I hope it will give the choice wether to play white bread or some darker bread. ^^
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Are there female breads? Like ... breadies or such? Otherwise it might turn out to be sexist aswell!
And I think I saw the slice of bread banging a cooking pan. Not sure if it is appropriate for children. ^^
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There better also be trans/mixed/bi/intramuscular/nongendered sexes to choose from as well, or else these game designers are confirmed cis-scum.
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i don't know how it is in other cultures but bread is sacred in islam. get ready for the shitstorm.
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you can't understand it if you didn't grow up in an islamic society and i won't try to make you understand because i don't give a damn (and i'm sleepy). i just stated a fact. bread is sacred in islam. this video is full of disrespectful stuff towards bread. there will be butthurt. period.
ps: keep cows out of this you sob! what have they ever done to you?!
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i'm glad i entertain you. but i was imlying a shitstorm more like to devs really. if devs are women, they'll probably share it on twitter, associating it with misogyny. otherwise we'll probably never hear about it. just like how we never see anything like "OMG, what are you doing woman, have some dignity and cover yourself" here. but is that mean it never happen? i do see comments like that even on youtube, even on just ordinary, not flagged videos. i'm sure muslims in poland and in turkey are way different.
ps: i'm sorry if i remember wrong where you are from. it's not an intentional mistake. anyway more fun for you. \o/
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go home your drunk.....
i used to live an islamic society(country) and no one will get offended off that .......No one....
but wait a sec maybe people like isis and guys like them get offended which ....you know they arent even human nobody would care.....
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And what is your evidence for that?
Unlike some religions, Islam is based upon textual evidence. If it is not derived from the Qur'aan and/or Sunnah, it is not part of our religion. Present the text and its exegesis, or keep your opinion to yourself.
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evidence for bread is sacred in islam? i don't need that. that's what i'm told in my entire childhood. if you want me to share a quote from quran, sorry don't have one. even if there's something written about importance of bread, i never read quran from start to end. but if you'll make do with some hadith (yup just googled it. so can you.), i can gladly share. here, the first line. use google translate. it's not 100% accurate but you'll get it more or less. and here, an interesting islamic q&a site. the bold sentences are hadith apparently and they even have references. isn't that just great? also i stumbled upon this -click to Langar (Sufism) please- which i never heard of but it can't be a bad thing if it's something related to sufism -no sarcasm intended. quote from there: "Bread is regarded as sacred in Islam and is treated reverentially.". i know, they're written by people, how can we trust them, yada yada yada... but guess what? so did quran.
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TL; DR: See the Conclusion, below.
Actually, you do need that. There is no way to tell the difference between cultural practices and Islamic practices except through knowledge of the Qur'aan and Sunnah. One example is the practice of some Muslims of not pointing one's feet or legs in the direction of the Qiblah while sitting. That is a cultural practice and not an Islamic tenet, yet the uneducated among them will insist that it is part of the religion because they were told that their entire life and never learned any better.
It comes to this: if you do not know the Qur'aanic ayah or authentic hadeeth which supports what you "know" about Islam, then you are required to find out. Otherwise, you are following what people say, not what Islam says.
Regarding your evidence, your first source is, at best, unsubstantiated. There is neither source nor chain of narration given, and it is not even in Arabic so that it may be properly understood. The authentic texts upon which our religion is founded are all in Arabic, and this is why our Scholars first present the original Arabic texts when explaining their meaning to those of us who do not speak the language.
Your second source is also unsubstantiated. It is possible that Mehmet Paksu knows of something within the Qur'aan or ahaadeethus saheehah which is a daleel for your claim, but he does not share it in his response. Both of the books he sites contain ahaadeeth whose chains of narration are questionable. I can say nothing about the reliability of Mehmet Paksu due to insufficient information about him.
Your third source has nothing to do with your claim that bread "is sacred in Islam." Even if we accept the Sufi's sayings as evidence (and they are unreliable narrators), they mention only the importance of respecting what Allah (AWJ) has given, a tenet which applies to all of the bounties given to mankind. This is a well-known tenet of Islam and is supported by both the Qur'aan and the Sunnah without any mention of holiness. In other words, be grateful for all that Allah (AWJ) gives you. Sacredness is not mentioned.
Lastly, you appeal to reason to argue your point, yet your reasoning is based upon two false assumptions and spurious logic. You argue as follows:
Therefore, we must accept what is written by people.
First, the Qur'aan is not "written by people." The Qur'aan is the living word of God, recorded by mankind for our perusal. This is a fundamental teaching of Islam and part of our belief system. This assumption is false.
Second, the Qur'aan and "the sayings of men" are not "in the same category." Even the Sunnah, which was written by men, is not in the same category as "the sayings of men." This assumption is also false.
Third, validation of part does not qualify validation of the whole. That is false logic. That is like saying it is true that some animals are accepted as cats, therefore all animals must be accepted as cats. The practical rebuttal to this is the liar who, despite uttering a truth, remains a liar. Authenticity of an utterance is dependent upon verfication, not the identity of the source.
CONCLUSION: I know of nothing which qualifies bread as "sacred" in Islam, and there are authentic ahaadeeth which would indicate the opposite. I strongly suggest you spend more time and effort studying your religion. May Allah increase us all in guidance. Aameen.
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Ameen would've never guessed you where a muslim, well me too.
I've never heard of bread being sacred though, I don't want an argument, it's just something I didn't know. Can you put of them quran quotes, where it states it, or is it hadith?
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Bread is mentioned many times in As-Sittatus Saheehah (the six major collections of Ahaadeeth) and the Seeratun Nabaweeh, but never with any mention of it being "sacred" that I have ever encountered. Even in the sections focused on Adab, there is nothing unusual about bread. There are certain Ahaadeeth which mention other foods, however, and their special properties. Al Ajwad (a type of date) and Hais (a mixture made from dates and bread) are probably the most well-known.
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only read the conclusion. i hope i didn't miss some important stuff. i'm not muslim. may allah increase you guys in guidance. amen.
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Unless you're Muslim, you didn't miss anything important to you. Islam is a religion based on textual evidence, not speculation. In Islam, we are required to use our intelligence, common sense, and question everything until we find a solid, supportable answer. This is why "modern science" is based to a large degree on the discoveries and methods of Muslim scientists and mathematicians.
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"In Islam, we are required to use our intelligence, common sense, and question everything until we find a solid, supportable answer."
oh the irony. this is the reason why i'm not a muslim anymore.
anyway thanks for sparing alot of your time to write all those stuff i don't give a damn about. i hope some dude that is lost will read them and will find the one and only true god. cheers. o/
ps: just saw your answer to angrygamer before posting this comment. i don't want to make this conversation any longer but i never said bread is holy in islam. i said it's sacred. there is a big difference.
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Yes, there is a difference. I need to go back and use the right word.
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Can't we just take a slice of bread and play bread simulator in our appartment?
Somehow, I got the feeling that this would be a great way to promote such a game on YouTube. oô Viral bread simulator videos ...
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EDIT: Help!
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