Killer instinct turned free-to-play today:

Previous owners get upgraded to Anniversary Edition (DLC) for free. Read the comments below for more info.

Be aware that it has In-app Purchases and one paid DLC. You've been warned. Caveat emptor. Etcetera.

I thought this would be like, a basic game with a basic roster and minimal features, but what has changed is not paid-to-F2P, but the purchase model.
The currently free game is what was in the demo, when it existed. One character unlocked without story, rotating to a new one each week. That's it. It's a demo. If you want the full game, you get the Anniversary DLC, which could be named "Upgrade To Full Game". And OFC you still have in-game purchases.

Sorry if this has given some headaches, I didn't have that info when I made the post. I hope this clears everything out. As I think it's still of interest, I'll leave the thread open.

1 year ago*

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Wow, already? I thought there was still time. Nice!
Also, thanks JMM72 for the notice.

1 year ago

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What if you bought the paid version? For me it was on Xbox PC.

1 year ago

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Apparently you get the Anniversary Edition upgrade for free

Edit: link with more info here

1 year ago*

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Supposedly the Anniversary Edition was free as an upgrade for those of us who had purchased the game before but it appears to me with a price to buy

1 year ago

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Same here. I think it releases at 12 PM PT according to the Steam forums.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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the Anniversary Edition upgrade free now appears in my library

1 year ago

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It's kinda funny seeing that the anniversary edition has regional pricing. The previous was one at 13.19$ with 67% discount. Now the anniversary edition base price is 10.49$. Thought who knows for how many days.

1 year ago

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Yeap same, Killer Instinct: Anniversary Edition $14,99 for me.

On Steam:
The current purchase-only Steam version of Killer Instinct will be replaced by Killer Instinct Anniversary Edition. All purchased Steam versions of Killer Instinct will be upgraded to the Anniversary Edition for free.
Additionally, the Permanent VIP Double XP Booster and Gargos’ Golden God and Argent Shroud colors will be available on Steam for the first time as part of the Anniversary Edition.

It seems that the update will be on November 28 at 12 PM PT/3 PM ET (~2hs from now)

1 year ago*

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1 year ago

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!addlicense ASF a/577940

1 year ago

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I saw a few people buy this during the sale.

As for myself, I'll be interested to try out the now free version.

1 year ago

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I'll button-mash my way through the story if I can on the easiest difficulty. That or I'll stop when it's not fun anymore.

1 year ago

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it is just as Age of Empires III DE, a limited game version. the anniversary edition (full game) is not free

1 year ago*

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god bless

1 year ago

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Wait. Wait.

Before the update, the price on Steam in the US was $39.99, and in Mexico, it was $355.99 (roughly $20.)

Now, after the update, the price to get Anniversary edition in the US is $29.99... and in Mexico, it's $699.00. That's $40.79 USD.

We have to pay 36% more than the Americans? What kind of fucking joke is this?!

1 year ago

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Also here in BR the price is almost 3 times the previous KI game.

1 year ago

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If you think about it, being fine with other people subsidizing your cost, but then being upset when it flips, is kind of funny.

This problem would easily be solved by everyone paying the same price.

1 year ago

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Walter White: Jesse what the fuck are you talking about

If they're not going to give us regional pricing, then at least make the price the same as the USA's. The daily minimum wage in Mexico is $11 dollars. We take a whole day to earn what an American would in two hours. How does that make the price being higher for us make sense?

1 year ago

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What's your monthly cost of living? I guarantee it's also significantly lower. And...we're talking about luxury items when we're talking about video games, not life necessities.

And and....I literally said these problems would be solved by everyone paying the same amount, which you parroted in your first sentence, but somehow phrased it as if I was arguing against that, lol. Well done.

1 year ago

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I was agreeing with that part of the comment and saying that doing that to us doesn't make any sense.

The what the fuck are you talking about is related to the subsidizing part. What the fuck was that about?

1 year ago

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If one person is being charged $60 for a game so that another person can only pay $20 for the same game, the person paying $60 is now subsidizing the person who is paying $20's hobby. Which is inherently a flawed and unfair system.

In reality, if a publisher/dev can afford to charge $20 for a game, that should be everybody's price. If instead, they're using the $60 price point for other regions to be able to charge $20 in, say, Mexico, then it seems like they should realistically just be charging $40 to everybody. That would be fair.

1 year ago

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Regional pricing helps fighting piracy and can lead to massive developer profits despite the lower price point

As someone paying the same euro price as countries with 4-5 times average income, fuck you and your privileged idea. Your "fairness" turns entertainment to luxury for some, making it literally unaffordable. Interestingly your "fairness" doesn't entail that everyone should get the same money for the same job. Or the same opportunity to buy the same product after the same number of hours worked.

