So I bought 2 hoodies from eBay and received them no problem. I saw they are the wrong size and returned them to the buyer (on eBay it states that I had 2 weeks to return them and I did send them in that time). Now 2 months have passed after multiple attempts to contact the seller he doesn't respond, I have no hoodies, no money and also payed for returned shipping. eBay just closed my case without any explanation. I can't make new one and I can't make dispute on PayPal because it says that I have opened case on eBay.
Any suggestion would be much appreciated. Seems to me that all this buyer protection is just bullshit. I'll definitely think twice before buying anything from eBay from now on.

11 years ago*

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This dont make sense, what i know ebay and paypal always to 99% favors the buyer if something is wrong, didnt u open a dispute? i did that myself some years ago on item never revieved i got fullrefund back no problem.

11 years ago

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You could always break into to the sellers home and break his kneecaps.

11 years ago

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+1 most sensible answer here.

11 years ago

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Gooby pls.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Do you have tracking to prove they were shipped back to the seller? Paying for return shipping is expected, it's not the sellers fault you bought the wrong size.

The fact that you've let two months really lowers the chances anything will be done.

What case did you have open on eBay? Judging from the outcome and what you stated, it sounded like you simply shipped it back to the seller without opening any eBay or PayPal cases.

11 years ago

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Croatia is Eu member since last year isn't it?
all you had to do was WRITING the seller that you take your "right of withdrawal" and wait for his response... if he doesn't response cancel PayPal and wait...
but since you allready send the items back (i really hope you have it well documented - and were they so cheap that you had to pay for resend instead of the seller??) deal with PayPal about this! don't try with ebaysupport any longer (only if the can "cancel" your case to open PayPal), go for PayPal support - bombard them with emails if you must, but PayPal is your goal...

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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eBay is PayPal. They own them wholly. So good luck.

eBay is a horrible, ugly, nasty monopoly. Why anyone then chooses to use their proprietary pay method that has NO regulatory body over it (not a bank) is beyond even my wildest understanding.

I have a perma-boycott on PayPal. I do not use vendors that take only PayPal as payment. PayPal is notorious for freezing accounts for no reason for long periods of time/forever/until legal action is taken.

11 years ago

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sorry but...

PayPal is NOT ebay.. ownership is totaly irrelevant...
PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. & Cie, S.C.A is a Luxembourg-based bank - which ebay is not...
i have absolutly no Problems with PayPal, even if they WHOULD make Problems with canceling my payment, i whould cancel the direct debit authorization with which i am paying PayPal... for this i have 1 month in Germany.. no problem...
2 ways to cancel a payment

11 years ago

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I am ignorant to regulations in Europe, therefore I may be wrong to European experiences.

However, here in the U.S. my statements remain true and accurate.

PayPal is owned wholly by eBay and is under no fiscal regulatory body. They can therefore do whatever they want with your money with almost no repercussions outside of full-blown legal action.

I also fail to understand why ownership is completely irrelevant when two arms of the same company are working on a problem. Why would they steal food from their own mouth voluntarily?

11 years ago

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they are 2 seperate legal Bodys.. so they may work "Hand in Hand" but from legal aspects the ownership is irrelevant.. as a seperate legal Body, PayPal must act as one.. legaly...
(and if they bullshit this, they will loose the bank-Status very quick)

11 years ago

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Again, my apologies. I didn't realize they were acting as an official banking entity in the EU. That's NOT the case here.

Ownership isn't irrelevant, IMO. However, if your point is that ownership doesn't exempt them from legal ramifications in the EU, then I understand your point.

Here, it's a completely different story and I'll continue to steer clear of ever using them, as there is no consumer protection from PayPal which is owned by a monopoly (eBay).

11 years ago

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Don't buy clothes of ebay.

11 years ago

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+Infiniti. eBay is rotten to the core.

11 years ago

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Did you use credit card? If so try contacting the bank.

11 years ago

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Credit card charge backs could potentially show up on your credit score which in turn could raise questions if you need approval later on. Whether or not it was valid, it's a risk over someone who has no charge backs.

If you really need the money then go this route, otherwise depending on the amount it may not be worth it.

11 years ago

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Whaaa? eBay favored the seller? Better prepare for the apocalypse!

11 years ago

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Sounds like he didn't open dispute/case until it was too late. (45 days is max).

11 years ago

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You have 2 weeks to OPEN a case and then return the items. If you just return them without opening a case, then the two-week policy cannot be applied, and you will lose your case if you open it later. Even though Paypal and eBay favored the buyers (I won 100% of my 8 cases), but they have to follow their policies strictly, too.

11 years ago

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Within the EU, iirc, he can, without giving any reason, within two weeks, return anything he bought over the net and will get a full refund.

11 years ago

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on most cases the sellers legal decleration is not correct.. so you have... all time in the world for this... 14 days are only beginning after a CORRECT legal declaration...

11 years ago

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Wrong. If the seller is not from EU, then EU laws don't apply to him.

11 years ago

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where do you read that the seller is outside EU? the buyer is EU (AND he payed for returning the items), so i would guess the seller is too without any other info...
possible but not likely

11 years ago

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The fact that he paid for returning the items doesn't indicate anything about the location of the seller, as eBay policy said that you have to pay the returning fee yourself if any. The number of EU shops on eBay is pretty low, compare to the number of Chinese (and Asian) shops, so unless further info is provided, the possibility that the seller is outside EU is higher.

11 years ago

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Implying he would have paid for sending them back outside the EU is no more likely than a seller inside the EU. That's usually a warehouse somewhere in GB.

11 years ago

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I bet I can solve this. Hey OP, what's the location of the seller?

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Erynion.