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I wouldn't say best, but OKKO and Koyonplete games are decent to pass some time. They do have the annoying daily limit unless you go with in-app purchases, but if you don't mind playing a few chapters per day, it should be fine. Art is quite good but some of the routes are a bit boring (lots of repetition). I think characters wise I liked some Voltage games more than most characters of the ones I mentioned though, so if you've played most of Voltage games, just check out which OKKO or Koyonplete game catches your eye (art or story) and try it out for a couple of days, if you don't enjoy the first chapters, go for another one. I haven't tried any Cybird ones but they seem to get good reviews.
I haven't played many titles lately, except a few on Steam that I wouldn't really recommend since they felt too grindy (unless you want opinions on Steam titles even if they feel grindy), but I can think of a couple I played a while ago that might interest you. Hakuoki (played the playstation version but there should be an android version out by now which you can try), Queen of Darkness 2 (I tried this one not expecting much and the romance and characters ended up being quite good), Starry Sky (I played "in Spring" one but the rest titles should be similar so check which you prefer).
Edit : Forgot the "Shall we date" series. Not sure if you tried any but they seem to be quite popular (some titles more than others).
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Oooo yeah I'm sure OKKO ones were some of the first I ever tried that kinda got me into the scene so to speak; but I was so annoyed about the restrictions and didn't want to pay for gems or whatever; that was when I discovered Voltage ones that allowed you to just buy the stories :3 Koyonplete I haven't tried any of em yet but I did download them and got into the habit of doing the jewel roulette thingy every morning when I woke up, until our houses net was cut off for a month xD I really should get back into doing that so thanks for reminding me! Do you know roughly how many of the currency you need to complete a single route? I was most interested in Mystical Butterfly and Seal of Lycoris.
Cybird I've never even heard of so I'll have to look into that for sure :3
Feel free to recommend me some on Steam if it's not too much trouble. I have quite a lot of them from bundles, almost all the Winter Wolves ones I think; with many more on my wishlist... but it's hard to know if I've missed any! I bought Sakura Spirit on sale even though it's aimed at guys haha, just because the art looked kinda pretty, I guess that means I'll be looking at boobies xD not that I have anything against boobs! I'd just rather play as female and romance guys haha.
I actually have a Hakuoki game on 3DS but not got round to playing it yet, too many new PS4 releases is what I'm gunna blame it on!
Gunna have to look into Queen of Darkness and Starry Sky too cos I've not heard about those either, so cheers :3
I saw the Shall we Date ones on the Google Play store, I've thought about buying the ones where you pay for the app or the route rather than the F2P ones with currency required to progress. I just don't know if they're worth the money when people seem to say stuff is missing from the paid versions and don't get updated as much as the F2P ones :( Maybe I should just bite and go for it though, kinda want the Mononoke one :3
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So yeah, I love Otome games so much but I find they can get a bit samey after playing a few >.< I prefer the ones with actual storylines as opposed to just filler between pictures of sexy or, not so sexy guys xD I've played a lot of Voltage's games on Android and they get very dull after playing through a couple of routes (with the exception of a few of the apps with interesting storylines like Metro PD, Enchanted in the Moonlight).
Then I tried some on Android by D3Publisher cos the animations intrigued me; they worked fine on my GalaxyTab2, but when I bought a Hudl2 they became unplayable due to the characters standing in front of the text, or glitching out completely >.<
I am enjoying Alice in the Heart despite it's pretty poor translation!
Looking forward to Spirit Parade by Lettuce Waltz which is due to come out soon as I love stories to do with Mononoke! :3
Then there are the Winter Wolves games, I've only played Loren, Heileen 1,2,3 and Bionic Heart so far but I have others to get round to. Would like to see Seasons of the Wolf on sale!
I know I need to learn Japanese to really get to experience a lot of good stuff >.< but does anyone have any recommendations for now?
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