Would like a separate EU (and NA) region?
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But what is the EU region ? It's not a region locked by Valve, so there is no coherence between different publishers.
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Afaik EU is a region in the region locking scheme of things, albeit not on Steam but on other keys (Call of Duty Infinite Warfare is the most prominent example) and about almost always the key resellers/redistributors do specify the EU regions to which it (the key) is accessible in.
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I'm aware of that, but check the links I posted, they are all EU keys but they have different lists of countries where they activate, so even with a EU region here you could get a winner that can't activate the key.
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lot of games ( even AAA like dying light ) have EU only region locks on cd keys, so we actually need it to giveaway EU only cd keys otherwise we end up keeping them.
also there is Saudi Arabia and UAE region that wasnt implemented on SG so far
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Add them all. And more. Ideally, add a system which lets you choose all the countries the key is restricted to, either by exclusion or by inclusion.
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Hm, that could work although it would make one large interface. Would need a bit of rework. Something like a checkmark system. And the top there a like the five most common region locks and if this is not enough you can open up something like an "Advanced List" where you just see a list with all possible countries and can check/uncheck if you want to include it.
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Yep. There are multiple ways to implement a viable interface.
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cause why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ should be a really simple add anyways, no real implementation or development.
though as Tempete said, additionally what is NA? US+CA or US+CA+MX? that can be just as bad of choices. some cases its the 3x, some its just US/CA, and some just US.
ADDITIONALLY: maybe as a full solution for all possible mixtures this would be a small amount of implementation/development, but leave it as is and add an "advanced region selection" and have all the country codes available to tickbox so they can make the custom accurate region adjustments according to the steamdb.info pages when creating region locked giveaways.
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NA does exist. A gift copy of Saints Row IV I'd received and redeemed in my account was locked to NA-ESD(ROW) and it was locked to NA, India, and a few other "ESD" regions. Taking the ESD aside, Valve has indeed set a NA region, just that it seems pretty uncommon as opposed to RU+CIS or SE Asia.
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Unlike with NA keys EU keys can still be given in a limited capacity using the "Germany" region.
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Or that too, I forgot Poland got a region as well.
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I support this. I have a few Humble keys that I have heard are region locked to NA if you buy from NA. I haven't given them away because I don't want to take the chance that someone outside of NA will win it and find out that it is region locked, then have to re-roll and trust they don't give the key away before I find a qualified winner.
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Humble and Deep Silver lie about region locks on some keys.
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My experience with region locks for Germany, since that option exists: There are very few of those giveaways and only a tiny minority of them would actually require that restriction.
I'm not sure if the few existing issues, such as with Deep Silver, warrant a fragmentation of the community. Imho we don't need to create additional barriers, if far less than 1% of one region's available games cause troubles.
I assume that cg has similar thoughts, otherwise he'd have introduced such a simple to activate option a long time ago.
But my "counterproposal": Would it be possible for SG to import from steamdb if region restrictions exist for a specific game?
In that case we could auto-adjust the settings for such giveaways, without the option of region restrictions for games that don't require any such limitations.
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Amazing xD Did I reply to IovoI? I hope I did. SG needs to figure out a better way to show comments trees.
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lol a guy named pablo supporting trump. that's gold.
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Unfortunately (or not, depending on your view), many peeps outiside of SA would not consider you white but "Latino". This is coming from a Chileno/Ecuatoriano who lives in Canada. When peeps here say "white", they mean European looking or white Canadian/Americans (which is basically European anyways).
Also, stop making Chilenos look bad :/.
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Removing borders is such a HUGE mistake when you put it in terms of a country's security ie: terrorists.
Removing a country's borders makes the country itself more susceptible to terrorism.
For example: having a single border miles and miles long makes it more likely for said country to have weak spots in its defenses, with weak spots, terrorists may find and exploit it to get access into said country and have free access to wherever they want.
This is why London, Berlin and Paris all had terrorists which were executed on the ground using explosives / fire arms.
This, in contrast to the 9/11 attacks which had taken place in the air.