It's disgusting that you wave a flag of "fairness" while preaching how other's life should get worse, from the richest country of the world.

Edit: if you do not care at all about giving the same, then thinking that taking the same is "fair" is just callous, and out of touch

1 year ago*

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I'd love to buy a BMW, but it's outside my income. I don't expect you to subsidize the cost of my luxury item. So right back atcha big boy.

And it only helps fight piracy when people are otherwise thieves. So again. Back atcha.

The only disgusting thing is you insisting on other people subsidizing your hobbies for you while also effectively being cool with thieves leveraging regional pricing against piracy. Only filth does that. Find a less expensive hobby. Hiking for example. I enjoy that myself.

It's also funny when people think all Americans are wealthy lol. Way to say you're completely out of touch without actually saying it. There's basically no middle class in the States.

Don't pretend you're struggling when you have over 3k games in your library. You insult everybody here with that insincerity. Let us know when you decide to act less entitled, champ.

1 year ago*

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It's sometimes so funny seeing american people get so pissed off while making up conspiracies to make them a victim.
Here is what is funny. You think you are "subsidizing" other people's spending in other region cause you pay 60$ and others pay 20$. Right?
So let's say, Baldur's gate 3. It's 60$ in US. But the thing is there are 12 more regions which have higher base price than 60$ when converted to usd. So by your standard to make yourself as a victim, you are also being "subsidized" by other countries.
There is no doubt in my mind that you never once bothered with any other currency.

What's also funny is that devs have sometimes shared that even though lower prices in other regions has improved sales, the download statistics show them from developed countries like US. So people from US and other developed countries who "subsidize" us poor filth, have region hopped to buy games from our region.
So chances are you have subsidisized other filth as you call which are other users from US.

1 year ago

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Your comment fails the logic test when faced with the fact that I specifically said that everybody should be paying the exact same price. The entire premise of your comment fails when faced with that simple, unavoidable fact. I'm surprised you didn't see it. It's in two of my comments. Additionally, I only said that thieves and people who support thievery are filth. So at best, you're offering mock outrage, which is always fun. Cheers!

1 year ago

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What logic test? Nothing you said makes any logic. There is no point in replying each and every sentence of your comments since it's just random jibberish with no real application.
"If you think about it, being fine with other people subsidizing your cost, but then being upset when it flips, is kind of funny."
This is also part of your first comment which you won't mention.

Your solution is "This problem would easily be solved by everyone paying the same price."
You call this a fact? You call this a solution?
Then tell me which currency to pick. Tell me how you gonna determine the base cost. Tell me how you gonna factor currency exchange rate changing. You can't just say random string of words,claim you fixed it and tell someone else to just do it. Though you did.

That's the level of logic of "If you are homeless, buy a house." Though I am 100% sure you will misunderstand this simple comparison and think "a house isn't a luxurious product, you can't compare a house to video game" even though I didn't say it in a literal fashion.

1 year ago

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That's the level of logic of "If you are homeless, buy a house."

that's exactly the kind of entitled logic he believes in, as evident from his comments:

View attached image.
1 year ago

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Ah. Terrorist sympathizer ormax3 is chiming in. And is also a stalker lol.

All of that is true though. And if I can't afford something, I don't buy it. That's the literal opposite of entitlement. Working to solve your problems is called being a responsible human. Unlike burying your head in the sand and hoping someone else handles it for you. If you try and don't succeed, that's one thing. To not try at all though....not so much.

1 year ago*

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Literal definition of entitlement:

If you live somewhere that financially oppresses you, either move or act against said oppression.

Ah, racist DeliberateTaco can't help but show his true colors again:

View attached image.
1 year ago

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That's not racism. That was a legitimate question stalker boy. #learning

And as you know, there is actually no marital age of consent in some areas of the world. That should always be an actual cause for concern.

1 year ago

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"'That's not racism" then goes on to justify that his toxic bigotry was innocent and out of "concern"... straight out of the racist playbook

1 year ago

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A house actually isn't a luxury item.

The currency is irrelevant since there is such a thing as currency conversion.

You really don't make strong arguments, which makes sense since the basis of your argument is inherently flawed.

1 year ago*

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It's amazing. You are a joy to read.
Like I said you will think "house isn't a luxury product" even though that's not the comparison I made and that's the only thing you could comprehend.
"The currency is irrelevant since there is such a thing as currency conversion."
A currency isn't constant. I already said how you can have fixed pricing when the conversation changes.

