I know what Ctrl+x does, and I obviously tried to paste it, but I got an error massage as the file wasn't there anymore to paste it
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Once you are able to access the drive on another computer try Shadow Explorer to view previous filesystem snapshots on the drive, you may be able to view an older version of the file. good luck & RIP
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As long as you got a working windows again, you can try Recuva. Maybe you can even get into a console or safe mode (and do a recovery).
Maybe see if you can get into task manager, just a messed up explorer.exe behind the scenes everything should still be there.
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Your data is probably not totally lost, but finding it back can be hard work for nothing.
I'd suggest to boot from a usb key with any live linux distro and manually look for the files, as first step.
If you're not able to find your data that way, then you'll have to go for disk analysis / recovery software.
The most important and urgent thing is to prevent any write access to your disk until data is recovered...
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it said file is not where it is expected and so can't paste
but it is also not there
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Knowing that you do have access to the hard drive, and with the update placing your installation into KPUT mode, there is still a way to get that file. You should be able to access Safe Mode and Restore the computer to an earlier time just before the update was applied.
I would still suggest to check your directories before proceeding.
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I disagree, if the file got deleted, writing to the disk is a bad idea
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apparently it did, as the error message was, that the file wasn't there anymore to paste
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Which is why i implied that the directories should be checked before proceeding.
Ctrl+C - Copy
Ctri+V - Paste
Ctrl+X - Cut
And yep, should have also added that when you accidently cut, it would look as if the file did disappear but its partially visible on the screen.
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Defekte Dateien reparieren - So retten Sie Ihre Daten - PC-WELT
Will this be helpful?
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Try Glary Utilities, they have a program to undelete deleted files if they havent already been overwritten..
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Just an idea: CTR-X actually deletes the file only after CTR-V is pressed, no ? So if your file is deleted, then you pasted it somewhere else.
Did you look on your USB key ? I managed to search my own glasses last week while wearing them, for the first time of my life :)
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the problem is that my windows is so broken, that nothing works as it should
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If it´s in the trash bin (worth a shot?), and if you can start a command prompt, enter
cd C:\$Recycle.Bin\ [then TAB to show subdirectory] and check in there (dir). Maybe you can recognize the right file with the file extension and size?
Or start from Linux Live-DVD/CD/USB-Stick and look from there?
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control x does not do anything until you press control v. It would still be in the same place.
if you can start a command line or taskmanager. "explorer" can be opened from there. If you kill the running process that will just kill the desktop. It can then be restarted.
If the machine will not boot because of a problem with windows. Take the drive out and access it as a slave drive in another system. Your files are likely intact. I'd try booting in safe mode first. That should work to get you running so you can copy files.
Hopefully Your data is fine even if it takes some effort to get at. Good luck.
Once your back up and running. Look into offsite online backup. I've lost personal photos I can't replace due to a drive issue. Proper backups have saved my butt a couple times since.
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I thought so too, until it was too late
I have most important stuff on dropbox, but not all (because I'm stupid)
I can't even start the explorer, it says the program does not exist, and I can't create new tasks
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I was typing a new message as this came in.
I should have mentioned above. is this the black screen during the update that looks like its stuck. It may or may not be stuck. Some of them took hours but did finish. If it is stuck however. The 2nd hard reboot causes the update to automatically roll back. After the fist cold boot it retries. After the 2nd one it rolls back. Your issue however does sound different.
But this was the last major update. Not sure about the current one. We have not yet had any issues with the current one. But I had to rebuild 3 machines from last time. 3 of 20 is not good. But on the other hand. They all originally had win7 on them so they are old. For kicks I went and looked up the manufacture data on the bad ones. Some of them actually say win10 is NOT supported. But after a rebuild they work fine.
explorer.exe is in the c:\windows dir but if it does not exist then thats odd. type cmd to get a command line. Then navigate to it to verify its not there. Your environment strings may be messed up so things only are seen if they are in your current working dir.
Your only option may be to put it in another machine to pull the data off it. Note may need to add the drive in "Disk Management" in order for the good machine to see the drive you plugged in. I've saved data from non bootable machines many times this way.
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explorer.exe exists, but I can't start it
I can start cmd (with rightclick and start, as typing deosn't work)
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Messed up for sure..... Have you tried safe mode yet? If that interface does not work. How about cmd line safe mode.
Here is several ways to get to safe mode.
If you can't pull your drive and access the data from another machine. Boot from a build USB stick to access the machine. Get into safe mode that way even if the machine is toast. You can access the troubleshooting tools without doing a build from there.
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installed, but can't open it
but thanks for your help
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Let me guess, Windows 10 user?
Anyway when you use the cut option (CTRL+X) you can copy-paste the file(s) back with CTRL+V.
Try using one of the file restoring programs to get back the file if you really ended up deleting it. Recuva is a pretty decent one, it's from Piriform.
Anyway if the explorer crashes for you again call up the task manager (CTRL+ALT+DELETE) then click on File > New Task and type in "explorer.exe" and click OK.
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I obviously tried that, but it said it wasn't there anymore to paste.
I can't even start the explorer, it says the program does not exist, and I can't create new tasks
I tried that all already
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Well in my case, I got a new ssd and cloned my hdd boot drive using minitool. Then I've removed/formated the original boot drive. Everything was working fine till I found that my ssd wasn't performing correctly and after some couple google search result it says. I've to align my ssd. So started align using minitool. Computer restarted and align process started and after a few min pc restarted and stuck at boot saying I've to repair my pc. All done. Boot drive corrupted and ssd drive was showing full. No files were found on that partition. Even no recovery software was helpful. I'd to a clean install to fix it. And all my keys files are gone. Luckily Had some backup, rest few's are gone XD rip
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you're welcome, hope you'll win some good games from my giveaways :')
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yeah, tons of years ago I used Knoppix..
now for recovering lost data from HDs and so on I use Easeus data recovery but there's a lot of programs like that, recuva is great anyways =)
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Isn't you hard drive damaged by any chance? That would explain the dameged OS and the missing file as others allready said ctrl+x doesn't do anything by itself (it just copies the file into the clipboard but doesn't actually move the file anywhere).
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If the HDD is damaged, you will want to make an image of the drive - I use DataRescue - and then run the file recovery software on the image. Trust me, it works.
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It seems I just deleted my keys file. It's not like I had them only saved there (sarcasm off)
It started that I made the last windows update, after which my PC stopped working altogether.
I could start it, but it couldn't find the desktop and I couldn't really do anything on it. There was no explorer but I still managed to copy an important project onto an usb-stick, but when I wanted to copy my keys file I accidentally pressed Ctrl+x instead of c. And it was gone. As I couldn't access the trash bin (I'm not sure it's even there) I had no way to get it back. I couldn't install anything to look for deleted stuff on my drive, as first the internet adapter don't work and it won't let me do anything at all.
I just really happy right now, it's not like I need my PC for my study or anything (sarcasm again), but I would have loved to keep my key list.
Maybe I can find some of them in mails of orders and I probably should somehow be able to look at the ssd with another PC.
Sorry for my rant
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