Also, removing a country's borders also removes its culture as well which is a bad thing in terms of how a country fundamentally works.
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For example: having a single border miles and miles long makes it more likely for said country to have weak spots in its defenses, with weak spots, terrorists may find and exploit it to get access into said country and have free access to wherever they want.
This is why London, Berlin and Paris all had terrorists which were executed on the ground using explosives / fire arms.
You mean like being born in those countries? Most of the people involved in the recent terror attacks in western Europe were citizens of those countries already.
Also, removing a country's borders also removes its culture as well which is a bad thing in terms of how a country fundamentally works.
Does it really? Large countries which incorporates people with different beliefs and from different cultures,, be it Russia, China, Brazil and so on, tends to differ a lot by region.
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1: Yeah, a lot of citizens which were attacked my terrorists were citizens of the country.
2: I guess, but Europe may be a little to diverse to merge into a superstate with many individual states all following a single leader...
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I think I did mis-interpret what you said there.
Do you think you could provide a source?
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Sure thing. Note that out of the listed people, only a single person was confirmed to not be an EU citizen, and another was suspected. The rest were EU citizens, from France or Belgium.
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This, in contrast to the 9/11 attacks which had taken place in the air.
North America is bordered by a tiny little landline from Mexico and otherwise can be accessed either by going through the two largest bodies of water on Earth or the most hostile cold climate on the planet outside the Antarctica.
Europe can be accessed from Asia and Africa by walking over, or even rowing through the Mediterranean. Completely different situations. Not to mention that the Fortress Europe plan is one giant long border with water patrols.
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Yeah, I have to agree with that, I think there's another thing I forgot to conciser would be different laws which is nearly everyone has a gun in America, so the terrorists having guns would be less effective.
But here's a question, How can terrorists with guns cross the EU border into another country, then cross several different country's borders without a border check? It's not like Germany, France and the UK have direct access to the southern countries / the Mediterranean.
Admittedly, explosives which were used in London can be home-made.
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Uhm, they didn't? If you refer to the Western European jihadist attacks, they were born there.
Also, the US being the only gun-freak nation is a myth. Countries like Switzerland, Sweden, or even Germany or France itself have a lot of armed citizens. Outside the EU, Serbia is pretty much a half-public arms black market (especially now that Ukrainians use their vast black market stock to arm themselves either against their government or the Russian army). It's not the guns that are the problem in the US either but the average intelligence of their owners (or, more precisely, the general lack of it).
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I wouldn't refer to them as 'gun freaks', I think the right to hold fire arms dated back to the founding of the US.
I guess the thing is, is that America is so vocal about their issues that they become center stage (or would it be the fact that the Americans speak English and being the most dominant language on the planet would be the most easily searchable on the internet).
Besides, I was referring to the culture of America rather then anything else.
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I do upvote to this... It is pretty rare, but still happens from time to time on forums.
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Welcome to the wonderland which never ceases to surprise you.
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2K and Activision started locking codes for EU too.
Deep Silver, 2K and Activision is 3 pretty big publishers.
From smaller publishers Astragon and Focus Home Interactive does EU locks.
and then there's publishers that do it inconsistently like Codemasters or Milestone.
Then there's Konami, but they don't do games anymore so lol.
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It has came up a few times here and there, but seriously: I am now looking at the Humble Build-Your-Own Bundle for Deep Silver, and yet again I have to stay my hand because I know I cannot give away the keys from it, as that publisher (and sometimes Capcom, plus maybe a few more) lock many of their games down to a Europe-only region, and those keys cannot be used anywhere else.
Considering that we have a lot of people registered here from Europe outside of Germany or Poland (the only two regions where one may drop these keys right now), and sure as hella lot more than from Turkey—which is also a region here—I honestly doubt a Europe-only region would be underpopulated.
I mean, yes, Polish are wonderful people and the Germans earned to be the de facto rulers and central economical power sources of the continent through hard work, but I am sure people form the other countries would appreciate if they could participate in regional giveaways as well.
Same can go for North America, as now it can also be a separate locked-down region. (Although probably still mostly for console games.)
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