
I know, it isn't a big feat, especially considering that these were some of my very first PC games. Generally I had some issues with finishing games lately, like jumping between many titles and so on, so it was an interesting change of pace for me to focus on these games I know by heart without any interruption. Now, if I could only transfer this dedication and motivation on finding a decent job...

In any case, what are your games which you revisit from time to time even though you've played/completed them so many times before?

10 years ago*

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The R&C games on PS2, Soul Nomad on PS2, other great PS2 games, Borderlands 1 / 2 (that isn't on PS2 though)

10 years ago

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Oh, the PS2... there were also a lot of replay experiences for me. I've lost count of how my times I've played Def Jam or the Punisher.

10 years ago

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Never had any of the Def Jam games, but I loved The Punisher. Great game, that one.

10 years ago

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It was only a pity that you lost points if you intentionally failed an interrogation ;)

10 years ago

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Its been a long time since I've replayed anything I've beaten. I used to do it, when I had less money and far fewer games, but now I just can't convince myself to replay something when I've got solid games sitting on my shelf, not yet played.

But one game definitely worth replaying is Grim Fandango. Its my top game ever. Simply a masterpiece.

10 years ago

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Yes, normally I see it exactly as you. But I guess nostalgia was also driving me to some extent...

10 years ago

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There's a few games that I would replay, if they came to Steam. Its been long enough since I've last played them that they would almost be new again. Day of the Tentacle, Gladius, Second Sight and Grim Fandango all come to mind (I damn near started clapping when I heard about the GF remake).

I was thrilled to find out a couple months ago that the Ys games are on Steam. I think I've beaten Ys I & II on Turbo Duo more than any other game. Being able to buy it on the Virtual Console was the single biggest reason I bought a Wii at release.

10 years ago

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Second Sight is awesome, beaten that on XBox and PS2.

Ys I & II is something I also have on the Wii, but unbeaten for now.

10 years ago

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I have a soft spot for Ys, because I grew up playing it. RPGs never really interested me, with the exception of that one. The odd combat mechanics really worked for me and I really enjoyed the story.

10 years ago

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My first Ys game was Ark of Napishtim on PS2. Picked it up cheap, though without a manual. Someday I'll finish it.

10 years ago

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Let's hope for the best so that they find their way onto steam.

10 years ago

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Day of the Tentacle and Gladius are both long forgotten Lucasarts properties (now owned by Disney), so I doubt they'll ever make the transition to digital downloads. Lucasarts never seemed very interested in making money from their old games, and hasn't had their Adventure games on sale since 2012. Second Sight is owned either by Crytek (Free Radical made it) or Codemasters (published it), depending on who got the IP. It was released for Windows, but I doubt the IP owner cares enough about a fringe property to try and monetize it.

Still, one can always hope.

10 years ago

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I think Second Sight was on Steam some time back then removed. Day of the Tentacle, I have that somewhere collecting dust. If you are completely without a copy, maybe I can about sending mine your way sometime I can waste $15 on postage.

10 years ago

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Its ok. I think I still have a copy saved somewhere, but I'd rather be able to purchase it and add it to one of my digital libraries. Thank you, though. I just want everyone to have a chance to travel through time to defeat a purple tentacle.

10 years ago

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Mass Effect trilogy. I replay it pretty often (and thanks to different choices I can always get different games) - sometimes I just play the first and the second episode, because I really don't like the ending/s of third (and some parts of the story).

10 years ago

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I've been thinking a lot about playing the ME trilogy again, it's definitely worth several playthroughs. I'm waiting till I get a dispensable income again, so I can get the two char DLCs for ME2.

10 years ago

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to be honest the ending of mass effect 3 broke the trilogy for me. I wish they would have done the indocrination teory wich would have been awesome

10 years ago

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to be honest the ending of mass effect 3 broke the trilogy for me. I wish they would have done the indocrination teory wich would have been awesome

10 years ago

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Gothic series (without arcania)

10 years ago

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I love the 2nd one!

10 years ago

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I got G2 on Steam last month and finished it for the... 8th time now (G2NOTR).

10 years ago

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Replaying Mafia 1, such a great game.

10 years ago

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I'll definitely agree on this one. I've played it several times as well.

10 years ago

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Humpty Dumpty in the Garden on the ZX Spectrum

10 years ago

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Majesty: The fantasy Kingdom Sim is a game that I return to from time to time. As are Civ 2 & Alpha Centauri.

10 years ago

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I've spent countless hours on Civ II as well. I totally love these videos for the wonders.

10 years ago

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Deus Ex and Might and Magic 7 (though not lately).

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Number4450.