Our group name is also a statement of purpose. We strive to create an environment where all our members can have access to Quality Game Giveaways and a proper chance to win them.

It is a simple aim, or at least, it should be. Since the conception of the group, roughly 6 years have passed and time has shown us that while a goal might appear simple and direct, it will still require a proper structure for it to work. This means that our group rules came into shape after countless revisions and discussions, and while there is always room for flexibility and change, the most important thing is that they are there for good reason: to make things as fair as possible for everyone and ensure that only those who want the same things stay in the same group.

So if you....
...like to give back and enjoy quality games giveaways, this is the group for you.
...like for your games to be played and play the games you win, this can be the group for you.

Here are some giveaways that got 12+ entries in our group in the last month (you can see the top 10 from previous months here)
Between Horizons – A Sci-Fi Detective Adventure
Little Kitty, Big City
Thank Goodness You're Here!
A Space for the Unbound
New Star GP
Wolfenstein: Youngblood Deluxe
Crysis Remastered
Blasphemous 2
Cat Quest II (2 copies)
Caladrius Blaze
Crysis 2 Remastered
Neon Abyss - Alter Ego
Conan Exiles
Pizza Possum
ELEX II (2 copies)
Crypt of the NecroDancer
The Long Reach
Among Us
Flynn: Son of Crimson
Fabledom (5 copies)
Jagged Alliance 3 (3 copies)

QGG Main Group
QGG Special Game Group - HardCore - Game ended. Next Special Summer game in December
QGG Special Game Group - Casual - Game ended. Next Special Summer game in December
QGG Special Game Group - Casual - Deprecated
QGG High Tier Group - Deprecated

How to join:

  1. Read all the group rules (especially the "new members rules"), understand them (if anything is unclear - ask me), and be willing to follow them. Full group rules can be found here.
  2. See that you comply with all the general rules. if you don't, I won't add you to the group, so there's no point applying.
  3. Leave a message in this thread with the name of the game you're planning for your "new member first giveaway".
  4. I (Mdk25) will add you as a friend on Steam (so I can communicate with you)
  5. I will invite you to the group

Group recruitment window is from the 1st to the 20th of each month.


• At least Level 3 on SteamGifts
• Have given away "QGG Monthly"-quality games in the past
• If you're new to SteamGifts, you need to be a member for at least 3 months, and be a member of at least one other closed group (a group where you need approval to join).
• For users below level 5: User must have a positive Real CV ratio (Check ratio here) OR Positive SteamGifts won/sent ratio
• Clean slate at SteamRep (https://steamrep.com)
• Steam profile has to be public
• Multiple or unredeemed wins within the last year - are forbidden.


Please read these rules carefully, and only apply if you're sure you can follow them.
• New members need to create a giveaway in 48h upon receiving an invite to the group
• New members first giveaway must be a QGG group-exclusive giveaway
• New members first giveaway must last at least 7 days
• New members CANNOT enter any group giveaways until their first giveaway is finished. (Finished = marked as received by the winner)
• New members first giveaway must have at least 12 entries when it's finished. To check how many entries individual games received in QGG giveaways - see insturctions at the bottom.
• New members first giveaway counts as the monthly giveaway of the month he joined
• New members first giveaway cannot be region locked
• New members first giveaway must have at least 10P value, and one of the following:

  • 10,000+ reviews on Steam and 70%+ Steam rating
  • 1,000+ reviews on Steam and 80%+ Steam rating
  • 100+ reviews on Steam and 90%+ Steam rating

(I recommend using the tool provided below, to checking how many entries it got last time this game was given away in the group, to prevent the situation where your first giveaway doesn't get enough entries, and you're forced to create a new one to replace it and wait another week)

For full list of rules, see our group rules page

Rules still unclear? Check here

How to check how many entries a game received when it was given away in QGG:

  1. Go to http://www.sgmt.name:8080/SGMT/CheckGameGiveawaysUI
  2. Under “Group” choose from a dropdown: “Quality Games Giveaways”
  3. Under “Name of the Game” write the full or partial name of a game
  4. Optional: You can add “Start Date” if you only want to see GAs from last 3 months for example.
  5. Click on “Get Giveaways Data” at the bottom

A word of advice: This is not one of those groups where nobody really checks what you do, so you can do whatever and nobody will care. This group is more similar to "Actually Playing Games" or "Playing Appreciated" where there are strict rules, and everyone needs to follow them to the T. If you're more a free spirit, who just wants to give some games and win some games, and not to think about it too much - this is not the group for you!

