Your friend can check it with
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All games won need to be activated on the Steam account that you used to create your account here. This is to prevent people from entering giveaways to profit off other users generosity by selling or trading them.
I do not know what you can see when you are suspended, but I would imagine they could view their profile page while signed out of the site or in another browser to look though their wins and see which ones are not activated on their Steam account. Each win will need to be checked manually that way, but you can also try putting your username into the activated win checker on sgtools here and see what games it says have not been activated.
Edit: It looks like 2 other people beat me to it. Try the site they posted above.
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If he did win and marked games as received but didn't activate them on his account he now have to buy that games himself.
This means all the games that he won and sold he needs to buy for himself now.
"You were already told previously that next suspension for inactivated wins will be permanent. You should mark games as received only if you actually activate them on account. Right now, you'd need to activate all missing wins on your account, for us to remove your suspension."
This massage tells him everything he need to know. Activate your wins instead of selling them.
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You can view your profile while suspended if you are not logged in. Whoops I meant to say your "friend"
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few things to check while he waits on a response.
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currently there is a steam bug where gifts are automatically marked as private, people need to manually unprivate them for SG/others to see that it is activated.
Thank you! I did not know about this. I'll keep this in mind, for if I win a gift copy.
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This is the message he received:
"You were already told previously that next suspension for inactivated wins will be permanent. You should mark games as received only if >you actually activate them on account. Right now, you'd need to activate all missing wins on your account, for us to remove your suspension."
If that is the message they received and they ignored it or didn't fix their non-activated wins then they deserve to be banned permanently.
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Assuming that your friend is the obvious one, SGTools just shows 4 games as not activated: Revolution Ace, YOU DON'T KNOW JACK MOVIES, Hacker Evolution Duality and Invasion: Brain Craving. If the suspension message does not mention any more non activations, that SGTools does not detect, your friend just has to buy these.
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Your friend should have activated their wins. It's neither difficult nor an unreasonable expectation, and to have repeatedly received warnings factually presents a pattern of disrespect.
I imagine it's hard to keep track of them if you're using multiple Steam accounts and/or auto joiners though, eh?
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Does your message serve any purpose rather than an excuse to harass other people? You are not even answering OP's question, but rather throwing a rather serious accusation about multiple accounts and auto joiners. I assume you have proof for your reckless statements or do you just think it's funny to act like an asshole towards anyone that you happen to not like?
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A) It has clear purpose.
B) The OP said themself that the person in question was a serial non redeemer.
C) It's obvious
You lashing out at any perceived slight is of zero consequence. Try to have a less stress filled day, Dan. It's important for both your physical and mental health.
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Yup. Both are logging in once every 30 minutes at precisely the same time.
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Lets hope a high rank mod check this. It's something that needs to stop.
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Clearly using a bot
this guy has 100k entered entries and comes here pretending like he doesn't know the rules.
Logs in and off at the same times as his banned "friend"
If you have a 100k entries and won 300+ then you should know the rules!
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I won't disagree although cg would waffle about the unreliability of time stamps and why this isn't proof for anything.
What's the saddest part: very nice people waste their time discussing an individual issue that's only symptomatic for what's wrong with SG in general and why non-malicious newcomers may find the site not as welcoming as it could be.
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Have him activate/buy/undelete his unactivated games. You also have one unactivated game you may want to activate/buy/undelete before you end up in the same boat. Wins here are meant to be activated on the same Steam account linked to your SG account.
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Great job resorting to random personal attacks based on useless arguments without addressing OP's question at all. Love seeing this amazing community acting high and mighty as usual while the moderators clearly ignore blatant harassment against other people.
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Wow, a good few of your friends have a couple hundred wins and then like 1 or 2 giveaways made in a decade. Wild. Nothing of value was lost.
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Maybe you and other so-called members of this community could focus on acting like civilized people instead of randomly attacking other users in their threads without even addressing what they are asking about. Am sick of tired of people thinking they have the right to judge and harass others based on meaningless statistics on a giveaway site. Nobody is obliged to do anything as long as they follow the rules, and you are just acting like an asshole.
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I'm not reading all that waffle ya sanctimonious asshat
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As far as I recall, the site is constructed so that once you receive your suspension you cannot access any relevant part of the site, including access to the information you need to reactivate your games as well as access to any keys you might have stored through wins that would be needed to reactive the games. This is apparently considered part of the "punishment" as you cannot even use the keys you might have but are essentially forced to buy new copies while your previous information remains inaccessible and perhaps rerolled. It makes no sense since the information could only have remained there in good faith and anyone malicious could just have copy+pasted the keys anyway, but that's how the site has always worked.
