I think everyone here know that EA is a company that only chasing after money.

I believe they are rely on the bonuses and DLCs, Sims 3 and BF3 got many DLCs!

Sims 3 = 20 DLCs and everyone of them is about 15-40$.
About BF3, I let the image speak for me:

Of course it is not the only reason, just only one of many.

What you think about Humble Origin Bundle?

Sorry if my English is not the best, English is not my native language.

11 years ago*

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I think people should just enjoy the god damned good deal and not try to put a bad spin on it. Who cares what their intentions are with this bundle if you're getting a good deal yourself? No one's being hurt and charities are benefiting.

11 years ago

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Pretty much this ^^

11 years ago

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All of this, plus I think the games in the bundle are no longer supported? More so with the releases of Battlefield 4 and Sims 4 soon.

11 years ago

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Enough with the EA bashing, this bundle is good.

11 years ago

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Bundle is good, EA is garbage. Nothing can change that, enjoy the games, and don't buy anything else, if you don't want to support the company, that's the way to express your opinion, and not the "omg company gets moni"

11 years ago

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EA made a good bundle because everyone thinks EA is garbage. I personally think Activision is garbage and they won't like ever make a CoD bundle for example. Or at least not with current management.

EA does make good games (more often than Activision for sure) and they do make good money. As long as they bring some value to what you pay for, I don't mind them. Games are actually fun and playable.

11 years ago

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The last CoD game I played was CoD2, so I can't really comment on the series' current state, but stating that EA puts value into their games after checking the Sims series prices I think your real problem with the CoD series are the players, and not the game developers.

I was forced to use Origin, the first time at BF3's beta, since that I can't say ANY good thing about it, all I can say is they moved their games into that thinking it will put an end to pirating those games, and instead they are still pirateable, BUT the difference is if you actually buy the game you are unable to enjoy it, because their system dies for days, or a whole week, at each game's release, you can't even get a normal download rate, while others pirate it with max. dowload speed, and can play it.

All of their systems feel like they are made by people raised without internet, or even PC access, so many illogical, unpractical "solutions" while they are taunting their loyal customers with day1DLCs, half-done games, and "we will patch it later" promises.

Star Wars: The old republic: Utter failure, worst game launch ever, the game was unoptimised, they lied about minimum and recommended system req. just to get more people to buy it. After launch for 2-3 week you had to wait 3-5 days to get your ticket answered, most of those tickets was about unredeemable retail keys, and people asking why they can't run the game with the specs that according to EA can run the game. The game got patched into a "acceptable" state after 6-8 months of the release. The game is a B2P with monthly subscription model(was).

BF3: Must be run through origin, even tho when they released it origin was a html based failure, which couldn't handle that size of the community even tho they had the pre-order numbers, and the resources to make a decent authenticating system.

ME3: Multiplayer is a cheap$ss peer-to-peer based garbage, no reconnect option, no match search, nothing. You press "join" and play. If you don't get any good game, or you get DCed while in the game you get NOTHING, you can do NOTHING, even tho they know how unstable and retarded origin is they made it mandatory, and origin's and ME3's internal authentication systems are not synced properly resulting in most of the people are unable to play with their friends, and this problem is still not (never will be) solved.
The single player's "first" ending was completely half-done with so much illogical story fails they had to do it again, which took them a half year.

And this is just the top of the iceberg, I don't know what you don't like in Activision, but I highly doubt that they are anywhere near as bad as EA.

11 years ago

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and not single cent is going to EA in this bundle. All the money is going to charity and humble tip. I believe that part of the creation of this bundle is to bring people to Origin. Once you have one game you'll want more so your Origin will worth more. It worked for valve when they gave Portal for free and it will work for EA. There is nothing bad in it and nothing you can do to stop it so just enjoy this very good deal.

11 years ago

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im so jelly of humble bundle owner, he made like 1 million dollars for hosting this bundle lol..

how horrid is that knowing someone with nothing but a site is making a bundle

11 years ago

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If it's so simple I say go and challenge HIB by making better bundles earning millions with nothing but a site. They were the first, they inspired all the other indie bundles, and they still make the best ones (sometimes). Naturally.