A word of advice #2: If you're thinking of joining the group, and entering as many giveaways as possible until you're kicked from the group - please don't!
Many have tried. All have failed. Our group management tool allows me to see exactly which GAs each member joins, and as soon as I detect new members trying this, this person is kicked from the group and blacklisted by all members.

Management of this group is done using the SGMT tool. All checks and verifications (new user, monthly, GA quality, etc.) are fully automatic.

6 years ago*

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Can I join group?

2 years ago

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Hello tym88,
Please follow our "how to join" instructions.

  1. Read all the group rules (especially the "new members rules"), understand them (if anything is unclear - ask me), and be willing to follow them. Full group rules can be found here.
  2. See that you comply with all the general rules. if you don't, I won't add you to the group, so there's no point applying.
  3. Leave a message in this thread with the name of the game you're planning for your "new member first giveaway".
2 years ago

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I didn't plan a monthly, unless you let me give it away https://store.steampowered.com/app/63200/Monday_Night_Combat/, but when I join, I will have a debt, I planned to repay it by distributing https://store.steampowered.com/app/46510/Syberia_II/
I didn't plan to join exclusive giveaways for the group yet, according to the rules, before the monthly

2 years ago

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Wrong group, man. (Did you even read?)

2 years ago

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I've read the full rules, if you're talking about the quality of games, then I'm aware. Although I have no idea what you mean, you didn't say anything specifically.

2 years ago

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I didn't plan a monthly,

Group rules: MONTHLY GIVEAWAY • Each member will create at least one group-exclusive giveaway every month.

Your suggested games (6 times bundled/given for free, not fulfilling thresholds)

Group rules: • New members first giveaway must have at least 16 entries when it's finished. Begging for entries is forbidden. To check how many entries individual games received in QGG giveaways - see insturctions at the bottom.
• New members first giveaway counts as the monthly giveaway of the month he joined
• New members first giveaway must have at least 10P value, and one of the following:
10,000+ reviews on Steam and 70%+ Steam rating
1,000+ reviews on Steam and 80%+ Steam rating
100+ reviews on Steam and 90%+ Steam rating

Full Group Rules
You might wanna read again.

2 years ago

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What is your role in the group? Why are you writing to me?
I didn't plan to join exclusive giveaways for the group, I wanted to give away some free games without taking anything in return..."but when I join, I will have a debt, I planned to repay it". It's not forbidden by the rules of the group, it's meaningless to you, but it's important to me.
I realized that there would be no answer, so I was refused, it did not require your intervention. Good luck!

2 years ago

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Der Nutzer hat leider schon bei einigen Gruppen die Voraussetzungen ignoriert, bzw. war sich zu fein sie zu lesen.

2 years ago

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Also, you have an unredeemed win from Nov 2021.

Group rules • Multiple or unredeemed wins within the last year - are forbidden.

2 years ago

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Yes, one of my first winnings, a trilogy with three winners, I thought everyone should have received one of the games, and after a while it turned out to be impossible to leave a negative review, I wrote to tech support more than once, but there is no answer.
I'm not going to buy a game that was given to me instead of the promised one, they even bought me a key to it and asked me to activate it so that there would be no problems...but this is not right, the fraudster should be punished, and by covering his tracks, I myself become such.

2 years ago

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As others pointed out, according to group rules - every person joining needs to create a "new member first giveaway".
And said giveaway needs to be created within 48 hours of joining.

If you only want to join to give away some games, and don't want to be bound by monthly giveaways - you can join the "QGG companion group".

