is without voices, you at the very least get grunts from getting hit or falling, and even that conveys personality, Id say a 1st person game character must not have a voice, when I played Fallout New Vegas I found myself downloading a different voice pack because I didn't like the males grunts, and it made him sound like someone I was not portraying. So yeah, that's my stance on it.

8 years ago

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Unvoiced is lazy. :3

8 years ago

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It depends, although I generally prefer them to be voiced (if done properly). If my character sounded anything like those from Chaos Wars though, I'd take silent any day.

8 years ago

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Depends on the game.

My pick for the best mute character would be the Doom Guy from DOOM (2016) - a man who just wants to kill stuff and smashes everything, because he is impatient.

As for voiced, however, idk. Have to dig deeper to find my pick.

8 years ago

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I don't say too much so also prefer silent heroes.

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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Voiced. A silent Payday 2 would lose 50% of its value (and memes).

8 years ago

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Depends on the type of game. For RPG's it sometimes is better if the character isn't voiced. That way you can totally fill in yourself how he/she says it. In shooters though, it doesn't really matter, since there usually isn't much choice or character customization anyway.

8 years ago

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Agreed. I really disliked it in Fallout 4, but I didn't mind it in Mass Effect series.

8 years ago

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I would personally consider Mass Effect to be an RPG, but it worked pretty well. I'm currently playing through Dragon Age Inquisition, but the voices in that are pretty generic. I liked it better in Origins, where the character is silent. It just adds a bit more imagination to it, which is something I love in RPG's (making your own story / character).

8 years ago

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Silent ofcourse, thats why we are playing first person, to fully control character.

I hated fallout 4 for that for example

8 years ago

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silent if possible :3

i like the idea of assigning a voice to a character in my head based on the experiences and bio of a character, it makes me feel the character is more... mine, and i relate to it better

but hey, thats just my opinion!

8 years ago

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After many years I can finally live with mute Freeman - he's a robot sent by GLaDOS to kill everyone in Black Mesa. He doesn't speak because he knows everyone would recognize his synthetic voice.

He's very annoyed when he beats someone with crowbar for 2 minutes because said person have VERY IMPORTANT MONOLOGUE and just won't die until they ends it.

8 years ago

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