I might be able to help if I could force myself to beat Pokemon Black 2. If I still had Black, it would be a lot easier. I have the two systems required to transfer, just need two Gyms and the Elite 4 beaten. I can transfer a number of the older ones easy.
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My biggest problem was my lack of possession of old pokémon games. Had them and played them at some point and then - in various moves and hard times - they've gone! I've literally put this whole dex, currently 690 pokémon, together through catching and GTS. Hence why it has taken so long!
I've been a sort of GTS wheeler dealer for so long but really you're always relying on the same thing - someone willing to take a common pokemon for a rare one! Early days I found Meowth was worth a thousand Yveltals, Xerneas or Zygarde! Got so many legendaries from trading for Meowth!
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I have mutiple games from every generation, and a DS flash cart that lets me do a few things that would be more difficult for other users.
I could likely get a 5th gen ROM and complete save, but would be too difficult to know which are legitimate saves compared to hacked to hell.
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Legitimacy of pokémon is past my concern now. For one, after a year of solid work I'm willing to cut corners. For two, when you leave a Meowth on the GTS and someone sends you a level 100, perfect IV, shiny legendary you don't send it back saying "I cannot accept this, it is obviously hacked and/or cloned..."
If you can help out, you know I'm not a skinflint. I can, and will, find a way to reward you!
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I won't need a reward. I'll get on it in the next few hours though. I'll see what I can hand you over tomorrow. Hope that is alright.
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That is alright. I have dinner cooking, so I'm sure you will have a list ready when I am doing it.
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And WTF Nintendo, I need to pay to transfer to 6th gen? I have two systems, I should be able to do it without trouble.
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Need Bank to get them out. Shame I can't pay for EShop stuff with PayPal, that would allow me a method to at least get the cash for Bank.
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Let me tell you the truth. I played Pokemon White 2 on a R4 card and I still have my save with some of those legendaries (Cobalion, Terrakion, etc). I have done trades on the GTS before and it works ok. If this is no problem for you I can give them to you and see if those are what you're looking for. (Sorry for my english).
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You would need to transfer them to Pokemon X / Y first. Hell, WiFi for DS / Wii is gone now. At least, officially.
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You have to do the transfer locally. Even if WiFi worked, you couldn't do it.
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The R4 cards are not detected by Pokemon Bank and therefore unable to directly transfer. The old R4s (or any flash card) will also not work on the 3DS, they require new ones.
You'd need a legitimate Black/White(2) cartridge to transfer all your Pokemon from the R4 before being able to get them into the 3DS games.
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Man, I wish I could help you. I have the whole living dex, but legendaries are always hard to come by (especially since the closing of the old wi-fi, anyway). The only thing I could help you with are breedable pokemon, but I guess you already have those.
Good luck with the hunt!
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The list is getting ever smaller. And to be fair, I've spent over 350 hours on Pokémon X alone - let alone how much time and money I invested in the other pokémon games. As far as I see it I've earned the right to gen up pokes if I want! :P
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I went for the same concept. I own my own copy of SoulSilver, Diamond, and White 2 in addition to Y. Meant I could get most stuff by myself, and even beat things like SoulSilver twice to get doubles of the Legendaries to put in the GTS. I now have 707 I think - everything except event Pokemon. Good luck :)
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And that's the finish. Nidoqueen is in and I have every pokémon from 1 to 718 as a living specimen in my well organised PC boxes (arranged by National Dex number).
Now to perform all sorts of twisted experiments on them like the scientist I am! :D
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So, given how this is the only gaming forum of which I am a member I am asking here!
I am trying to complete a living dex, that is possessing ALL the pokémon, individually, in my boxes. But, I want to complete it before Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire come out. I've been very patiently using the GTS until now but I'm running out of time so asking if anyone here can help me!
The pokémon I need are; (thanks very much to the awesome Mew for cutting this list down significantly!)
(thanks also to the random person on GTS who wanted Whimsicott for Terrakion!)
(thanks also to the random person on GTS who wanted Swoobat for Virizion!)
(thanks also to the random person on GTS who wanted Politoed for Cobalion!)
(thanks also to the random person on GTS who wanted Cofagrigus for Azelf! - I'm getting really lucky on GTS today!)
(thanks also to the random person on GTS who wanted Nidoqueen for Mesprit!)
If you can help, or know someone, somewhere, who can I would be really, really grateful. But remember, this is a living dex collection. I can't just trade and trade back - I want one permanently in my box! So, if you can help, let me know.
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