going to check it out as soon as i have the chance :)
Get buuumped!
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I'll post them in a few hours. Right now I am at work.
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the game could be fun but right now the controling is very strange.
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I'll add basic controls tutorial in next version. There is also option to adjust controls in launcher. Maybe it will help. Which part feels the worst? Maybe I can fix it.
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I have feedback I'll be posting shortly for you... also controls related.
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i can't even what part.
it was very strange. at some point i did not see anything but air, a bit later all was upside down.
also the mousecontroll was very slow.
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I'll add mouse inversion, mouse sensitivity and tutorial in next release. It might help.
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Hey, for a pre-pre-pre-alpha, this was really entertaining :P. Felt like playing Starmageddon 2 back when I was a kid. Was a bitch to beat, though - after the mothership drops its shield, the whole thing becomes a 3D bullet hell.
Needs a lot (a lot!) of work, but has potential. Definitely add some sort of objective tracker, as the first time I played, I had no bloody idea what to do - though that may be just me being inattentive. Also, some different weapons and enemy types would be nice. Keep at it, there may be a future for you in this industry.
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Objective tracker added to List of planned features. New enemy types and weapons were on the list since the very first day, but I've got limited time and resources. I'll probably add weapons in 2-3 weeks and more enemies in a month or two.
And it was supposed to be a bullet hell, or rather rocket hell. I got some inspiration from one Anime. Called Scriptos or something like that. (not sure about the title, I'll check and post the name here)
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Okay, so I realize this is a super early build and that it has issues... and I want to say, I probably would have had more fun with it if it was less quirky... But I think that's why you're posting it? To get feedback on things that you yourself don't realize you need feedback on? Either way, just remember, that I think it's awesome you're making a game, and I'm very curious to see the final product. I am encouraging you to continue on in your endeavor, regardless of my paragraphs of feedback.
Controls Feedback:
I'd prefer being able to use a controller, personally. That's one.
Second thing, I don't understand what left and right are supposed to do... the mouse controlled where I went anyways...
It seemed like A and D were more like a lean/dodge move if I was in an FPS with a humanoid instead of a ship
Personally I thought the roll speed was slow... But that could just be a personal preference. Maybe if it started at the present speed, but then sped up a bit... might feel a bit more like a dog fighting type spin... but maybe that's not what you want... I dunno.
There is no auto leveler... Like let's say I've been rotating/rolling I would love if I could hit a button and it brings me back to level. I don't know how necessary that feature is, that's just something "I'd" like.
I loved the Y-Axis inversion, but some will hate it, and having the option to switch would probably be nice.
Other Feedback:
So Graphically it's rough, which I assume isn't the priority right now, however if I were to critique one thing about it, it would have to be that it seems I'm not moving very fast.... Only things I guess I can attest to this is either, I'm really not moving very fast... or be, the graphics on the ground are so simple, that it doesn't seem like I'm moving fast.
Weird thing I noticed. I collided with an enemy... whatever it is that is shooting at me on the ground... Multiple times. I don't take damage...and I just hover in place... But I didn't realize I was hovering in place... at first I thought I was just stuck, like a collision that had snagged on something, but then I realized after the 5th time that I could just fly away if I pointed a different direction and accelerated again... That was strange for me. But thought you should get that feedback, cause you probably don't go crashing into things you're supposed to avoid.
I think someone already said a Mission Objective thingy would be nice... Perhaps a Mission Objective Compass thing. You know, like where there is a radar or something, and it has flashing red blips in the directions you need to go or something.
Random Glitches on my system (I'd be happy to give you feedback on my system if that will help you):
In the options menu, when I tried to adjust the sliders, I couldn't click on them...
But when I clicked somewhere to the left of them, they highlighted for a second, but didn't move
When I exited the options menu (which I also needed to do by clicking to the left of the button to exit), my mouse cursor disappeared... only from the fullscreen instance of your game. If I moved it to the second monitor I could see it again.
I only played it for about 10 mins... If there is something else you'd like me to try or to clarify or to retry to get more data, please let me know. I look forward to seeing what else you do with this game. It looks like it'll be interesting.
Sorry for the massive amounts of feedback. Just tried to remember everything and write about it.
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Thanks for the massive feedback. It is a reason why I posted it here.
The game was created for the contest. 30 days to build a game from scratch, but I am treating this as an extended prototype. Now I am in process of evaluating if this is something I should complete as a full game, or learn from this as much as I can, abandon the project and start something new. If I'll continue this project I'll replace about 50-70% of graphics, add more weapons, enemies, ability to upgrade craft and enough levels to give at least 3-5 hours of gameplay with 0 deaths. (which should give something like 5-10 hours to complete for average player) But right now it is my main objective - find out if the other people find this idea for a game interesting, and is it worth to invest more time into this.
