I saw that earlier. Saw a few, stopped looking after I saw they were just made fat. The person who made the edits must be American if they think average woman = fat.
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When I look around in real life, the average woman is less flabby than the "average woman" depicted in that article.
They also look less like they've been simply stretched out horizontally by lazy picture editing
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I've read somewhere that those edits were supposed to be average American women, so that may be why.
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Especially since some of these characters are fighting characters. Why would they be out of shape?
Can't stand these promos that encourage women to be proud of being what they are. Not that they should be ashamed, but why be proud of being out-of-shape? Be proud to be fit. It is something to aspire to. And I say this as a fat, lazy bastard.
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it does say
, shaping their bodies into images that represent the average American woman’s measurements
in the original article
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That was my thinking as well, A few of those would have just been more muscluer and less busty, but I doubt that the artist who did this thought women could have some muscle on them.
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Yeah, sure, make them all chubby. Seems legit.
Seriously. Lara Croft is the most realistic considering she only has thicker thighs but is still looking fit, but taking a fighter from Tekken and making her overweight? Taking a holographic AI and making her fat? It needs to be believable in regard of the character.
Noone seems to care about bull like, pumped male characters which are nothing close to the average man, but meh, I'm probably suuuper sexist right now.
Edit: Took a second look. Lara Croft is bs too.
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The Sonia Blade edit works the best. Bit more fleshed out, but still reasonably balanced proportions and some muscle tone remaining (as you'd expect from someone who's trained for combat)
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Yeah, she looks like she could beat someone's ass, but still pretty unhealthy for being the depiction of an average woman.
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Yeah, fighters wouldn't look like an average american woman. The original models are often unrealistic but so are their edits.
A good example would be the Tomb Raider model from the 2013 game. She looks fit without having this unrealistic shape about her.
As for the GTA5 girl, there are plenty of skinny teenagers out there so she doesn't look unrealistic at all.
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Should have started with the outfits rather than making them all look fat and chubby and calling that "average women" /facepalm/
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Trying to be a progressive website for videogames also topics about sexism make awesome clickbait.
There was a buzzfeed-esque website I enjoyed reading from time to time for the GIFs and now they only make posts like "Look at this, that's sexist! Amirite?" for clicks.
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yeah, i'm getting tired of the new trend in game reviews...
maybe those people would prefer to play a fps with a 1.20mt-high protagonist that's missing one arm, half blind, with 3 teeth, a broken gun, one shoe and with a hole in the backpack. :3
did i mention he/she should also be extra ugly and fat?
also lock the game to 15fps!
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FPS has nothing to do with the matter, but alright, no worries, I get your point. I don't care about a character being ugly or fat, but calling it the average makes me furious, also the character has to be believable and fit into the story. This article is complete rubbish when you take characters that are known to perform athletic tasks and hand-to-hand combat and make them overweight. It makes no sense but people praise it as progressive and feminism.
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Boring and pointless. I was expecting them to redesign their outfits in non-oversexualised/average fashion or something like that but apparently the editor just wanted to show off that he (poorly) can make people look fat in photoshop.
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I think the idea with these pictures is that even if an 'average person' physique doesn't match some action hero characters, it's no less unrealistic than making every female character look like a model.
I want my magic-user to be a joke-cracking, pipe-smoking Nanny Ogg, damn it :P
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No worries. Social Justice Warriors. http://pl.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=social+justice+warrior
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Geez, that fits perfectly. Especially the example at the end.
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Depends. Of course there are things that make sense and are worth fighting for, but after reading into what it meant I remembered some of the Tumblr and general blog posts ranting about the most ridiculous stuff being sexist and find the term pretty fitting. I did write some arguments on why I disagree with the article above tho and reading your comment below you seem to be on the same page.
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Can people stop shouting SJW as soon as they see something that they don't agree with. SJW has really become the go-to "Put my fingers in my ear because I don't want to hear it" response for some.
Anyway, in regards to the article, considering what most of these women do in the games, would not make them less barbie-esq and more muscular/beefy with smaller breasts be the way to go, rather than make them chubby? Also, clothes fit for the job the do would also be a better way of making them "realistic".
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Polygon are known for this, they were part of the 'GamerGate' scandal from the beginning.
The truth is if a dev or video game creator wants to make a barbie-esq character then they should because at the end of the day they are doing the hard work, and they should not be intimated by people at Polygon or other sites, who encourage devs and games to create games to satisfy their beliefs, as they are limited creativity.
If a game was created to satisfy them, I would not buy it, because the game will not have heart, just an obvious drive to satisfy a wider audience, or in other words if the game felt like it was not made ambitiously but to send a Politically Correct message, it would put me off greatly.
