Do you save-scum, you scum!?
I save scummed for Bloodborne, got all three endings in one go, easy peasy.
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The term kind of implies shaming. I know you didn't mean it that way. I just think we shouldn't even use terms like that, for obvious reasons. I mean, you can tell by the reception of it here in the thread. ;)
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Yes, losing a unique card sucked, but the rule-spreading mechanic was super obnoxious.
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Something I once talked to my friend about while I was playing Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.
Let's say I'm trying to play as a strictly stealthy play for the Ghost and Smooth Operator bonues. BUT whenever I'm caught sneaking around, I'm immediately shot to death, then it auto reloads to a state right before my death. I keep playing this way until I beat the mission with all the stealth bonuses.
Am I save scumming? XD
This really happened often but I didn't really care if I'm good at being stealthy or not.
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Nah, I try to avoid save-scumming, but this is definitely not it.
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ive actually never done that. heck i barely save cuz i forget but the game doesnt let me forget when it crashes i got to restart hours worth of content. but actually just remembered its a lie. i kept reloading my save when i had to get lulu items in ffx and i didnt want to restart the 200 dodges!
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I do it only when I feel cheated by the game. Like when something takes for ages to do and you can mess it up at the very end by mistake, or because the dialogue line says something like "decline", but the character ends up saying "fuck you" and everything goes bad.
I once did something similar at an online game of Talisman. There was a server glitch and I had to redo my turn, but this time I picked the best move possible. I was so ashamed, I dropped off the game.
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Depends on the game, only when it saves me several boat-loads of time.
Take the old King's Quest games (or any Sierra games of that age) for example. Save in the wrong place or after missing something and you have to start all over. I also had a PSX memory card dedicated to Chrono Cross saves but that was somewhat required to get all the characters.
If there's anything luck-based in the game I'll do it with no regrets though. There were a couple different Dragon Warrior/Quest games on the NES that had a lottery or casino area that would just beg you to save/reload as-needed to get the items you could only get there. Especially Dragon Quest 2 that had hard to find lottery tickets instead of spending money.
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Usually just when achievement hunting rather than simply trying to beat a game...
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Why does such a derogatory term have to be applied? You are playing for fun, not to beat some imaginary or real records, not to impress anyone. Save as much, and whenever you want.
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I have to say I always save scum and didn't even know it was considered a 'bad thing'. Like a lot of games are unclear about if an action is permanent or will result in something happening, so if something unexpected happens and I don't like it, I'm definitely going to do it. Undertale got me real good on that one though, I had no idea you could be non-violent originally and my husband tricked me into trying to start over when I realised. It was traumatic...
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Save scumming is usually copying your saved game file to another directory, to circumvent auto-deletion (or auto-whatever). Usually in perma-death rogue-likes and such. Anytime you try to circumvent the saving (or lack thereof) system that devs implemented is save scumming.
Came here to say the same thing.
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So here I am again with another one of my questions! And now I wanted to know if you have ever indulged in the practice of save-scumming, and in how much did you indulged?
If you're looking for multiple endings then this is unavoidable, but when talking more in the lines of a first playthrough: Maybe you regretted a choice you made in a story driven game and wanted to change it? Or maybe you didn't like the random piece of loot you got in an RPG? Or maybe you just want to do everything perfectly from the beginning? That's the stuff I want to know!
In my case, I try to keep my playthrough as clean as possible, but the majority of the time I have fallen victim to the temptation of save-scumming, so maybe you did better than me? XD
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