The WSAD buttons are to strafe in four directions (I wanted this slightly similar to FPS) QE to roll and mouse for pitch/yaw. C - faster, Z - slower. You should be able to map controller in the launcher. (at least that was the theory, I run out of time to test it)
Speed indicator is on the TODO list. Like fixing the options (it was a free prefab from unity asset store - worth almost as much as it's price in gold...)
First missile indicator killed performance. (shoved direction and distance to 3 nearest missiles - also it was very confusing) I was thinking about threat indicator. (changing colour if there is any missile in one of tree zones away from you Green if there is missile between 1500-1001 units away, yellow if 1000-501 and Red if under 500, possibly with sound indicator) or anti-missile radar. Probably I'll create both of them to test which one is working better. And in tests maximum number of missiles was 430, not 200. They chase you for 10-15 seconds (less if you make them crash into terrain or shoot them down)
Also I'll add tutorial to the next build (to destroy shield you need to take down at least half of power nodes - they are the ones manufacturing those blue lights which power up boss - each light makes him stronger, they also power up nearby turrets)
Mission objective will be telling you how to look for enemy. The compass won't work since you have 13 targets, and need to take down only 7 of them. (but it will make boss grow stronger while you fight with him if you'll left any one of them working)
I'll look into the collisions. You should take damage from them. I'll also add sound effect for them soon. Also speed indicator would explain that you lost your speed in the collision. (so stopping was working as designed - in other case you would loose health every frame and die very quickly from a single collision - damage is based on current speed and to some degree on the angle of the collision)
And once again thanks for the massive feedback.
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Hey, I'm just glad you wrote back as much if not more than I did. I don't feel like it was a waste of my time at all.
Glad this helped you.
If you're ever looking for feedback again, just lemme know :D
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Sorry but it's unplayable for me, I just can't play something with a mouse with inverted y-axis :/
Also you probably already noticed it, but there is a bug if you open the options screen in the main menu and then pressing the back button the mouse cursor disappears D:
There is also something wrong with the Heavy canon status bar I guess.
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keohookalani has pretty much said everything I was going to.
I only played it for a short time because I couldn't deal with the mouse y inversion. There should be an option to turn inversion on/off.
A and D felt like they don't belong in the game.
An auto leveler would be nice. it's not necessary, but i'm used to it in other games, and kinda miss it.
There should be some indication of speed, because not all of the terrain is suitable to help you figure it out.
There need to be information. I don't know what the story is or how to destroy or weaken the shields.
The Heavy cannon shot should probably look different then the regular gun. I suggest making it red.
It feels kinda slow for a bullet hell game.
I did have a few glitches. When i put my cursor over credits, it doesn't light up. After I select credits or options, my cursor disappears.
colliding with enemies gets you stuck and the heavy canon status doesn't always display properly.
Its a good base for a game , right now you still need to add a lot of things. being able to turn off mouse y inversion would make it more accessible. The hud needs objectives, and probably rocket trackers and a map. There's not that much variety right now, so i'm forward to you adding new guns and enemies. I'm going to suggest adding adding power-ups, too.
The game right now isn't great, but it seems like it definitely could be. I'll be glad to check out your next update, assume I can disable mouse y inversion. Good luck with your game!
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Thank you for the feedback.
WASD is kinda essential to make a easier dodges while shooting at the target. Also it is the only way to give full six degrees of freedom.
Auto level added to TODO list.
Heavy cannon is a placeholder (it will be converted into dumbfire missiles - but I run out of time)
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Few weeks ago we had Game Making Humble Bundle, which also was a fund-raiser for prizes in Indie Game Making Contest. And I took some time to make a game in this 30 days. I decided to make free roam shooter with six degrees of freedom, a slightly inspired from G-Police and Descent. I chose the title "Would you kindly save the world?"
And now I would like to ask you for opinions. What do you think about it? Is it any good? Or maybe it is F***** up beyond any redemption? Would you support it on Greenlight after adding few more levels and more weapons? Or is it worse than Bad Rats? I will be happy to see any kind of feedback. All constructive criticism is most welcome.
Probably next week I will release new version (I'm adding right now a basic controls tutorial and weapon selection screen and two more heavy weapons to choose from)
Anyway. Here is direct link to the newest version:
And here is the changelog/and topic on Game Dev Fort if anyone wants to talk there about it:
And here is a little something for anyone who wants to create hers/his own game:
Added screenshots:
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