We don't need more bans, we need people to read the rules.
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i disagree points don't need to be reduced because the wave of games will calm down eventually just ride it out and enjoy it while u can
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The first time I read that, I thought it said "TO THE QUEEN".
Needless to say, I fucking lost it.
Also I'm still drunk from last night.
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Its fine.
Reduce the amount of threads about points.
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I actually agree, even independent of the current point inflation. If everyone had fewer points to spend the overall odds of winning would still be the same, but people would be more likely to enter and win games they really wanted, instead of entering pretty much anything they don't have just because they have the points to spare.
Then again I'm relatively new around here, and absolutely respect whatever the people who help make this awesome place possible feel is best. Just throwing out my 2 cents.
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I remember when people requested to increase point regeneration. What a funny site this is.
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How about a no?
Contributor/private/group giveaways are already there for that one purpose to avoid a flood of leechers.
And there's too many giveaways right now, it will drop down within a few weeks, just wait untill then.
Not to mention the amount of games that people really want are kinda scarce these days, all i see is indie games most of the time, that were released in cheap bundles or given away by communities/companies.
That thing about people placing their points in the game they want is kinda silly too. Imagine what it would be everyone not wanting indie games and just spending points in games such as: Max Payne 3, Dead Island, Skyrim... I would rather use these points in less populated giveaways, even if the games aren't a big deal. I usually play everything given time to do so.
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I looking in the page thread before posting and seeing no topic with same subject.
And maybe the phenomen is important currently due to bundle, but I think regeneration is important since lots of week, not only actually.
A really slow regeneration is necessary for me, enough slow to forcing us to choose only our top 3 prefered game. Imagine : few entries in each giveaway, and every body really choose the game he wan't and not other (also forcing people to know the game they enter for).
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Consider the fact that people (like me) use these excess points to enter into more giveaways for the games that they want.
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You know, what you are asking for is impossible unless CG limits each user to 3 giveaways only, regardless of points.
This would mean that points would have no use. Basically you are trying to control the database by saying they should get in giveaways they really want, good luck with that bro!
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I didn't wake up this morning, see my 300 points and think "Wow, I'm going to enter into whatever ends first!" I don't think anyone thinks that. If someone enters into a giveaway it's because they will actually play the game. So there's a ton of people entered.. Who cares? Just be happy that this site exists and you get a chance to win a free game. Be happy that more giveaways means more points. Use your points to increase your chances of getting the game you want by entering into more giveaways for that game.
There's nothing to complain about.
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Just wondering, but why do you care so much? The point regen amounts are the same as they've always been. More giveaways means more points and more you can enter, but you can still only enter the same percent of giveaways. Dropping that means you can enter fewer percent of giveaways (and divided by ten means it'd be near impossible to enter half of stuff, you'd have 10 times less points). The percentages swing the same way in your favor either way...
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Because there is lots of game I'm not interested in.
Now I have two possibility :
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I don't see the problem with having too many points. If you really want the game that bad to the point where it makes you upset that other people want it and are reducing your chance of winning then go buy it yourself.
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Like someone stated before, that is impossible. You are suggesting taking away peoples freedom of choice. There is no way to control what giveaways people choose to spend their points on (aside from not allowing entry for games they already own). Slower regeneration will not force anything except a longer waiting time for everybody. Nobody wants to suffer for your benefit.
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No.. People already enter for games they want, you just need to get over the fact that a lot of people want the same game that you do. Here's a question. What are the games that you are trying to get?
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It's result there is more entries :D
No really, when we start to have so many points and forcing to enter giveaway for a game we not neccesary love, reducing chance to people who really want it ...
Or if you prefer, readuce regen increase the value of entrie.
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It's not forcing anybody to enter any giveaways they don't want. It's their own personal choice. If you don't want to enter in a giveaway for a game that you don't want, then don't do it. It's as simple as that. If you've reached the limit, big deal. Save them until you can use them on a game you want, you don't have to spend them. Don't worry about all the points you're missing out on.. You obviously don't have anything good to spend them on anyway if you're entering giveaways you don't want.
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You cannot control peoples choices. I've made this point already, this argument is futile. If anything, you're provoking people to enter into the giveaways that you have simply to mess with you.
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97 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Ilan14
I think the points regeneration must be greatly reduce. It full refill
in few hours
now (because now there are lots of giveaway created and the old regeneration method is no longer appropriate), so enter in only wanted game is useless because its nearly if we have unlimited point. Resulting in lots of people in each giveaway.I propose to divide by 10 the point regeneration with maybe bonus for active user to avoid a reduction of community activity (ex : bonus of 10-(number of hour since last visit/4)%(min 0%) of point gain).
Reduce greatly the point regeneration will result less entries, so forcing us to enter only in wanted game. So more chance to win.
What are you think about that.
(sorry for bad english ;-))
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