11 years ago

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Agreed.. I mean cmon, they arent some charity organization.. Who doesnt chase after money? Would you rather have them give us all the dlcs instead? No right.. We'd rather get the base game n live with it =)

11 years ago

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Its a good deal. -Humble Bundle-

11 years ago

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they'll simply shut down the BF3 servers, once BF4 is out lol.
i also could imagine that they'll release DLC's, that you'll have to buy in order to keep playing the game. (simcity)

11 years ago

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Oh, they shut down the servers?

Way to go.

11 years ago

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Shut down the servers? What.. None of the Battlefield games servers are shut down.

11 years ago

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But still that's what EA are known for - shutting down servers.

11 years ago

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WTF are you talking about? Almost all servers are hosted by random users over the web..

11 years ago

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I don't play EA games, but that's stil what the're known for - closing down servers as soon as a new game is released. And that goes for their games in general, Fifa, NHL, Sims and so on.
If Battlefiends games are hosted by random users, then that's great. As I've understood it, it pretty much requires servers and multiplayer.

11 years ago

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They only do it to Multiplayer games which are very old and have very less users playing on it, so the money spent on those servers cannot be justified.

11 years ago

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Although you're mostly right, I can't agree on the part about "very old".

11 years ago

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I'm pretty sure that it doesn't apply to Battlefield games.

11 years ago

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There wont be such thing LOL ,still there are servers for older games of BF and nearly all of BF3 servers are UP ^___^

11 years ago

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maybe because there is no bf4 yet

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

11 years ago

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Every battlefield game can still be played online afaik.

11 years ago

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I don't care about Sims and Battlefield series. They won't get my money for those DLCs!

11 years ago

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It's good PR.

11 years ago

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This as well.

11 years ago

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EA has a very shitty reputation. This is just one of many ways they're trying to fix that. Not to mention BF4 is coming soon, so it is in their best interest to convince people they want it. Not to mention BF3 Premium is a good money maker for them. If you haven't noticed, all the games they released just happen to have a sequel coming out or is getting one soon, which tells me that they hope to generate new fans for the franchises and stuff. The only exception is Dead Space 3 I think, but that is probably just another tool to get people comfortable with Origin. This is just what I think and it doesn't bother me.

11 years ago

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Money is the prior reason , but differ in intentions , fill your own budget or help charity and non profit organizations .origin bundle. Is one of t he best

11 years ago

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Money is the prior reason , but differ in intentions , fill your own budget or help charity and non profit organizations .origin bundle. Is one of t he best

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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"I believe they are rely on the bonuses and DLCs, Sims 3 and BF3 got many DLCs!"

So don't buy the DLC.

11 years ago

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EA are trying to get their reputation up again. The Humble Bundle together with the announcement that they will allow refunds within 24 hours after you starting a game bought in the last 7 days. Plus they will get some more Origin users and people that buy DLC/games/etc. Win-win for them really.

11 years ago

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It's win-win-win for all really. EA gets a bit of positive reputation, gamers get a good deal and charity gets donations.

11 years ago

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Every win for EA is loss for gamers :)

11 years ago

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The BF3 picture in the op is wrong, you dont buy premium and then buy all the other expansions. The price for the map packs should be 26.99$ for all, not 101.94$

11 years ago

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Same for shortcuts: there is "The Ultimate Shortcut Bundle" that contains every other Shortcut DLC. Total amount to pay is $66.98. For 14 DLCs (in 2 packs). That's around $4.78 per DLC. And it's NOT on sale or anything.
Not to mention, that you don't actually need any of the shortcuts because you can unlock everything in game.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Simple: They want to get their reputation up again (worst US company 2013...) by donating their share (which would be pretty small anyway because most people would pull the slider down for them) and want to get a lot of people into their BS Origin. Simple: Once someone has installed Origin and one game their they have no reason to not buy a second game... and that's what EA is counting on.