2 years ago

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Thank you, I understand you, I am a member of it

2 years ago

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I'd like to join if possible. I can do "The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series" as my first GA. If that's no good, second option would be "Couldpunk"

2 years ago

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Hi PoeticKatana,
"The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series" sounds good.
Sending you a friend request on Steam.

2 years ago

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Group invite sent.

Please don't forget to create your first GA within 48 hours.
(As a returning user you are not limited in entering giveaways, but please keep your ratio positive, in accordance to group rules)

2 years ago

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Thanks! GA created!

Note: I am NOT a returning member, so I will refrain from entering any QGG giveaways until mine ends in 8 days.
I assume I'm allowed to create other GAs that include the group in the mean time.

2 years ago

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Oh sorry, I copy&pasted from an incorrect location :)

It should have said:
Group invite sent.

Please don't forget to create your first GA within 48 hours, and that you cannot enter any group GAs (at all) until your first GA ends and is marked as received.

2 years ago

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May recruitment is now open

2 years ago

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Hi!. I would like to join the group!

I have a question: Looking through my older keys I found some games that I would classify as quality games but does not fit the percentage requirements. Some games do however, but I would not call those quality for other reasons. For example, Simulacra has 20168 reviews and is at 87.09% steamdb rating. Personally I can't compare simulacra with Divinity Original Sin 2, that was feature as a giveaway in the group. How should I approach this? Should I go solely on steamdb ratings?

Edit: The example may be weird because simulacra is probably lower than 10p, but I think the example stands if we disregard this.

Edit 2: I forgot, if we go for steamdb rating I want to give away Trine 4 as the monthly game for the group.

2 years ago

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Hi mrsvart,
To answer your questions:

  1. We base on Steam rating not on Steamdb rating. These are somewhat different.
  2. There is basic quality requirement - this is for any game given away in the group. ever.
    And there is a different, monthly requirement, which is for 1 exclusive giveaway per month.
    And there is requirement for "new member first giveaway". Which is somewhat similar to monthly, but is still different.
    Simulacra may fit a general basic group requirement. But would not meet a monthly requirement.
    While Divinity Original Sin 2 meets the basic requirement, the monthly requirement and the "new member first giveaway" requirement.
  3. You do not need to choose a monthly giveaway.
    You need to choose a "new member first giveaway" for the group. (according to the rules described in the original post of this thread)
2 years ago

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Hi. Alright, so if you can help me figure out how to get hold of steam rating? I tried googling but failed.

I can put Trine 4 or PGA TOUR 2K21 as my new member first giveaway.

2 years ago

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To view Steam rating, go to any Steam page of the game, and then hover over the "All reviews" section just below game description (on the top of the page).

Trine 4 got 0 entries when it was last given away in the group (far away from the 16 entries needed) thus it would not be a good choice.
PGA TOUR 2K21 is in a very similar situation.

2 years ago

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I see how it works. I figured out how to search the groups giveaway. Looks like I'm out of luck. Good luck with your endevours!

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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1,000+ reviews on Steam and 80%+ Steam rating

Hi! Just a random question: How strict is the quality rule for the first giveaway? For example Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel is a great game with 1841 reviews, but only 79.2% of them are positive. Can it be considered a quality game or 0.8% difference or even 0.01% difference is a clear non-compliance?

PS: Not applying to join as I'm too far away from meeting requirements (both, in short and long run). Just curious :)

2 years ago

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Please note this rule is for "new member first giveaway".
This is not the minimal rule for giveaways in the group.

So FT:BOS is indeed ok to give out in the group.

2 years ago

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Sorry not clarified right away. I was curios exactly about the first new member giveaway. It is much easier and more affordable to have/get a game for a regular group giveaway (as there are plenty of titles that will fit the rules).

• Each giveaway must have 1,000+ reviews on Steam and 60%+ Steam rating OR 100+ reviews on Steam and 80%+ Steam rating. Games with 10,000+ reviews on Steam are allowed regardless of their steam rating.