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No, your understanding is a bit off. A few things:
There's no requirement to redeem games you were suspended for not activating. Upon return from suspension, time is considered served. There is no Double Jeopardy; the user will not be suspended again on the basis of those same unredeemed keys. So not being able to see what games you didn't activate is irrelevant.
If the user feels they were suspended unfairly, they can appeal. The suspension unfortunately would have runs its course, but the infraction can be erased.
Perma-ban doesn't occur on the back of just one previous suspension -- you need to have been suspended (and warned) at least twice, if not three, times before. So there's really no way to excuse someone with multiple infractions.
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Its one of the core rules of this site to prevent selling/ trading.
I think it is possible to get multiple suspensions for the same non activated since you did not solve the core issue aka activating the game on your account. Hence it being the action to lift the permaban.
If we are talking about multi win. Here I can see the argument you are making (for the exact same multi win).
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whenever i check my winners and i find an old unactivated gift and ask support for a reroll, they often tell me that the suspension was already served so they wont reroll...
so apparently having already served the suspension means ,you cant be suspended for it again.
i believe the case here is this "friend" having already received multiple suspensions for not-activating their gifts which resulted in a permanent suspensions.
but unlike "normal" suspensions where a not activated gift is "forgiven" once suspension is served, a perma-suspension is never forgiven... unless they redeem themselves by activating or rather buying all their not-received gifts and activating them on their account.
once the account looks clean again, they might get their perma-suspension ended in hopes that they finally learned their lesson.
at least thats how i understood it.
but for his friend... depending on how many gifts were talking here and their cost... it might be easier to delete their SG account, wait a year and register again. i believe any issues wont take over to the new account.
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+1. Same response from a moderator ... I think different moderators, in fact.
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ummm... no you dont? you said:
I think it is possible to get multiple suspensions for the same non activated since you did not solve the core issue aka activating the game on your account.
which is not true because you wont get suspended multiple times for the same not-activated gift. even if you get reported again and again for the same not-activated game by different users you wont get suspended for it again.
but you can get suspended for a new not-activated gift.
if you do this often enough (dont know the limit, 3 perhaps) you'll get perma-suspended.
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My personal record seen are 141. User got permanently suspended, but the ticket took some time. The user even complained about being blacklisted before in a train.
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If it's the first time that person was reported / caught, it counts as one infraction. :(
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sorry, i reread and i guess i just misunderstood.
i stand corrected
i misunderstood as that statement meaning that you were correct before and not that you were "corrected" by me
im not a native speaker so i didnt know the meanigng of that expression.
sorry , i guess i stand corrected here XD
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As far as I recall, the site is constructed so that once you receive your suspension you cannot access any relevant part of the site, including access to the information you need to reactivate your games as well as access to any keys you might have stored through wins that would be needed to reactive the games. This is apparently considered part of the "punishment" as you cannot even use the keys you might have but are essentially forced to buy new copies while your previous information remains inaccessible and perhaps rerolled. It makes no sense since the information could only have remained there in good faith and anyone malicious could just have copy+pasted the keys anyway, but that's how the site has always worked.
How the fuck is your account 9 years old xD
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Your "friend" has been here 5 years and after winning 199 games, he should have known the rules by now
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Same here after a decade still learning new things here ;)
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From the "You should mark games as received only if you actually activate them on account." , I believe the friend thought its okay to not mark them as received(and activate them on his acc) for keys he didn't intend to activate on his account but still entered to win.
Activate your wins. Also, there should be a rule that you have to post the users name in the thread for our convenience. as I can't go on a witch hunt like this, and I don't feel like going through 66 of your friends and sorting them out playing sherlock.
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I would also point out the number of total comments (11) next to the 305 wins and 1 gift sent over a period of 8 years. I think that also tells something about them.
And I'll also add the good faith answer for the OP, same as others have said: just activate all the games you have won. Use SG Tools to check which ones are not activated, and activate/buy/unprivate them all.
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i hate leechers too, im trying to have 1:1 ratio, but having 469$:0,3$ is too much :D
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I'm confused, the message says you were warned ... next suspension permanent w/instructions on how to remove suspension?
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i got a temp ban before because i won a region locked key that wasnt marked, because i was new to the Site i just kept the key and got a temp ban 2 months later, if your friend did it enough to get permanently suspended, then he did it multiple times even after being told not to do so.
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My friend has been permanently suspended, what do you need to do to remove it? He received this message saying that he needed to activate the missing games, but he can't see which game he needs to activate and he can't contact the owner of the raffle, because when he clicks somewhere on the site he is directed back to the suspension message. Does anyone know what can be done to activate this game?
He's already created a ticket, is there anything else to be done apart from waiting?
This is the message he received:
"You were already told previously that next suspension for inactivated wins will be permanent. You should mark games as received only if you actually activate them on account. Right now, you'd need to activate all missing wins on your account, for us to remove your suspension."
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