OK so I was just wondering if anyone else knows about this -
I have a thread on Steamtrades where I list my bundle leftovers games which I don't want, in case anyone wishes to trade.
I only ever purchase bundles from Humble Bundle or Fanatical, so, I don't usually keep track on which is from where, when I need a key I just search it over within my HB\Fanatical account and usually there are no problems.. Only that today I've talked with someone about a trade and suddenly figured I cannot find about 4 games from my list... Which I find quite weird.

So I just wondered if there's any change that keys would simply disappear if unclaimed for too long? Or is there any other reason why this could happen? Did anyone else ever encounter this?

So eventually I've realized thanks to @Nimmy that the Fanatical search DOESN'T show you keys from "mystery" bundles where you get random keys. You have to manually select this order from your account to reach the keys, in that case.
Still one "lost" key which I haven't figured out where is it... but the main confusion was caused by that ^^

Thanks for the replies everyone!

6 years ago*

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Could you tell how old are your missing keys ?

This is not happen to me (at least from what i know) and i afraid this will happen to me also
I can only find this:

P.S what's wrong with that spammy guy ?

6 years ago

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P.S what's wrong with that spammy guy ?

Maybe he wants to delete his account but he doesn't know how to do it so he wants support to do it for him?

6 years ago

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Perfectly logical explanation and his wish did came true already lol.

6 years ago

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what's wrong with that spammy guy ?

he thought he was still in gamehag's site working hard filling surveys. 🤷

6 years ago

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it happens for the keys they give on giveaway, where you have a fixed amount of days to claim; but for purchased keys it's weird indeed..

6 years ago

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Are the missing keys revealed or hidden? Do you have any search filters on? I know you said you don’t remember where the keys came from, but maybe try checking ITAD and locating the bundle, then seeing if finding the bundle purchase page yields the key.

Related to the thread Ninos posted, are any of these keys games that have been pulled from the steam store?

6 years ago

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Are your accounts secure?
Although activated keys don't disappear, they stay visible...

Never happened to me (fingers crossed) and I keep a pretty good record. Maybe contact fanatical for support if you have specific examples?
You should have a record of transactions in your order history even if the keys disappeared.

I'd hesitate to contact Humble as their support is useless and any question to them about keys ends up in a "we find out you're a trader and that violates our terms of use" but fanatical doesn't care.

6 years ago

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I checked your steamtrades thread, they shouldn't be missing.
Find out which bundle you got them from by using barter or isthereanydeal
Check if your payment for those bundles was not refunded. If it was not, contact HB/Fanatical support. If you got them from Fanatical, they will provide you with new keys. Humble might be a bit more difficult to deal with.
In general, games you've paid for do not expire or disappear. Especially the ones you've listed. Mad Max and MK are from a large publisher and both stores should have plenty of keys to distribute.

6 years ago

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Hey, thanks everyone! (Besides the spam guy I guess)

Unfortunately I've never kept track as I said because the library search method never failed me before. So, no idea exactly how old the keys were. I guess could be even over a year.
Also, I'm aware that giveaway keys have expiration date so I'd never have offered them for trade, the games are surely from purchased bundles, trouble is I can't remember which.

So far I've encountered 4 games with which this had happened - GRAV, Mad Max, Next Up Hero, Mortal Kombat Komplete Kollection.
I've tried googling to figure out which bundles the games were in, and I only found out that they MAY have been a part of the Aspyr Pick & Mix and WB Pick & Mix bundles which belonged to Fanatical (I guess that's from back when they had a different name I cannot remember exactly, maybe Bundle Stars or something like that)

I've also tried googling for other people who have experienced disappearance of unclaimed keys and didn't have much luck.

This is extremely strange and unfortunately I'm not sure how I can contact HB or Fanatical since I'm not even sure which bundle the games were from, guess that's a lesson for next time.

I also find it hard to believe that I've just put by mistake on my list 4 different titles that I didn't actually purchase, since as I mentioned this has never happened to me before....

6 years ago

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Just a guess, but did you use the search button on Fanatical, or did you look at your orders one by one ?
For example mystery keys do not appear when you do a search, you have to look at your order.
I don't remember if Pick & Mix work the same.

6 years ago

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Oh WOW that was it!!
I feel quite silly right now!
I did purchase lately a "Winter Mystery Bundle" from Fanatical and 3 of the tiles I've mentioned are there indeed.. haha.. Now that was confusing!
Thanks for the enlightenment :D

6 years ago

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When you get a minute, could you update the original message with this info?

6 years ago

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Sure, you're right

6 years ago

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If they're Humble purchases, you can find them in several places: library, keys, and purchases pages on your Humble account, and confirmation emails for the individual bundles, which will have a link to the download page.
Sometimes the sites bugs and only shows a small selection of keys/purchases, but reloading the page usually fixes it.
There's also the chance you might have purchased bundles as gifts, in that case you will need the email to access them.

In any case, I'd advise against contacting their support, as they might flag your account as an "active reseller", deny any oncoming request, and if you're particularly unlucky, even ban the account (which will make you unable to access any of your past purchases).

Better not risk it for a few relatively cheap games, right?
There're quite a few such horror stories around the web, some are even buried somewhere in this forum.

6 years ago

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I quite agree!

6 years ago

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Can only confirm for you that Fanatical was indeed Bundle Stars and that it never happened to me yet, having some keys more than 5 years.

6 years ago

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If they were unrevealed, and are now just blank you should contact hb and fanatical. Nothing more you can do.

6 years ago

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Yeah I forgot to mention that they were unrevealed as well.

Oh well, If no one knows about this, and no trace for similar incidents on Google, I guess I'm somehow mistaken, but not sure how exactly...

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Best explanation so far! Haha :D

6 years ago

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