Am i?
Sent an e-mail to GabeN with some proof. He will set you up. He done it before.
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Move on and learn from your mistakes. Stop blaming others for not having compassion for you or not being able to assist you in your failures, shortcomings, and misjudgments. Welcome to life. It gets better.
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This will show you how to reclaim a stolen account
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The SSA requires you to be 13 and states nothing about a parent being able to accept it for you. Black Ops has a PEGI 18 rating which may not have been legal restriction at the time but is also an indication that you shouldn't have been able to buy the game.
Valve have no obligation to assist you as that Steam account was never a valid one.
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My fathers brother bough it for me since he knows i wont go buy a gun IRL and start pretending to be in call of duty. my parents dont care about the age on games. as long as im having fun with the game dont break stuff or hurt anyone during the time playing my game. im currently 16 and are currently educating in carpenters or how you spell it. (google translate FTW) i have already moved out of my parents house and earning just enough money to pay for bills rent and food. i have almost 1$ left after paying everything. so this PEGI 18 rating is just bullshit.
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The rating for the game was just an extra point and as I said it may not even have been enforcable. I know PEGI only became legally enforcable in he UK in 2012. That doesn't change the fact though that your account was in breach of the SSA from its creation.
Not trying to be a dick, I'm just providing one possible reasoning for your issues.
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Well i dont live in UK but in EU :p but if im not mistaken PEGI in eu/sweden was enforced due to people trying to sue game companys for making violent games and not informing their customers about it. so i dont really know. but i dont think that would be an issue
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It isn't that was just an extra point. My main point was that you never met the requirements for a steam account in the first place. Valve are just as likely to terminate the account as they are to restore it to you.
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Steam wasn't released till I was 16, it would have been impossible for me to have accepted the SSA whilst under the age of 13.
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Steam was released back in 2003 (
So if you were 13 back in 2003 that would make you 20-30 years right now
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I wasn't 13 then, I was 16 as I already stated. When I was 13 steam didn't exist.
No Steam means no SSA, no SSA means I can't breach it by accepting it underage.
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So you think its fair that valve dont want to recover it cause he was not 18,while he buy games with his own parents money?
Valve dont know how old is he, and can only block game/account. Valve cant decide if hacker could stay with hacked account when original owner was not able to play games cause of age
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I didn't say it was fair, I was offering a possible scenario. He's stated himself on a public forum that he violated the SSA, anyone can find it, Valve included.
Valve can decide what they want, its their service and they can run it as they see fit just as Microsoft can ban my Xbox Live account without notice or reason.
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BRB going to tell all my friends that they should stop playing games because they are violating a SSA rule... i call complete BULLSHIT on that. if everyone followed that rule steam would not have 15 million active users everyday. they would drop like a airplane that just got shoot out of the air. not to mention people would just stop buying games from them. and i WOULD do that if this is the case. then i'll just start pirating every game and stop support devs. and then (if other people would do the same) devs would pull out of the steam agreement. steam/VALVe would die fast.
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Sadly to say, the Android guy is right; you violated user agreement there.
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Probably because the guy said you were the hacker and showed them proof of purchases, so they don't know who's the real one and who's the fake. Also, support monkeys. They think once they make a decision that it resolves the problem and that if they have to re-open a case that it's the user's fault and they were only obligated to fix it once.
So definitely send an email to Gabe when you get the chance.
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Well he kinda does. I read on reddit a week or so ago about a guy who was frustrated with Steam support so he sent email to GabeN e-mail.
Gabe not only responded back, but he solved his issue in less than ...some hours (don't remember exactly). He also mentioned that after the shift is over, everyone at Valve is a support. Even him.
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"the guy said you were the hacker and showed them proof of purchases, so they don't know who's the real one and who's the fakeę
Yup, but he got CDKEY proofs for games which were first on account,before hacker hack it and add games...
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On the other hand-i think they ignore it too, cause HACKER buy games with credit card, youre not...
I think you should make it louder: maybe movie on youtube about steam support and your war with them for your account? maybe any gaming site?
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Mjeeee i dont really wanna make such a big bang over 2 games. but i really want to play them again and not waste another 100$ (just check the god damn price for the games THEY ARE LIKE 6 YEARS OLD WTF!?) and i need those money to pay my bills and stuff :/
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I have a similar story about my first RuneScape account (which was the first occurrence of "Nokkenbuer" in the ten or so years I've been using this alias). It sucks and sorry to hear that, and I hope you do recover it. Now, if only you could merge accounts...
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Merging account would be actually problematic for Valve. Ranging from problem like this (if the hacker had that account merged, well, things getting more complicated) to licensing problem (if both accounts have same games).
They probably would never allow that to happen from business point of view.
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no offence to you PERSONALLY, but honestly, its pretty fucking terrifying to think that you could claim an account based on proof that you purchased keys that are now registered to that account... it sucks that it happened to you, but im actually (for once) on valves side in this... otherwise it would mean that anyone who had traded me a cd key could argue that my account was theirs because they have proof of having purchased the key that i now have on my account...
take it as a learning experience, but yeah... valves right in this, if thats all the proof you have, its really shouldn't be enough to be able to claim an account.
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But the keys was the first two keys getting activated EVER on that account. So the proof is right there. the account was even activated First EVER on MY private E-mail. I have pictures of the purches i have pictures when i picked up the game at gamestop and when i got it as birthday gift. so i have full proof that the account DOES infact belong to me and those 2 games belong to me. i still have the receipts when i bough Mw2 and when i got BO1.
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Fucking finaly they answered. I guess the conferance they had was a big one! :DD
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I think it will be better Gaben sacks all the staff in Customer service department.
Why the need of this department since they cant even do any shit , save the money and spend on other area.
I think Valve was the only big company in the World without customer service hotline.
The invention of Steam Console will become the biggest flop ever.
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You have one crazy timeline here...
You have been trying to resolve this issue for 6 years.
Modern Warfare 2 was released 5 years and 4 months ago.
Black Ops 1 was released 4 years and 4 months ago.
You contacted Steam support 2 years and 2 months ago, assuming it was at the beginning of the year.
You seem to have some really conflicting information here. You claim to be trying to get back your hacked account before it was even hacked. This would indicate that you are lying.
You also claim to have waited 2-3 years before even contacting support after the account was hacked. This would indicate you never cared.
Notice: Don't feed the trolls.
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I have 2 old steam keys for Black ops 1 and Modern Warfare 2. the only problem is that i have them registred on an account that got stolen back when Black ops 1 was new. (got tricked into a website that stole my info and shit) and i took it up with support back in 2013 and acctualy got my account back. but because the user had bough games on the account he could eaisly take it back using the support. Im still trying to get the account back for almost 6 years now and they keep ignoring my tickets. I'm slowly loosing faith in VALVe's support. not to mention that the user haven't touched the account in almost 3 years.
Is it just me that is having such bad luck?
Uppdate: Sended in a nice little message to lord gaben him self to try make this more aware. :))))))))))
Uppdate 2: FINALY they answered!
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