Will the monthly bundle be yours?
Yeah, heard that quite often before. Sadly I've never played a Harvest Moon game before. From what I get it's something like a small little world where you can make a living in and go on all sorts of adventure. Something like Second Lfe 2.7 or so...
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Let's put it like that: It's fun because you "need" to do stuff to keep the farm going – until you have enough money. It will get boring (because it's so monotonous) once you've reached that point though. I enjoyed it but I get that it's not everyone's cup of tea.
Although, it just had a major update the last few days. Haven't yet played it again but I have heard that they added cool things - especially for when you start the game.
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Imagine Farmville combined with a Life Sim on top of a traditional JRPG framework (Namely, Zelda: Link to the Past), and you've got the Harvest Moon formula. Stardew Valley is basically the exact same formula, but with more depth/options in each of the elements than other games in the genre can currently boast to. Actually, in a sense, you can imagine Stardew as adding a bit of Runescape [skill grinding and added RPG elements, in particular] to the formula, on top of everything else. :P
They're an interesting genre, but they're even more grindy and monotonous than the most grindy of JRPGs, and they tend to be as time-sensitive on tasks as any other time-progression-based life sim game.
Well, it's easy enough to find the old Harvest Moon games on emulator, if you wanna test out the genre, but Stardew does seem to offer the best welcome to the genre, given its depth and polish.
Personally, after a few games in the genre, I found myself burnt out on it (namely since all games in the genre use the same farming-centric framework, and don't really try any truly new approaches, even as they enhance existing elements)- but I did have fun up until that point.
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hmm, it is a good game. but very repetitive. i got tired after a year and some, my wife after ~2 years.
the game has no ending. but after 2 years the cut-scene ends.
it is not relaxing imo
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I gave in to my curiosity and bought the monthly. I got bored to death after 40 minutes of playtime :(
Maybe it's just me, but there was no direction on what to do, no tutorial whatsoever, no tasks to fulfill, just, dunno, get thrown into the game (which is admittedly quite lovely to look at) and do ... stuff?!
I assume that's exactly what most people like about it. Maybe I'll try and continue it some time later, might as well play something else instead tho... Feels like wasted money at the moment.
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sorry i couldn't post sooner ;)
and your "objective" is to get enough "points" so you get the special reward from your grandfather...
best is to start reading the wiki, otherwise the game is indeed pointless
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I hate games that I cannot fire up and start playing already. Reading a Wiki to be able to enjoy a game is more dedication than I am willing to commit. I have more than 1800 games in my library. If I don't like a game instantly, most of the times I just play another, y'know...
At least I wasted my own money ;P
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as opposed to someone else money?
i always wondered where i can get the "someone else money" is there a place to sign up? ;)
anyway, i won it 5 months. it was probably worth it, compared to other games i haven't had for yet.
i probably wouldn't have touched without the hype, then again, "wasted" some time on it.
if you have 1800, skip it, and play something else. fancy of MP game of TL2?
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"someone else money"
by winning a GA of a Game eeev might not enjoy but others would ;)
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It's "awesome" for the life sim design and freedom of approach. It's basically sandbox appeal, combined with time-sensitive tasks and the feeling of developing a story for the character [through task interaction and courting NPCs, having children with those NPCs, etc].
The gameplay doesn't really change, though typically these games really expand once you get to the RPG areas and similar, and feel the world opening up around you. That aside, they're still basically just elaborate time-management games, even though they precede (and perhaps were a foundation for the creation of) that genre.
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For me it's the constant progression, and (surprising depth). Plant a few seeds, water them daily. In your free time you can go to the mines to fight and/or mine ores, run around to find forageable wild plants to sell, or you can go fishing. The town has 18 ? NPC who each has a distinct personality, and by talking to them, giving them gifts they like (and not forgetting their birthday) makes them friendlier to you to the point of knowing their life, problems, likes. Romance options also have various events with ocassionally choices that triggered by being in a certain location in a weather/time of a day (They are not mandatory/required, so it's really nice surprise when you go to the mines during rain because what to do, and you find one of them under a tree because they were there when the storm started). and during each season you can take part in various fastivals, sales or celebrations.
Btw maybe a little hint would have been good in the game: a lot of stuff gradually unlocks during the game. Community centre's bundles unlock after a few days, your little cave in the farm will be usable after a season (maybe), a new location will be unlocked because earthquake, you'll get key for the sewers after collecting enough stuff for the museum, new location after reaching the bottom of the mines, etc. I think the game's main goal is to spend 1/3 -1/2 of your day with tending the farm if you have crops (you can make sprinklers later and such to save time) and in the other part to socialize, dwelve into the mines or something like that.
At first I also felt like the game is farming for having more money for farming (like farmville...) but it turned out to be a really nice game. Work to make your farm an animal farm with a few barns and sell cheese, or winery with berries and grapes, or make special honey with your bees - or just fish for money and don't care about your farm, all of them is viable just to play. Achivement / 100%-wise the goal is to do everything: get and ship all crops, all fishes, get a family, upgrade your house, get back the whole museum's collection, and finish every quest for the adventurer's guild (mosly kill X hundred/thousand of an enemy) but in my opinion the game is more about dropping into a (mostly) nice counry-side town's life, and making something out of the situation. And while the game has an evaluation point (3rd years spring maybe), it's not the end of the game, and it can be initiated later as well, nothing is lost.
About Tiny's comment "it is not relaxing imo": days are a tad short, so it can be really a little annoying that one did less than wanted, but there's always another day. Or the game can be modded to have different length days, depending on one's likes :)
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Just wanna weigh in here, as even though I'm a big Harvest Moon fan I also found the first couple hours of the game a little underwhelming, directionless, tedious.
However, this is the sort of game that really grows on you as you begin investing more time and effort into your little farm and character. There are many paths one can take towards creating a successful and sustainable farm and life within the town, and once you start getting a feel for what those paths are and what they can offer you in terms of monetary gain or other perks the game really hits its stride in terms of capturing player imagination and the self-created role-play aspect of it.
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Stardew Valley is a game a ton of people buy at full price, and it's well recieved around these parts from what I see too. Even if the other games are meh, the bundle should be worth it for Stardew Valley + a bunch of meh titles.
Not sure if I should buy the bundle or give someone some CS:GO keys for the Stardew Valley code, real money is tight right now and I have keys gathering virtual dust.
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I want to see prices in trades on Stardew Valley before i'll subscribe again. If it will be high enough, i'll go for it, as usual
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Maybe you can add the fact that this is the 1st year anniversary of Humble Monthly (something for subscribers to consider or not)
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I doubt that, even on their anniversary HB wouldn't give one more game than usual.
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It's unfortunate that I had Slime Rancher already, and now they are offering Stardew Valley which I already own as well.
For people who have never played Stardew Valley, the game is worth the price of the subscription by its self. I have over 100 hours on it.
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actually, not true.
the maker of the game specifically said the price will remain.
it will get max 50% if you ask me.
check his website
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In short, if one really wants this game and plans to play it soon, it's a good opportunity. Otherwise, there's no need to rush.
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The Last part is always true ;)
I have no idea about publishers...
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Good thing I already bought Stardew Valley for $12 during the summer sale...
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is it me? i only seem to unlock stardew valley as a download, not as a steamkey :S
nvm, managed to get a key to, but dont see purchases.. weird
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☞ Purchase the November monthly bundle! ☜
A curated bundle of games sent to your inbox every month. When you subscribe, you'll immediately receive "Stardew Valley" with more to come and enjoy 10% off in the Humble Store!
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Retail: $114.93
Humble Monthly Original game: Keyboard Sports (Hinted at their Twitter post)
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