Nice idea.
Also, I think your rules should really have something like :
You can't have more than +10 (or +15) gift diff !
Or your group will die from (gift diff) point starvation if one or more members make giveaways with gift diff counters keeping increasing over time.
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I don't think i understood the last sentence.. it's just like my other group but twice as "chilled"
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I will give you an example of the issue that might happen.
4 members have +50 gifts and aren't entering GAs.
Total gift diff : +200
40 other members have reach -5 gifts because people aren't entering their GAs anymore.
Total gift diff for those members : -200
Next month everyone make their monthly GA but noone is entering GAs, eventually some of 4 members enter one or two GAs of interest but that is it.
Almost of members can't enter legitly any GA because of gift diff starvation : all +1 gift diff points have been stored in those 4 members counter.
That is why a max gift diff is required in exclusive groups. Otherwise there is no more circulation of gift diff points (that are actually used here as a kind of currency).
This is a problem quite related to issues in capitalism with unco-operative tax havens countries that prevent circulation of accumulated currencies...
Now, this is not necessarily alarming, as a new group can always be created again ! :P
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wow that's quite interesting really, but why wouldn't they enter the giveaways? Usually the people that give really much usually enter just as much even so to get the "+1" game..
Anyway it's pretty interesting analysis that I would never thought about, if I see this becoming a thing I will act asap on the max gift diff! Thanks! :)
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Usually the people that give really much usually enter just as much even so to get the "+1" game.
Nope. If the site had "CV levels" for won games, you'd be surprised in the difference compared to the contributor distribution curve. Not to mention having at least one entire group on this site dedicated to entering for only games they are committed to play.
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Not really an exception. There are quite few people in the level 7–10 range with even more extreme ratios than me. Don't forget that people actually have to fuel the low-level scene, otherwise "leechers" would be mathematically impossible to exist on the site. What Omicron told you is a very real problem in ratio-based insider-gifting groups, as eventually they polarise around gifters only and winners only segments.
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Thanks a lot for the advice, not really sure what can I do against it, probably the max gift difference should be a thing in the near future :/
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Yes! When we reach like 50 members or so we can start :)
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Just finished this episode today! Going to the last season!
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If you are refering to the Intense group you were kicked due to no monthly in December, its stated in our "records".. it was also the month that wasn't sent out any notice due to many general group announcements and reminders, and due to many members failed to do so.. Anyway some members got kicked and then asked us why, we explained and they came back after doing the past monthly GA.
Hope it clears out, any other question feel free to add me
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I don't remember when I was kicked but I'd say it was in the very first days of December but I could be wrong. I have a very bad memory and tend to forget dates (and GAs to do... )
Could you please confirm the date? (I don't know how to check it)
And thanks for the explanation. No hard feelings at all; I should have contacted you before regarding this but I wanted no drama.
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You're right, it was November's
Kbronct - 01/10/16 - 02/12/16 ~ No Monthly Giveaway
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I had several with unlucky-7 and I thought that perhaps I had forgotten to create an exclusive one for Intense but I have checked now:
November 4 to 6: I didn't even get 5 entries ! :(
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That's not exclusive because you added whitelist, if you didn't it would've counted even if it didn't reached the 5 entries :p
And the winner end up being from the group :p
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Yeah i get the confusion that's why in october the first month we let it pass the WL+Group :p But the wording was meant to be exclusive to the group therefore only to the group..
Anyway, sorry the things turned out this way, I could also talked! Cheers!
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Hey! Just letting you know about the region-lock, that is not permitted in our group! If you have global games and you want to join please reply so I can proceed :)
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Nah it's probably an overly expensive ring, Invited! :)
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Yes, not sure how many yet though probably 120? What do you think? :)
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Tents is showing 110 active users according to the stats page, so that's only nominally larger. Outside of monthlies, many gibs on Tents have mulit-group. Without 150-200 members, I would think this group may only have monthly posts. Your group though, so your decision.
Come to think of it, rule says ONLY exclusives allowed. What happens if someone posts a multi-group or +WL gib in the group? Kicked?
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Would probably to ask to delete it and read the rules again.. If he doesn't respect well, I would do the same as breaking the other rules, besides that's the first one it shouldn't be too hard (?)
We'll see this is not my call imo, I believe in the power of people, and probably when we get to 100-120 i'll ask in the forum where is our line :)
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I created one that is well alive since September, not sure if that's much, last month we had 1415 giveways total, so I guess its alive :b
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Im not even around for a year :p Didn't noticed it was sarcasm at first, damn brain :(
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Question: How many members are you looking to have at the most?
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Not quite decided on the final number, probably between 120-150?
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And with that number how many entries will be in GAs you think? It seems you have some experience with another group.
Never been in gifting group. Mainly because tough rules, but your seems quite affordable.
I'm just thinking i can continue create and stay in high level GAs on public with same amount of entries or not same?
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In my other group it has an average of 30~ entries, some giveaways may have 5 others 100 if mixed with another groups, this one is exclusive so I think it probably the average is going down to 20/15 probably, but it depends on the giveaways and on the members currently :)
If your question is do I win more than in public giveaways? Yes, way more, I think I average 2-4 wins a day in good days.. If your question is do I get 5 entries to get CV it depends on the game itself, if it is common people won't enter, if it's isn't people will enter :)
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As of level I think I like giving 'newbies' a chance as ratio I'm considering the ratio when inviting :) That means worse ratio lower priority
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Bump as thanks for train.
Regarding the rule "Giveway atleast 1 Game worth 10P per month - This prevents inactivity and amps the loot volume - Also you should post your giveway on Steam Group Discussions"
Can I like throw out 2x10p one month and it's counted as 2 months' "work"? Also, may be a stupid question, but 2x5p does not equal 1x10p right?
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No, its suppose to be a monthly to keep people from giving away all the games and then wait for the ratio to fall (win ga's).. if everyone did that in 2-3 months there wouldn't be giveways because all the people already give their monthlies.. that's why atleast 1 giveaway needs to be steady and a kind of a "process" to people giveway games through time and the group doesn't end up without giveaways in a few months..
Not sure if i was clear enough but it's pretty simple if you think about it, you don't give a yearly allowance to your kid because he will spend it in a month, that's why you give it monthly so next month he will still have enough income to buy his stuff..
As for the second, no, 10P really means 10P, as it's suppose to be the "big" one, it's only once a month and I rather have a "meaningfull" giveaway that people would care, than 2 games people wouldn't really want to participate.. Not always of course but usually the more expensive the less "shitty" it is. The only exception would be unbundled games i think, still not decided yet.
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Sure, i'll put you up with some candidates, you can always save some games for the future :)
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Pandora's is a new Exclusive Group!
Looking for admins/mods too, PM!
Why Join?
Loot (Giveways)
be a scumbagwin multiple copies of the same game and activate every game you won.Requirements to Join?
Here's some Loot to everyone! Apply down below after reading and agreeing with the rules. Let's make Pandora great again! We'll build a wall to keep out leechs from here!
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