Big thanks. We love our game. And hope gamers will love it too )
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We spent a lot of time on controls and game speed. Hope, it will look good )
In video just alpha-version. I think it will be changed before release (after soft-launch).
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Btw, we have different types of characters:
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MMOs are not really my thing, but that doesn't mean your game shouldn't be on Steam. Plus it looks great and all, so here, take my vote :)
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It's a Massively Multiplayer Online game
The first six words were enough for me to file it under the "nope" folder.
I wish you good luck in your endeavour though, and hope you'll reach your goal. Trying to be successful in one of the most oversaturated genres of PC gaming is a gargantuan task.
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I, actually, like single play games (:
But for now this is the trend in the gaming industry (I mean, mmo really popular this days) =/
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Well, it is a little more complicated than that. MMOs are in a decline outside SEA, the West is about MOBAs now. Both genres have the same problem: people only play those few titles that started the craze, like WoW, LoL, Dota 2. The contenders, even if they are superior (which, let us be honest, isn't really difficult when we talk about a Blizzard game or (shudders) LoL) just cannot siphon away enough user base for a long time to sustain themselves. Some of them are sometimes picked up by the media and enjoy a short bask of glory, but it is ephemeral.
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Yeh, It's really difficult to compete with Blizzard/Riots. But, they are only on PC.
We're trying to make game truly cross-platform to attract more people. So, we hope for success )
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Oh, yeh, it's just in video. In-game fps will be 60 for sure )
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Not port, really. It's cross-platform game. We're developing UnnyWorld for all platform at same time )
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Thanks. On WIndows mouse + keyboard. We have some troubles in making controls good for PC, yeh )
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I don't understand you :<
If you mean Win8 tablet, there is no any difference with Android or iOS tablets. If you mean Windows (as PC platform), there will be different controls system.
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I bet this game will get alot of votes, It looks great, and it also supports alot of languages... Good job!
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Not my type of game but I voted anyway. I think other people would enjoy this game.
Good luck getting greenlit!
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The game looks fun but I'd need to learn a lot more before saying that with certainty. I do have one question and one gripe.
How is your gesture control system revolutionary? Gesturing to input commands was in use in a PC game called Black and White, and possibly earlier. More recently I've played a mobile game called Mage and Minions which uses a gesture system to activate abilities. Since gesturing itself isn't new is there some aspect to your system which is new?
My gripe is that in casual communication I wouldn't be bothered by some of the grammatical errors I see, but since this is supposed to be a professional product I am bothered by things like "on arena" and "...steal other player's gold". All of your profiles show that you're from countries that generally speak Russian or Arabic so I understand you might not have someone who can check for translation errors but...well, like I said it bothers me to see this in a professional product.
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We are planning to hire native speakers to translate our game to all languages before release. But for now it's just alpha )
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Understandable. What about the gesture control question?
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I'd be very happy to proofread things for you, if you want! (For free, of course. I'm no professional translator or anything.)
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Text for discussions like this? Or in-game texts? )
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I was thinking mainly of in-game texts.
(Sorry for the late reply, I had to leave shortly after posting my last message!)
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None at all :p So it's okay if you don't want anything to do with this. I'm just saying, I'm a native English speaker and if there isn't any such person on your team I'd be happy to help you find any glaring mistakes.
Do you have forums of any kind? If so people could just play it normally and report any mistakes they found on the bug reports section, I think that might be the better solution for me.
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For now we just have blog
We will make forum soon, I think. But people can't play, cause Unnyworld will be available for tests only in September-October )
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This thesis "gesture control revolution" more marketing trick, not my idea =/
It's not really revolutionary, yeh. But something new...if you are looking last games in this genre.
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That's unfortunate. To me that claim comes across as dishonest. Perhaps you could just change the description to "intuitive gesture control" or something.
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Yes, I think we should change description. Will discuss with team.
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Good to hear, and thank you for taking the time to discuss it.
Similar to ET3D I also primarily play mobile games these days simply because I always have my phone or tablet with me, so I do welcome any good additions to the mobile gaming market.
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Thanks to you for good conversation.
It's really important for me to hear all points of view )
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Why do you need extra support from websites like this if the game is already good enough to be greenlighted? If there are enough people interested in the game then it should not be an issue. Coupled with the statements above, you are not even confident about your own product. This will just turn into another game with empty servers and abandoned support.
Exactly what Steam needs, more junk. Can we not just leave the Greenlight process to its natural course and allow the games that really deserve to have a place in the store to be greenlighted?
Well, at least you are not giving away free keys.
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Hm, I just asked to vote. But you could press "no", the choice is yours anyway. I just wanted to make attention to game )
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Hi everyone.
Our team have been developing a new game for more than a year already. And now we are trying to pass greenlight. It's a MMO game which goal is to unity PC and mobile users in a fast-paced realtime battles.
It would be great if you support our game Unnyworld in Greenlight
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