Not really but i finally reached 1000 comments so lets "celebrate" with a puzzle.
It's not so difficult, I've taken random games that came to mind and I've put a random picture of the game for each question, all you have to do is guess what game it is.

Here is the puzzle.

The prize of the puzzle is Garry's Mod, the giveaway ends in 2 days.

EDIT: Seems that the question are harder than I thought to answer so let's see, if I say you the consoles of the games?

1.ps1 / the character in the picture is the first boss of the first island of the first game of the series.
2.pc, xbox360, ps3 / this is a view of a map of this game that has the same name(edit: only the first part of the name) of the game of the Q1.(edit: you can also answer with only the shortened name of the game es: Test of Name 2 could be Ton2)
3.pc / there is a free and a not free version of the game(with only difference in graphics) the not free version has the same name with a + in the end., xbox360, pc / you can kick chickens in the game(i know it's stupid but this will make you find the game maybe even too fast).
5.gba / it's a spin off of a popular game series that has 14 chapters (and one that have to come out).
6.pc, ps1 / game based on a disney film/series.
7.ps2 / this game mixes character of two companies that have their name/game referenced in the above hints.
8.gameboy color / popular nintendo.
9.pc / i have to admit that this is difficult(it's not a known game and also it's a case that i have played) so I'll give better hints for this. The character in the picture is Bacchus and a place related to his is Dijon.
10.ps2 / it's a known platform series on sony's consoles, it's a platformer and has 2 main characters.
11.ps1, n64 / the first word of the game name is a name of animal, in this game you have to catch them.
12.ps1 / it's a platformer where you use a boy with pink hair, the name of the game is the name of the boy.
13.for anything that can browse internet... / the main character of this game is a frog(and is not a rhythm game as the picture may suggest.

In case, i'll add further hints to the list.

And now that the giveaway it's ended, the solution is:

  1. Crash Bandicot
  2. Call of Duty 4
  3. Cave Story
  4. Fable
  5. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
  6. Hercules
  7. Kingdom Hearts 2
  8. Pokemon Silver/Gold
  9. Rock of Ages
  10. Ratchet & Clank
  11. Rat Attack!
  12. Tomba!(in my country it's called Tombi)
  13. Frog Fractions
11 years ago*

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Question 4's image is just too creepy for words.

11 years ago

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lol that's one of the few i could answer xD

no Garry's mod for me :P

11 years ago

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Congrats! I already own Garry's Mod and I'm feeling lazy, so I won't be attempting the puzzle.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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At first glance, missing 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13.
9 looks like a weird game.

11 years ago

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yes it is, lol

11 years ago

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i thought i was gonna crush that puzzle.

that puzzle crush me

11 years ago

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too hard

11 years ago

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I can't believe i know some of these games. Question 6, for example, i knew right from the getgo. It was the first one i answered. Not that i need garry's mod,, i'm old ._.

Also, i swear to gooood that question 5 is a PSX capcom game..It looks so god damn graphically similar to breath of fire III. (edit, wat? Really? it's that game? I was just making a wild guess..I've never played it, myself.)

If you don't know question 12, you're a horrible person.

Also knew question 4 purely by the graphics.

Question 1 looks like an N64 game..but..I can't tell which from the characters..
Question 7 i have no idea.
Same with 9.
Q10 reminds me graphically of Conker's BFD but it's not that..
Q11 again, no idea.
Q13 is obvious, but i'm not gonna guess which of the 30 iterations it could be.

11 years ago

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My thoughts exactly. Great minds think alike :)

11 years ago

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Exactly what I'm thinking too.

11 years ago

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Missing 1,2,6,11,12,13.

Nº 10 was a hard one haha, i remembered because i finished the game like a few months ago.
Nº 13 for some reason doesn't like the "supposed" name that it has :/.

11 years ago

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well, i got a few of them.

11 years ago

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Congrats on reaching 1K! And hooray for #13. Best game in this puzzle :)

11 years ago

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While i disagree with your statement, I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

11 years ago

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Judging by your previous comment on this thread, you are way off in regards to #13. You have no idea, trust me. And if you knew, I'm willing to bet you'd agree with me :)

11 years ago

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Lol whats so hard about 1 ?

11 years ago

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Arg, missing 2,9 (WTF ?) and 13
I feel so close to find 2...

11 years ago

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Found the second one ^^, still missing 9 and 13

11 years ago

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Q1,2,6&8 solved at first try. Rest I don't have idea.

11 years ago

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I answered Q3, Q5, Q6, Q7, Q8, Q12 at first glance and I remember that mouse logo in Q11 (think I've played it before) but it sucks to not be able to remember the game :( I own Gmod, though. But, thanks anyway :)

11 years ago

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found only Q2, Q3, Q8, Q12 thats all :\

11 years ago

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don't you think it would be nice if itstoohard would give statistical informations about the answers like the most guessed?

11 years ago

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Thanks, but I think I'm going to have to leave this one, looks too hard.

11 years ago

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questions 1, 2, 3, 6 and 8 are very easy...for question 12, i know that game cause i played it, but can't remember name :D

11 years ago

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Already got Garry's mod so I'm not too focused on this, but I'm surprised (and happy) that people know 12 so easily.

11 years ago

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Haha <3 Q12 game.

11 years ago

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Awesome puzzle that is going to have me racking my brains.

11 years ago

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just added a hint

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Only managed to get 6/13 so far. Difficult puzzle, will keep trying.

Edit: Solved (hints were helpful :P). Thanks for the giveaway!

11 years ago

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i only need Q13 to solve the puzzle.

11 years ago

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you are the first that is missing only a question, good job. As the 13(may be a hint), it's a game that was talked about recently on the forum.

11 years ago

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I got it thanks to this, i just looked at the background and i remembered the game :)

11 years ago

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missing 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 11 and 13 i didnt played those :/
rest was easy because i played them

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by ChiP.