umad? i might not have given any info on which games i was giving away in mine - but i did mention there was a $300 cv req, and that there was a $0cv req for those who didn't meet the 300 mark
Honestly? i don't mind.. if i do a puzzle its because i find it interesting and challenging, if there's a game at the end i already had or cant enter because of CV? oh well.. at least i used my brain for 2 minutes instead of just sitting here like a mindless zombie watching Netflix all day
Take OGrady's puzzle (Smosch) that thing was awesome, had so many levels of hidden levels and you even had to make a phonecall to get a coded message you needed to decode.. I'm not even mad that he made it a bit easier after i completed it.. i was so thrilled to complete it because it was entertaining
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Puzzle posters generally say what the CV is, but I do find it frustrating when I spend 3 hours on a puzzle, which I have a few times, only to find it is something I already have or have zero interest in. Rarely do they say what the game is, and I'd rather not waste 20 minutes to an hour or more on something I have or don't want.
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This does come up now and then. From my point of view I specifically want to weed out people who focus solely on the puzzle reward. You are not interested in the puzzle itself, I am not interested in you solving it, go away, thank you. It's a fair mutual disinterest I hope.
Regarding CV value, I personally would love not to have any on my puzzles but I decided I need that too to weed out even more people. I just don't have the time to bother with general public, I don't want cheaters above all and the more random people who otherwise aren't interested in puzzles get interested in my giveaway, the more likely it is they gonna spoil something, and I mean even just by being oblivious/ignorant, not out of malice.
I realize in both cases I have collateral damage but ultimately this is the way I roll and it's my right as a creator to do as I please. However, I do think it's fair to point out there's CV required, even if you could just check if there are any private giveaways made by given person and what CV they have, but that of course is not 100% accurate prediction if there are many giveaways.
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An integral part of some puzzles is that you don't know what's being given away. For example one of my older ones. Other puzzles use the name of the game as an answer to one of the quizzes.
If you don't like puzzles that don't give you the name of the game, simply ignore them. You shouldn't feel entitled to get everything about the prize before you even get to it. I mean, you even state that you hate puzzles, so why are you even trying to solve them? o.o
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I agree, also. I'm always up-front about the game being given away and what the CV requirements are (if any).
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88 Comments - Last post 44 minutes ago by VinD3
Am i the only one who believes most of puzzles on SG sucks? And i don't mean that they are too hard/easy or anything like that. It just pisses me off that in most cases puzzle giveaway creators never tell for what game/cv their puzzle is made. It gets old when you discover that you just spent 5/10/30/whatever minutes of your life to uncover link to giveaway of game you already own or don't want (or in some rare cases you don't have enough CV to enter). So please inform for what game you create a puzzle.
Puzzle hater.
oh and small and quick giveaway for people who actually bothered to read all that (told you there were no hidden GA)
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