So: Get the Steam keys and ignore the Origin stuff... still a nice deal!

11 years ago

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Pull the slider down to who? You can place your money either on charity or as humble bundle tip.
Also that Worst company #year is such a lame thing, it's such a BS.

11 years ago

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You missed his point. IF THERE WAS A SLIDER FOR EA no one would have given them anything so they went with "oh we don't want your money everything goes to charity".

11 years ago

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Oh yeah, got it now.

11 years ago

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Worst company of the year is stupid. It's just irrational gamer rage that did that.

Most gamers are extremely fickle and spiteful. Everyone loves to rage on EA. EA doesn't get a cent on this bundle, but if you truly hate EA, don't get the bundle at all. It makes you a hypocrite to buy their games (even if EA doesn't profit) , and call them shit at the same time. They're still good games right? Good enough to actually play? Yet people who do, still bash EA. Honestly, people like this need to just STFU. It's popular to bash EA, for shutting down servers or whatever. But they're also an innovator in the industry aren't they? They bring a lot to the industry at large, new tech and practices (both good and bad). Yet people still trash it. Again, boycot or STFU. (General statement, not particularly aimed at you Waaaghgasm)

11 years ago

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Never bought any DLC for BF3 except for Back to Karkand (came with pre order) but i'd still get around 13-22 kills a match on team deathmatch. Maybe its a console/pc difference, but paying money doesn't give you that much of an advantage. You could have bought all the DLC piece by piece or got the Premium upgrade, if you're less skilled than a person with no DLC, you're still gonna die. A lot.

I just don't see why EA gets so much universal hate from everyone. Its not like they force you to buy extra shit, they just offer it to the players that want more out of their games.

But I agree, the DLC for The Sims 3 is just overkill.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Its not like they're the ONLY company that's out there doing stuff like this or making mistakes in general. Even Microsoft doesn't catch as much flak as EA has on a regular basis.

Online features get shut down all the time nowadays, lots of games have Day-1 DLC, ME3 had a VERY shitty ending, but they heard outcry over how bad it was & put out a free alternate ending a while later. Origin honestly sucks ass because its pretty much only EA games that can be there, but its not as horrific as others make it seem. Online passes are all over the damn place & smaller owned companies sadly get shut down far too often.

But I just..I dunno. They're still a big company, still about making money like any company. But they're just not that evil to me.

11 years ago

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That was rigged. I wish you people weren't so close-minded. But I guess that is what is expected from children.

11 years ago

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Did you even read that article?
The guy who wrote it, defends EA saying it isn't the worst.
He also links to another guy saying it's not the worst.
Mass Effect Ending? one moment in a 3 game spanning story, and that makes the entire series crap (Granted. it is the ending, but they released free DLC)? It still innovated and brought us things we've never seen in a Triple-A title.
Early Server closing? I'm only aware of this occurring with all sports titles, and only 3 years after release. Most people move on to newer versions of the game by then, so online is either dead, or too small to justify keeping the very expensive servers in operation for a minuscule population.
Origin? It isn't that bad. Worst thing about it, is that it's mostly EA Games, and doesn't have as good deals as Steam generally. How does this make it "Horrible"? It's attempting Digital Distribution, just like steam did, except at a larger scale, earlier than Steam did. There are always problems. No one's really getting cheated by the service. (If you post links about users getting cheated, I'll post links about how EA gave out free games as compensation, and the many promotions where EA also gave out fee games "Just Because").

Oh dear god, EA wants to make money, bring out your pitch forks and torches! Welcome to the industry, everyone wants to make money. DLC is never exploitive. If you don't want it, don't get it. But if you do want it, by and large it's pretty decent.

Your name is appropriate for your comment.

11 years ago

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bf3 dlc's contains also new maps, that's why we want them

11 years ago

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They also gave us Crysis 2, which may make us inclined to buy crysis 1 and 3?

