is sgtools really down for 2 days? http://www.isitdownrightnow.com/sgtools.info.html
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No, it was up yesterday. But right now it is down for me too.
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Oh bummer.
I was able to create SGfilter and check if it's working hour ago. So didn't know there are peoblems with the site.
Looks like I will wait and give direct link at the end of the train and play with rerolls for some time after GAs will end, if it won't go up in few hours. >_<
Thx for heads up! :D
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banned triclosan in "antibacterial" soaps
a friend is doing PhD on Triclosan degradation ;)
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Thank you very much for the educational puzzle! :)
Now if only SGtools wouldnt be down :(
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I don't agree with the first question of your old quiz. Triclosan does kill bacteria, that's why it is still used in toothpaste, e.g. Colgate Total. What was questioned by the CDC and FDA was the effectiveness of antibacterial soap at preventing the spread of germs. Handwashing with soap prevents germs spreading not by killing the bacteria but by mechanically removing it. There is no need to kill bacteria if it is washed off your hands and into your sewerage system.
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It's not based on my thoughts / opinions, but on science articles. You'd have to keep your hands for 9h in solution of triclosan to kill bacteria that are present there.
If it'd work, noone would make fuss about it, and companies would just give tons of evidence that would speak in their favour ¯_(ツ)_/¯ But they didn't and now will have to move on with their products. That's enough for me.
Also trying to killi all bacteria that are present in mouth is not good as well, as they also have positive benefits
Antiseptic mouthwash is commonly used to quickly refresh and clean the mouth after brushing your teeth in the morning, after eating, and before going to bed. Frequently replacing mouthwash with toothpaste as a quick fix to kill off lingering germs, however, can become a deadly habit that you may need to spit out. According to a recent study published in the journal Free Radical Biology and Medicine, using a mouthwash twice daily — such as Corsodyl — may increase blood pressure up to 3.5 millimeters of mercury (mmHg), raising your heart attack risk.
Which is funny, I'd never think of connection like this.
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That's not correct. It has been used as an effective biocide for decades and is bacteriostatic at low concentrations. It's not that low concentrations only start killing bacteria after 9 hours, it prevents bacteria from reproducing, and the Korean experiment only measured the natural attrition of the bacterial colony after 9 hours. It has been banned for use in handwash because it is not necessary to kill bacteria when you wash them off your hands and there is concern that widespread unnecessary use of antibiotics could accelerate the evolution of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria: http://ec.europa.eu/health//sites/health/files/scientific_committees/consumer_safety/docs/sccs_o_023.pdf
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It was banned, because companies were false-advertising soaps with it as "antimicrobial", when it fact they weren't able kill bacteria that are present on hands during act of washing hands (and in wastewater diluted concentration is so low, that it won't do anything good either). So people who thought it's truth were buying them, thinking that they're more safe with them than with regular soaps, but in the end they can only end up in creation of more drug-resistant strains, and we have enought problems with stuff like MRSA to begin with (as you already mention in your post)
So companies were hoarding tons of easy money, by misleading ads and marketing. Also there is difference between antimicrobial killing properties (so removing them completely) and antimicrobial static properties (stop to multiply, but don't kill). And soaps were sold while implying they have 1st property.
And I'm writing about this part - misguiding people to buy stuff to earn more money, and in exchange don't provide any actual benefits for consumers. Not about triclosan other applications.
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I agree with the thrust of your argument but not the details.
The deception was that manufacturers claimed that antibacterial soap was "more effective than plain soap and water at preventing illness and the spread of certain infections" - http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm517478.htm. They couldn't prove this because washing your hands with soap effectively prevents the spread of germs by removing them: https://www.cdc.gov/handwashing/why-handwashing.html
Antibacterial ingredients were banned from soap because they increase the risk of antibiotic-resistant bacteria developing without improving the effectiveness of handwashing at preventing illness (because the viability of the germs in your sewer is irrelevant to the spread of germs from your hands).
The use of bacteriostatic agents is a viable method of treating bacterial infections. Clarithromycin is prescribed to treat Mycoplasma pneumonia because mycoplasma don't have the cell walls that are targeted by traditional antibiotics. It doesn't kill any individual microorganism but by preventing them from breeding, it kills the colony.
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Nice quiz. Bump
i failed every question at least once
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Neat little quiz, thanks! Hopefully SGTools gets back up and running again soon.
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So I made biology quiz some time ago (like 10 months ago >_<) and had few more ideas, but hadn't had time to put them together. But as I had 2 weeks off due to Christmas I was at last able to sit and write them down.
It's not really a puzzle, more like quiz where you have to pick up one answer from 3 provided. Nothing hard, it's not designed to make you suffer, but to (maybe) make you learn few biology facts.
Starts here. This time 7 questions and SGtools check at the end (inactivated / multiple wins + no more than 69 games won than given).
SGtools works for now. So you can enter in GAs.
GAs are from November Monthly bundle:
So I think that everyone will find something for themselves.
If you are curious about previous quiz it's available here. No GA tho, solve for fun only. But I'm proud of Q1, as FDA (U S Food and Drug Administration) banned triclosan in "antibacterial" soaps. So really, don't buy this stuff, it won't help you. It will drain your wallet, and only stuff it's really doing is polluting environment.
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