Yes. The "artist". Who did it with nobody noticing and/or telling it to the project leader. And now he is fired and the asset-stealing will stop. Like how it stopped when he last fired a "thieving" artist. Or the one before that. Or the one before that.
And if anyone still believes this David person, they are in luck, I know a really cheap bridge for sale as a great deal for them.
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There's this saying (well not really a saying more of an anology) comparing various things to sausages: You might like the taste of it, but you don't necessarily want to see how it's made. The same thing goes for Orion. It does look nice and it might even be fun to play (cant tell because it won't run on my PC) but apparently this is not the first time this developer has pulled a stunt like this. They are known for stealing assets and exploiting their employees.
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Not in the strictest sense, but I had my work featured on other sites without anyone asking me permission. And since the site I was doing them originally for was non-profit while the other sites used the usual formula (putting up ads here and there, like SG does), I wasn't too happy about it.
So far none of my paid work has appeared outside of the small printed medium that ordered them, but sadly it will be a question of time.
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No, of course having a piece of a gun taken from someone else's gun is going to cut into their profits a ton! Imagine all the people getting this 3D model piece from this unfair cheaper generic brand!
Wait, what?
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Wasn't really going to defend company because I wrote it more as a response to all those "Evil Activision is attacking poor, innocent indie devs who can't do no bad", but from what he wrote, they do lots of off-sourcing works with people around the world and just kinda-trust them to not do that kind of stuff, so they don't do extensive research if stuff isn;t stolen (well, there are points about not doing that in contracts and all).
So, in this one case, it really might be a bad artist, not bad company.
Are you happy now? You made me defend them :(
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We'll never know. This dev is known to lie and deceit almost as much as a politician. On the other hand, Activision said nothing in the matter. I don't think they care enough.
Not that most consumers care. They just hate a publisher because it is fashionable to do so, or revere a developer just because it is fashionable to do so. And if the game is actually good for a change, then they absolutely don't care about any drama behind it.
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And if the game is actually good for a change, then they absolutely don't care about any drama behind it.
I agree with you beside that point - just look at MGS5, how people were following all that drama with #FucKonami and all.
Gamers, like everyone, love drama. And like everyone they will usually not let it decide what they'll purchase. Developer is getting sacked but game is good - let's tweet and buy game anyway.
Like those "boycott CoD MW2 or L4D2" groups :P
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When you mentioned my name, I legitimately contemplated whether you were throwing cross-thread shade.
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because most people think corporations are evil; and because most people don't understand the way the entertainment business works games, music, movies, theatre all have a similar business model: nobody really understands what makes a game/song/movie/show popular, so develop and release a lot of different ones, most of which lose money, and milk the one success for all it's worth so you can develop the next bunch of games/songs/movies/shows, most of which will lose money
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Source: Last night I received evidence directly from Activision regarding assets not even mentioned in public yet. Upon receiving this it became immediately apparent that blatant rips were made. While the artist offered to remake any assets at no cost, he has now been fired immediately upon learning this. This will slightly affect production and I will get into that later.
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