1 year ago

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you should blacklist me for being american i blacklisted you for being a tool :)

on a side note regional pricing is broke and fixing it is way above my pay grade so i aint gettin involved

1 year ago

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Who even are you?
I had an argument with someone else yesterday. Like the argument is over. You butt in a day after to announce to me you blacklisted me? The person that I was arguing with didn't blacklist me nor did I blacklist him.
You also say you ain't getting involved by getting involved between two stranger's past argument? But have a good day, I suppose, random weird stranger.

1 year ago

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You didn't check the video where a dev talks about their pricing, you only go for personal attacks in a childish and repulsive way.

You feel upset about the (thing I never said) that every American is wealthy. But you have no problem wanting people with less income paying more. Doesn't sound you really care about people's low income. Why would you leverage your poor to make others even poorer?

I didn't say I struggle. I bought my games over the span of 10-14 years, mostly from bundles, because new and full price games are priced outrageously compared to my income. And I have no (

It's not a luxury, but 60€ game can feed 3-4 people in an average restaurant. I also pay full price for every technology, most online services, as people do in Germany or France, for example. While on a 5€/h salary, with masters. Where is the fairness?

You didn't address the main question, of why you want "fair" and equal prices, but having inequal and worse income is all okay. It shows a lot of your intentions and how you perceive "fairness".

1 year ago

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Nobody has equitable income anywhere lol. My income and my next door neighbor's income is vastly different. Keep pulling at strawmen though.

If reduced pricing in different regions equals more income, then reduced pricing in all regions equals even more profit. To address what seems to be your main argument, despite my already having addressed that in a different comment. "if a publisher/dev can afford to charge $20 for a game, that should be everybody's price."

And you jumping in to attack me, but then acting victimized when you receive a response is both hilarious and very much a you problem. Cheers!

1 year ago

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If reduced pricing in different regions equals more income, then reduced pricing in all regions equals even more profit.

This deduction doesn't make any sense. Different markets have different spending power and different profit / revenue maximizing equilibriums. If a $20 price is optimal for Mexico that doesn't neccessarily mean that it also must be optimal for the USA.

1 year ago

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Look friend, I just gave up on trying to put some sense into his head last night, so I suggest you do the same. There's no point in trying to reason with someone that has those sorts of beliefs about how the world works.

1 year ago

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Faulty logic. It costs basically nothing to produce additional digital copies of a game. With that in mind the logical business decision is to maximize revenue with tailoring prices according to what each region is able to / willing to pay. Publishers can sell their game for $60 in Mexico but that will most likely decrease their revenue.

Also publishers seem to treat these poorer/smaller markets as ancilliary revenue sources and if region hoppers from their core target regions start to eat into their revenue too much they tend to prefer abandoning regional pricing and giving up on some of these ancilliary revenue streams. People in the USA paying $60 don't subsidize people paying less in poorer regions. Regional pricing in fact is allowing these companies to extract more revenue from poor regions. And your 'fair' solution would most likely significantly decrease overall revenue.

1 year ago

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this-they were talking 'digital will be cheaper, no distribution costs, no dvd burning, no boxes'

its better to sold 5mln copies for 1$ than 50k copies for 60$(just a example) especially u dont have to pay for additional additional copies

1 year ago

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For countries that now we have LATAM-USD lowered the price from 30 USD to 15 USD :)

1 year ago

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Nah seriously I've got a friend in South America who got way better prices after the switchover, and that's good! But it still screwed over the Argentinians, and it really sucks for them.

I wish companies would sit down and give everyone adjusted prices depending on their location, but that's never going to happen.

1 year ago

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isnt it inflation?

1 year ago

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It was 18300 CLP here in Chile, now it's 29990 CLP. :(

1 year ago

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wasn't this already F2P where u only got 1-2 characters to play with. I own the game so I will instantly get Anniversary when it launches?

1 year ago

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It wasn't F2P. It was in a Humble Bundle last year.
You should already have the anniversary DLC in your library

1 year ago

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Are you sure? I do recall trying it out when it was "F2P" you only had access to Jago and could do certain things like training and 1v1 with cpu. I'm not sure if MP was available but playing it then was the reason I bought it during a steam sale.

1 year ago

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good thing i traded my copy away already

1 year ago

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Installed and uninstalled after a couple of fights. They put a very uninteresting character for free, with no story mode, and achievements are locked behind the paywall. Not looking good as a F2P option,.

1 year ago

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nice, i was a fan of the classic on SNES, time to main saberwulf

1 year ago

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