2 years ago

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Oh, I see.
Well, in regards to "new member first giveaway" I tend to be more forgiving in the positive percentage on Steam department.
For example Wolfenstein:Youngblood or Civilization VI both had ~50% positive review on Steam, and were allowed as "new member first giveaway" in the past.
The most problematic point there, is the 16+ entries requirement.
As long as it's followed, the other rules are less strictly enforced.

2 years ago

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Thanks for reply and clarifications! Will get back to this discussion in 3 months if I will stick to Steamgifts by then :)

2 years ago

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May recruitment is now closed

2 years ago

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June recruitment is now open!

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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June recruitment is now closed

2 years ago

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Applying for July with Carrier Deck.
Never given out before, unbundled, zero ownership in the group. I'm sure it'll get many entries, but it is 2% short in ratings.

2 years ago

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Hey Tristar,
Please keep in mind that if this GA doesn't get enough entries, you will need to create another.
Are you ok with that?

2 years ago

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That's fine

2 years ago

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Group invite sent.

Please don't forget to create your first GA within 48 hours.
(As a returning user you are not limited in entering giveaways, but please keep your ratio positive, in accordance to group rules)

2 years ago

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July recruitment is now open

2 years ago

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I'd like to join with Hob.

2 years ago

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Hi OnlyTwin,
Unfortunately Hob got only 6 entries last time it was given away in the group, so it's not a good pick for a first giveaway.
Would you like to try a different game?

2 years ago

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Ah, forgot about the 12 entries requirement. Will look for something different and maybe come back here.

2 years ago

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Hello. My giveaway is Days Gone (ROW).

2 years ago

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Excellent choice.

Group invite sent.

Please don't forget to create your first GA within 48 hours, and that you cannot enter any group GAs (at all) until your first GA ends and is marked as received.

2 years ago

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Happy Cake Day!!

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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July recruitment is closed

2 years ago

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Hi, I would like to apply for August.
New member first giveaway:

  • Cat Quest II
  • Donut County
  • Severed Steel
2 years ago

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Hey macgamer,
Both Cat Quest II and Donut County are good choices (Severed Steel slightly less so).

Friend request sent.

2 years ago

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Thanks, friend request accepted.

2 years ago

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Group invite sent.

Please don't forget to create your first GA within 48 hours, and that you cannot enter any group GAs (at all) until your first GA ends and is marked as received.

2 years ago

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August recruitment is now open!

2 years ago

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I'd like to join.
For my fist GA I could go with Cozy Grove or Roboquest.
One question, though: what are the min. № of entries requirement for monthly GAs?

2 years ago

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Hey Derpsley,
Both games were never given away in QGG. But 19 people have Cozy Grove on their wishlist, so it's a good choice for first giveaway.

Friend request sent.

EDIT - To answer your question:
Monthly GAs don't have any entry requirements.
Even 1 entry is enough for a giveaway to count as monthly.

2 years ago*

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Group invite sent.

Please don't forget to create your first GA within 48 hours, and that you cannot enter any group GAs (at all) until your first GA ends and is marked as received.

2 years ago

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Requesting to join. Read the rules. First giveaways would be Cat Quest II and Warpips.

2 years ago

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Cat Quest II is a slightly better choice, but Warpips would be fine as well.

Friend request sent.

2 years ago

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Group invite sent.

Please don't forget to create your first GA within 48 hours, and that you cannot enter any group GAs (at all) until your first GA ends and is marked as received.

2 years ago

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Hi! How about joining with dying light definitive edition? Seems kinda popular.

2 years ago

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Hey Georgeous.
Sorry for late reply.
Dying light definitive edition sound good.

Group invite sent.

Please don't forget to create your first GA within 48 hours, and that you cannot enter any group GAs (at all) until your first GA ends and is marked as received.

2 years ago

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The first giveaway will be Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus if that's ok with you. Are there any requirements for how often to do the next giveaways?

2 years ago

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Hey tondacz,

Are there any requirements for how often to do the next giveaways?

