The Notes app looks sick, this is very promising indeed.
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Can't wait to see how Steam's performance will go even more to shit, especially for low end users, just like last time they did a big update like this. Well, guess now there really will be a significant reason for gamers to go for 32gb of ram.
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That most definitly isn't the only goal Steam has. Otherwise, Valve would have stopped a long time ago. The overlay UI update made things much better and cleaner visually. It's a big improvement over the old one, that's for sure. Screenshot manager now also shows me, clearly, what a screenshot looks like before I upload it. It isn't pixeladed like before, where I had to open it with my image editor to actually see it. Notes are also an excellent addition, which many will make use for in their own way.
So, just because you don't care, or give value to such stuff doesn't mean it's useless. It does add value to the user exeprience, which is important. You're more than free to ignore all of this "fluff" and use Steam small mode for that "one" goal. It does exactly, and only that. I for one am glad to see Valve add more features and stuff we can use to tailor our experinece on their Steam platform how we want. Becuase by your logic (one goal — run games), if it doesn't help you press the PLAY button (which is pretty much guranteed to not, since to run a game you can just use the .exe or shortcut on your desktop), it's useless and doesn't add value. So, heavy disagree on this from me, since I love and use all the "fluff" Valve gave us on Steam.
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Nice to see me disagreeing with you and your take on this UI update made you butthurt, so instead of just replying to it in a normal way, you chose the "internet" route. Some things never change online.
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True I've been playing with overlay disabled for years but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. They improved performance when accessing huge steam libraries to the point that it's almost flawless now. Hopefully they've done the same for overlay.
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I'm running the beta now and can say that the client is running more smoothly than the previous versions. I don't know how RAM performance compares to the previous version (I have enough RAM, so did not think to compare,) but I felt a difference right away as soon as Steam started when I booted my PC today.
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I also want a lite version, best I can do is "disable community content" and "low performance mode" which disables the glass effect on the grid images, I don't even want covers to animate but here we are.
Also it was possible to use Steam authenticator through terminal previously but it's not possible with the new app and it's so bloated. At least they should make a lite version for that too so we can just approve the authentication and verify market transactions only.
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doesn't this still work?
steam.exe -no-browser +open steam://open/minigameslist
EDIT: to answer my own question:
it seems that -no-browser
support was recently ended, so there is no official way to disable those "steamwebhelper" processes anymore
PS: there are unofficial workarounds...
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Bump for some promising upgrades and really good consolidated info. :)
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The new toolbar gives you access to anything you may need in the middle of a game
I may be a purist but in the middle of a game, I really don't need anything except... the game?
And still no sub-category or personal tag system to organize games better...
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Notes at least are going to be very useful for some games. La Mulana in particular.
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Sure but as my PC is not a steam deck, I can take notes on games in just any other app available to me. I don't need the Steam client to include a enriched text app, I have one.
Maybe I should tell them I also can order food on another app and don't need them to include Ubereats in the Steam client, just in case they made more improvements to the client ;)
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This is actually a game-changer for me. Having persistent notes inside a game at a chosen opacity saves a lot of tabbing out in certain games. For things like map directions, tracking certain aspects like materials needed to craft something and how much you have of them, following maze instructions (I'm directionally challenged), implementing builds...etc.
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It's fine. I just wish they were putting more effort in actual change that will be useful across the board rather than integrating apps that already exist in light versions and can be started or not at will.
I can see why some can find them useful. I just don't mind alt-tabbing that much.
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That's assuming all games will let you use other programs while they are running. I've been surprised how many games either hog the screen (won't let you alt tab, and windows key won't bring up the windows menu, for example) or outright fail when they lose focus (things like freezing forever when you switch back to them, or outright crashing).
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Same. Before they added notes, I forgot it even exists. I think this is going to change, though. I made extensive use of notes+browser to pin gear loadouts for specific tough enemies in the game I played today so I see myself using it more often for games that benefit from notes.
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Yeah those notes, when done well, could maybe help a bit since if you have only 1 screen, even when playing in windowed it can be hard to have a guide or whatever open as well when needed help, or when you need to remember stuff in puzzle games, will see if I will use it or not, high chance I will fully forget about it again but who knows! :P
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My thoughts exactly. Call me old school but I don't care what an app looks like, I care what it does.
And in terms of actual features, this doesn't look like an improvement, just more of a resource hoarder without any actual improvement on actually useful library features
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Nice! I like this aswell, In-Game Overlay looks very optimum bordering on looking clunky. The notes feature is certainly interesting.
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Probably useless for me. I only want achievements' stats to be updated so the games that I remove from my account wouldn't affect my completion percentage.
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It's not enough to delete a game anymore. But it worked for some time. I deleted couple games that I didn't want to finish and my completion percentage increased. But couple days later after another update it decreased again.
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Maybe I'm just not playing fitting games, but the notes part sounds useless. Just bloating the software further, just like with their mobile app.
I already have multiple programs to take notes in of required, not to mention the good old pen and paper method.
I would like it more if they would make the shitty in-client browser better
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We've also added the ability to pin windows from the overlay, so that they can appear on top of the game while in-game. Opacity level is adjustable, and only the contents of the window will be pinned - excluding the title bar and other extraneous UI. This new functionality is available for Notes, Guides, Discussions, and the web browser (yes, you can watch movies while you play games if you really want to).
I really like this 👍
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I installed the update and have been trying it out.
The ingame overlay is leagues and bounds better now :)
My favorites so far are
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Oh sounds good.
Improved overlay would really improve the experience, screenshot manager would also be beneficial.. And Notes sound like fun.
Overall looks like they have really been working on improving all the outdated stuff on the client. I will never understand those who constantly shit on anything new. Sure, updates not always come out perfectly and they can cause issues. But I'm more for moving forward with occasional blunder instead of sitting on archaic SW from 20 years ago.
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steams screenshot tool used to be really quite good. and then they messed with it and made it worse, calling it an update. whenever valve says 'update' they generally mean 'change for changes sake', or 'change to adjust usability to make things more beneficial for valve and not the user'
so basically in summary, any steam updates are generally at best pointless and confusing, and at worse, flat out break shit or make it unusable. its never good news for the user.
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Have just been playing with the new beta - still no improvements for scaling. Same options as before. It has gotten better over the years, but text size has just three options (small / medium / large) - would love to see a UI text scale slider like most modern apps these days.
Just so much wasted real estate - especially in discussion forums, and news post with them - text a bit too small, and only 1/3 of the width used. If only it could scale like their web version...
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I wish they removed features not add more. My games run significantly better when I run them outside of steam, as it hogs resource like a wild beast, low bandwith mode and low performance not helping
It already take a solid minute and a half just to load up the program
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A notes system that can appear while playing a game and a new screenshot management system look great to use.
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Highlights and biggest changes I see are:
The new toolbar gives you access to anything you may need in the middle of a game – friends chat, achievements progress, guides, discussions, a browser, and more.
And my personal favorite, which I was asking for not a few weeks ago: customized notes :)
It has some promising screenshots^
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