Found the chess board.
Trying further Google searches and names now.'s_Gambit_Declined_semi-Slav_Chigorin_defence
Also, ITH isn't case sensitive.
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I don't think that's the correct one... look at this: but no idea what the correct answer should be...
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If you want help with part 2, might as well post the solution to p1 or at least the logic followed.
A lot of wrong answers for Q1:
the queens gambit
the queens gambit declined
chigorin defence
queen's gambit
the queen's gambit
the queen's gambit declined semi-slav, chigorin defence
the queen's gambit declined semi-slav
the queen's gambit declined
queen's gambit declined
queens gambit declined
the chigorin defence
slav defence
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It's the name of the opening
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Part 2 text without unscrambling (replaced spaces with underscores):
Last line instructions: 1 to 4 and 3 to 8 and 6 to 12 and 13 to 15
tidh_iwolga_ngr -> switching places (fail)
towd_iaglih_ngr -> rotating blocks (fail)
Wanted to try shifting every1st with its corresponding fourth and so on, but it seems drawnout.
It might be reasonable to expect the instructions to move the spaces to separate words and the Caps to the front of the line.
Some anagrams from the last line:
who girl dating
7 Letter Word(s)
airglow, alright,digital,dilator,dithiol,goliard,hidalgo,lithoid,warthog
6 Letter Word(s)
adroit,algoid,alight,aright,awhirl,dialog,diglot,galiot,giglot,gloria,godwit,growth,hairdo,haloid,harlot,holard,latigo,liroth,lithia,loggia,rialto,ridgil,righto,tailor, thoria,toward,withal,wraith,wright
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Okay, tried to shift the HEX with the instructions in the ITH description. When I number each individual letter, and shift them without readjusting their position I get gibberish, when I do readjust their position...gibberish. Tried caesar shifting their positions after that, more gibberish.
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There are 7 skips in the text and 8 lines. Looks like each instructions apply to one line each and then we move on the the next one. I tried to decode like 4th hex to 1st hex, 3rd to 10th hex but got nothing. Also tried selecting the 4th hex then caesar shifting by 1 etc but it also doesn't work.
Maybe it will be faster to brute force random nursery rhymes with a comma in the title?
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got part 2!
Was hard to find the title, but managed in the end with the help of all comments here
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Ha, loved the answer to part 3. Luckily the site you used to encode, also allows us to decode via audio :3
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I'm opening a part 4 here
Basically is you name now Kerros or Golbez?
Let's summarize
Decipher me in the key of 3
key of 3 -> Sounds like Ceasar
'Decipher me' there is a song named that way, wonder if there is something behind it.
Use my Name
Why the new line though.
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Hmm, this is where I'm stuck too. Tried a couple combinations of ciphers that involve using keys (Caesar and Vigenere) along with the names Kerros/Golbez, no luck yet (as in, I tried decoding using Caesar with a key/shift of 3, taking that text, and trying to decode it using Vigenere with the passphrase being the name).
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I did all that as well.
I also found the song D3D mentions as well and tried some stuff with that but all to no avail.
I also used stuff like "myname", "name", "caesar", caesar's full name to try and decode it but nope.
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Huh! Question still is what to do with that / next though. Considering the previous puzzles, the solution won't be too obvious but damn, I feel like we're going nowhere, really.
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Might as well expand on things I've tried since nobody has solved this yet, could give someone else ideas.
Decipher me in the key of 3
Use my Name
Taking the decoded texts from the previous step, I then ran that through some more decoder tools
Also tried brute-forcing with a substitution cipher based on what I believe some of the words may be in the answer, but that didn't lead very far.
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Tried Railfence Key 3 & Gronsfeld Key 3
followed by Vigenere "golbez"
Frequency analysis of the ciphertext shows it only has 19 characters, and the missing ones are those usually excluded from the cipher grids
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It can be deciphered with railfence followed by a columnar transposition, however I can't get ITH to accept any permutation of the cleartext
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It turns out it's an acute accent. On my keyboard it can be entered with Shift+Ins
Edit: sorry right single quote (U+2019), on my screen they look very similar
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Still doesn’t seem to work for me. I’m using the same apostrophe (Alt+0146) that I’ve used in this whole post, but I'm not getting it. I don’t know if I should leave any spaces anywhere, or do anything with the trailing xxx :(
Edit: nvm, finally got it.
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:P but yeah, the whole apostrophe thing added a whole other layer to it - and the worst part is, it shouldn't even have. But good to know you got it finally :)
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I'm so confused, where do you even need an apostrophe though? Like, are we supposed to answer the question after deciphering still?
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Now you've completely lost me. I think I have a different solution? What. Now I'm even more confused. Good times. Never mind me, I did a dumb.
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If you haven't solved it already, you need to get rid of the trailing xxx's
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This may help:
PS: Yep, I'm going mad with this puzzle (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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Since this is communal could someone make a post with a list of answers solved that is updated as we go? Anyway, the "key of three" actually sounds like it's referring to a specific kind of cipher that's easy enough to work out, but I'm not sure what the starting information is (hence my initial question). Anyway, what I would try applying would be:
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For those stuck on the first three:
1) The answer has already been revealed in this thread
2) Someone already decoded the last line from the rhyme, just need to use Google to find the title
3) Use an audio Morse code decoder tool
As for 4, I can't test that out until I get back from class.
Edit: Had no luck with Trifid Cipher, but I may just not have been inputting it correctly.
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Yeah, I also tried that one a bit but it didn't lead me to anything either.
aka bump
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Was about to try a couple of things, but see you guys/girls are way ahead of me!
So, sadly, no helpful input from me here.
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Hm actually I can sorta read something when using decryption and otherwise default settings, just the characters of the words aren't in the right order.
Edit: Got most of it now, must have one word wrong, and I read about the apostrophe so that's not it.
Edit 2: Got it now, had two words wrong.
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Yeah, before I found that site, I was also using another one that just spat out what looked like alphabet soup.
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This worked well. Wonder what's wrong with the other sites. I got the end bit wrong which could be rearranged to also make sense.
edit: Actually, I still can't get ITH to accept. Trying various formats. Especially, what am I supposed to do with the end bit?
edit: Got it.
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No idea how this works.
Used the first one and put in the code from ITH, got jibberish, but just different jibberish.
And then what? Can't even put in the result into the 2nd one, tells me to give in a key.
Edit: okay........used the name as key and got again (different) jibbirish. Now have: tnacibveileeadidilsihtlwofkrorsartahxxbigx
And then? Or have I taken (several) wrong turns already?
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No idea what you're doing wrong since I mean, those decoders are pretty straightforward...
About the "key" thing though, maybe read the task again :P
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Yeah, am afraid it has something to do with the key thing.
Looking at what ITH says:
Use my Name
suggests that just 'kerros' isn't the key.
And kerros mentioned an apostroph......
Somewhere I am not getting it.
And I think the key is my problem.
EDIT: OMG, I got it!
Just need ITH to accept it now!
Struggling there too!
Edit2: ITH accepted my answer! xD
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