Would you mark, had "not received" it?
What game is it ?
And also i dont really get it....
The game got removed from steam ... or from his account ?
Cause there are games that get removed from steam , but you do keep them in your library .
Take digital homicide games for example , any trace from them is removed ... but they still exist ... kind of :)
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Noct. You can look this dispute there: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/IeYez/noct
Remove from his accaunt.
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lol... you are to obliged a lifetime warranty on all giveaway. For example, somebody win the game but when they realise that the game suddenly disappear, which may due to fraud credit card purchase or other reason, the winner has the rights to get back another copy from you and you would need to give back the game or he has the rights to mark it not received or you persuade him to delete the giveaway.
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Problem is that , you kinda Do need to provide him a new key.... IF ... as ppl suggested you got that from that IGN promotion .
IF you gave away a beta key ( even without you knowing it was a Beta key only ) ... you essentially broke the rules , and such keys will some day get revoked ...
So you kinda owe him another key.
Alternativelly you can ask him to accept a giveaway deletion and you both forget about it
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Sounds like the winner wants to scam you out of a key. I'd contact support about this.
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Jokes aside , they only deal with Copy paste premade msgs ...
Like you need to be INSANELY lucky to actually get a reply that its not just part of a notepad file ...
And based on the comment the guy left on the original giveaway , the game disappeared from his library so he did activate it at some point b4 today :P
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I know. Last time I was trying to get them explain how region-locked purchases and activations worked in tandem with the account country you can set and I three times they gave me copy-paste responses until someone actually took 2 minutes to read what I wrote and explain it.
the game disappeared from his library so he did activate it at some point b4 today :P
I didn't believe that, to be honest.
I doubt that he could have just now got the key revoked message, it's been a year since the giveaway ended and more than that since the beta ended. But, if that was the case he would have probably mentioned the key revoked message, not just the game "disappearing" (unless there's a new option to make keys be revoked "silently"). So that+support made me doubt the veracity of his claim. To me it just sounded like he never activated it, met a SG filter he couldn't pass and just tried the key now for the first time to "fix" it.
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Noct Beta is available until 10/21/2015, at which date will be removed from the library. Users who take part in the Noct Closed Beta will then receive 40% off full purchase of Noct.
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You apparently gifted away the beta key for Noct, presumably from the 2015 IGN beta key drop promotion. The beta was revoked eventually. (Even though the game is still in 0.19 alpha state, almost a year and a half after release, but let's not delve into the topic of how Noct is yet another cash-grab eternally alpha "survival" game.)
The winner seems to be okay with giveaway deletion (his profile shows zero traces of him ever starting up the game), so you can just file a support ticket of deleting that giveaway.
But if he wouldn't, Noct was bundled (again) last month, so the grey market still has keys for it for like $1.25.
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Edit to add: If you really gave away a beta key, you are wrong and the winner is right. But since he is allowing you to delete it, I would go with that. It's the easiest way.
Pretty much this .
Also nice cat . , you closed your topic to fast so i couldnt comment on it ...
And yeah i should be sleeping D:
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I don't think it was steam that decided it was a beta key a year later. More that it was always a beta key, but you still had access to this early access game, so the winner didn't know any better.
Might even have said when he activated the game, but since it's an early access game that's not too surprising that it would say beta there, even full game keys can say beta when it's in early access.
The question here is whether or not the place the GA creator got the key said it was just for beta access or a full game, and since he doesn't remember he is responsible for falsely giving away a beta key when he was supposed to give away a full game key. Just reiterating the conclusion you came to at the end.
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Also you can get it for 295 Coins on tremor ...
IF you want to keep the CV for that game , get a key from there ... if not request a deletion and thats it .
IF you got the key from IGN and it was stated it is for the beta , you DO need to provide him another key
Yeah it is a year since then ... but you are obliged to provide the game ... for....forever :)
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I see 2 mistakes made with this giveaway:
1) The "giver" gave away a key which (most likely) was not valid, either knowingly or not.
2) The "receiver" took the key, marked it as received but did not activate it in Steam OR did not contact the "giver" about the issue. And that for over a year...
As for 1 I suggest to simply request to delete the giveaway and apologise for the mistake.
As for 2, since the "receiver" said it was received but never activated it and didn't return to you in a timely manner (GA states within 1 week!) it's his own loss.
Won gifts should be activated to the Steam account used during registration, and they should not be regifted, traded, or sold.
Allow the giveaway creator one week to send the gift. Please be patient and do not contact them during this time. If the gift is not received after one week, you may contact the giveaway creator on Steam to follow-up.
Winners should correctly mark their gift as received or not received within one week of the giveaway closing. This feedback should be kept up-to-date if the status of the gift changes.
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Hello all.
I create giveaway more then year ago. The winner received his prize.
But more than a year later, this game was not available in Steam. And the winner is required from me a new prize. As he noted in a giveaway that did not get it.
It's not my fault that the game was no longer in the Steam. I am not obliged to keep a lifetime warranty on this giveaway.
What do you think, who is right in this story?
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