11 years ago

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Yes ! I could of play through the whole story and gotten nearly more then $100 of games just for a dollar but nooo, they planned this whole scheme so we buy the 1st and second damn you ea!

11 years ago

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I'd give it a few more hours and see what the HB bonus games will be, you may actually not need to buy those two :)

11 years ago

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^^ This

11 years ago

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"What you think about Humble Origin Bundle?"


P.S.: Altough BF3 and Sims 3 have a lot of DLC you can still play the game without any of them. So for the 5$ you can buy 2 coffees or this awsome bundle.

P.S.2: Sorry for my CAPS

11 years ago

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insert random insult about EA here
insert random screw Origin comment here

11 years ago

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i'm not a fan of EA nor Origin but i think this deal is the best i've saw untill now

11 years ago

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For UK dwellers, this was the hottest deal I have ever seen on HotUKdeals: http://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/humble-origin-bundle-sims-3-battlefield-3-dead-space-3-more-ess-1631695

11 years ago

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Screw EA

Scew Origin

11 years ago

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Only bought the $1 us tier, my reflex are crappy and dont really have the time to polish them enought to enjoy Bf3

11 years ago

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They gave all the money to charity, those evil bastards.
Btw if you buy "Ultimate shortcut bundle" and "BF3 Premium" you have everything included.(correct me if I'm wrong)
that would be 77$

11 years ago

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Ultimate shortcut bundle isn't actually any new content, so you can't really even count that in the price of the DLC.

11 years ago

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I don't see your point OP. So what if they want you to buy the DLC they're giving away the Bundle at a loss for charity.

11 years ago

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Even though they charge $20 for the sims 3 dlc, I still appreciate them making the bundle. I mean you can even give them as much as you can or just a dollar, hell if you think ea is doing this as a way to get more money, then either don't buy the bundle, or don't buy the dlc if you like the games.

I would say just pay a dollar or the minimum amount but, it all goes to charity so really if you did that just because of your hate for ea, you wouldn't really be getting back at them

11 years ago

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Your thread is as bad as your English.

11 years ago

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Just enjoy the bundle! It's for CHARITY.

11 years ago

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At least they do not get money from me, i'm not going to buy DLC. Maybe i would if those games were on steam, but stupid origin? No thanks.
I can't remember when i bought an EA game, they're giving their games for free almost every month.

11 years ago

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I love your logic. A bit of "Screw EA", with the hypocrisy of "I'll still play your games though!". EA is so crap right? But man, Mirror's Edge is a damn good game, huh? You see what EA did with all that crap DLC for Battlefield? But I'm totally going to play BF3, cause it's awesome!

Screw your hypocrisy. Your "At least they do not get money from me...", meanwhile your getting the games and playing them. aaaaand EA is the as---les in this situation? Seems to me, you're the as---le.

11 years ago

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Tax write-offs

I bought the bundle too :)

11 years ago

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EA rely on DLCs as other companies, for example-Saint's row 3, it has a lot of DLCs and what? Microsoft is chasing for money, because of its shitty XBOX One, XBOX 360 was much better.

If you don't want to pay for Sims 3 DLCs, just download them, its easy. What do you have about BF3? Its an excellent game, and it has only one big DLC-"Premium", if you think that it is interesting to play with all weapons unlocked then go ahead, you can call it a DLC, but it is not, you can unlock everything by just playing.

Humble Origin Bundle is awesome, it is a way you can pay not only EA but you can pay humble bundle tip and charity.

11 years ago

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You can't pay EA

11 years ago

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I can't belive noone is bashing activision.

11 years ago

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No Humble ActiviCrap Bundle = no bashing.

People are too focused on bashing what's in front of their eyes.

11 years ago

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I'd have to say there will never be an Activision bundle because they don't people paying $1 for their "amazing" games.

11 years ago

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I've been bashing Activision for a long time.

11 years ago

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I use to hate EA and love Activation, until I realized EA may be evil, but at least they have good games, Activation is evil too, but have shit games :P

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by ItsMeYaniv.