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But the whole SJW comment to write off anything said is as good of a counter argument as calling anyone who supported Obamacare a communist (I don't know if Obamacare was a good or a bad idea, I've not looked at the numbers, it's just the same kind of non-argument). It does not foster any kind of debate, and its just a lazy and childish way of arguing, one that won't convince anyone who is not already agreeing with you to begin with (while making anyone who is on the fence or who does not agree with you think that you're behaving like a child). Basically, what I'm trying to say is: Don't do "argument By dismissal".
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There is a term for it: thought-terminating cliché Though people who use "SJW" as a pejorative are hardly the only ones who use them; I have noticed the word "misogynist" being used a bit too liberally when someone criticizes a women in the public eye, whether or not that criticism has anything to do with the person's gender.
I agree thought-terminating clichés only act to stifle an argument, not further a discussion, but terms like "SJW" still have meaning outside of arguments and discussions, and I don't know if it should be banned, even informally. If there was a discussion about the subject happening, then "SJW" would be a terrible choice of words and, as you say, a non-argument to end an argument. But as an off-the-cuff remark in an informal setting, like I've seen here, I think the term can still have a valid use.
But that's just my opinion, and I could be wrong.
(Also, as an aside from someone who worked in the health care industry in America, the Affordable Care Act was an overwhelmingly great idea. Hell, the Republicans are the ones who first proposed it in the 90's. The Democratic proposal was a single-payer system run by the government like in Canada and England. It seems like Republicans should have been trumpeting that the ACA was their idea originally, instead of calling it "Obamacare" are dismissing it simply because the other side of the aisle agreed that it was a good idea.)
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I think that people who misuse words like misogynistic just to "kill" an opponents argument without actually putting forth an argument of their own, or people who just attack anything that shows a bit of skin to be just as bad as people who use SJW to kill arguments. The entire debate is worse than the environmental debate at this point (and that debate is rotten, with people who have no scientific background and no real knowledge about what they are talking about flinging insults and opinions at each other and presenting it as fact, which just gets me upset (in particular with the side that argues "my point", as I can't help but feel that they reflect poorly on me and my opinions, and I do by the way have a scientific background and know a fare bit about what's going on)).
And yeah, SJW could be used when talking about certain groups, but at this point I've personally not seen it being used as anything other than an insult, or as a way of trying to invalidate someone else's argument or opinion. It's become an infected word. And the way I at least think it look when reading peoples comments here is that it looks like an attempt to insult or invalidate the article, where an actual counter-argument to the article would probably be the better way to go. And it's also the same knee-jerk reaction that I always see when someone brings up something about Polygon, even if it's not anything related to what could be consider "SJW-esq", like talking about the release of a new movie.
(And for the record, no I'm not a big fan of Polygon)
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yeah, proper armor/clothes/gear is more important to me than how attractive a character looks. devs should take a look at articles like this or do some research.
not saying magic and fantasy gear should obey the rules of the real world, but most games try to be realistic and fail miserably, like putting a female fighter with a thong, shoulderpads and a shield. -_-
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Polygon are SJW idiots. They have reduced game scores because for ridiculous claims such as 'sexism' and such
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if they at least made PROPER redesigned models of those characters, i would partially agree that the originals look unreal. but of course, they took 5 mins on each image to liquify it and upload. what am i saying... they probably grabbed those pics from google image search... -_-
anyway, a 30 mins triss rework just because there's no way she could look unattractive :3 shorter, stocky and a bit less glamorous
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btw, you can do the rework on more "interesting" triss picture. those that came with W2 ;)
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Average women? Maybe average american women, because that's not how average women in majority of Europe looks like.
Anyway, the heroines in video games aren't just any random average women, they're the fucking heroines.
Christie's rework doesn't make any sense. She practices martial arts and works out to stay in shape. So her original body is far more realistic. You can't be fucking chubby if you're working out on yourself every day for years like her.
I also don't see any reason for Rikku's body change. Her original body is kinda common among 16-25 year old girls.
That article is just ridiculous feminist propaganda that doesn't make any sense whatsoever. I personally don't think shaming less attractive women is okay nor do I see any reason why would one do that, but making bullshit like this to make them feel better is just retarded.
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I don't get it. Video game characters are not average or realistic, nor are they meant to be unless the game is serious sim type game.
Characters can run faster, jump higher, have more agility and are stronger than any human that's ever lived. They can continue on after taking many bullets or a severe beating without having to spend months in hospital and when they die they can come back to life. They can even have magical powers.
Everyone knows that games are not real or the characters wouldn't be able to do any of the above. If they can perform feats that no human can, why should they have to look like most humans?
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Wow, it is surprising to see South Africa on there. After a quick google search Obesity: Africa's New Crisis. Seems to be like Western Food has made its way into South Africa.
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How female game characters would look if they were designed more like average women
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