You only have 1 mandatory monthly giveaway.
And you can create as many extra giveaways as you like.

Full rules can be found here: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/QGG-Group/discussions/0/1694919808756635525/

As mentioned in the group rules:

• If you're new to SteamGifts, you need to be a member for at least 3 months, and be a member of at least one other closed group (a group where you need approval to join).

So unfortunately I cannot accept you to our group at this stage.
Please come back in 2 months, after you've had some experience being a group member on SteamGifts, and I will happily reconsider this decision.

2 years ago*

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Sorry for getting in touch too soon. I missed those 3 months, but I'm in a closed group, it's: Less than 1000 games (according to what I read, it meets your rules).

2 years ago

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Then you're welcome to re-apply in 2 months :)

2 years ago

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I want to give away "We Were Here Too" if you accept me :)

2 years ago

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Hey tholo,
The game "We Were Here Too" only got 3 entries last time it was given away in the group.
So it would not fit the "new member first giveaway" requirements.

2 years ago

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August recruitment is now closed!

2 years ago

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September recruitment is now open! :p

2 years ago

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Hello i'd like to join with Mulaka

2 years ago

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Hello Metalhead8489,
Mulaka has never been given away in QGG.
Looking at the group wishlist - it's on a wishlist of 11 members.
Historically - this means it's highly unlikely it will be able to get the 12 entries needed for it to count as a "new member first giveaway".
Do you have other suggestions?

2 years ago

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Let him try! I'm gonna enter :D

2 years ago

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does it have to be on many wishlists to count? if so i'll try some other time with something more suitable.

2 years ago*

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There is no wishlist requirement.
The idea is to have a giveaway that gets 12 entries (at least).
Usually the way to check it, so to see how many entries this giveaway had last time it was given a way.
If it had 13-14 entries - there's a good chance it will get enough entries this time as well.
If it got 20+ entries, for example - there's no doubt it will get enough entries this time as well.

With wishlists it doesn't work that way.
At least from my experience, with QGG group.
The fact that someone has a game on their wishlist, doesn't mean they want to play it, and doesn't mean they will enter a giveaway if created. In addition - there are people inactive in SteamGifts for a long time, whose profile is still linked to QGG because of the way SteamGifts works. So they may have games on their wishlists - but they will obviously not be entering any giveaways.
So from past experiences:
Games wishlisted by 6-7 people, may get 1-2 entries to giveaways.
Games wishlisted by 10-12 people, may get 4-6 entries to giveaways.
More rarely it's the other way, occasionally game wishlisted by 12 people, will get 15 entries to a giveaway. But this happens much more rarely. And usually to games that are indie and recently released - so people are anaware of them, and don't have them on their wishlist yet.

So looking at a game like Malaka:
It's been released for 4 years now.
It only got 125 reviews in 4 years - which means it's not very popular. Not many people want to play it. It's probably niche.
And it's being sold for 90% off, which means people who are in the niche of wanting to play this game - probably already bought it.
So I would say chances of it getting 12 entries - are very very low.

If you want an example of a good indie game to give out, you can look at "The Last Campfire".
It has been released less than a year ago.
Already got over 2000 positive reviews.
And got 23 entries last time it was given away, despite only 18 members having it on their wishlist.
And it's even being sold at 70% off now on Steam.

It doesn't even needs to be an unbundled game.
"The Ascent" and "DARQ: Complete Edition" both have been bundled, and both had recently over 20 entries to their giveaways in the group.

2 years ago*

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The game isn't owned by the majority of the group, i checked before. Now if members generally enter few giveaways i guess is something you know better than me. anyway i'll come back some other time.

2 years ago

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It's not a matter of a game being owned.
Not owning a game is usually not good enough reason for people to enter a giveaway.
So yeah, this specific game will have a low chance of getting enough entries.
You can see example of game that got enough entries this month, on the main post of this thread,
Or check out the top 10 thread: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/jMqJT/quality-games-giveaways-qgg-group-popular-giveaways

You're welcome to come back any time :)

2 years ago

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